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Signed-off-by: Andrey Mokhov <[email protected]>
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snowleopard committed Oct 26, 2021
1 parent 0f81622 commit c704b9c
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Showing 9 changed files with 193 additions and 96 deletions.
142 changes: 86 additions & 56 deletions src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1025,6 +1025,7 @@ end = struct

(* Returns only [Loaded.Build] variant. *)
let load_dir_step2_exn t ~dir =
let context_name, sub_dir =
match Dpath.analyse_path dir with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1325,6 +1326,8 @@ module type Rec = sig

val build_file : Path.t -> Digest.t Memo.Build.t

val build_dir : Path.t -> (Digest.t * Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t) Memo.Build.t

val build_deps : Dep.Set.t -> Dep.Facts.t Memo.Build.t

val eval_deps :
Expand All @@ -1348,21 +1351,24 @@ module type Rec = sig

let is_target file =
let parent_dir = Path.parent_exn file in
let* file_targets = file_targets_of ~dir:parent_dir in
match Path.Set.mem file_targets file with
| true -> Memo.Build.return true
| false ->
let rec loop dir =
match Path.parent dir with
| None -> Memo.Build.return false
| Some parent_dir -> (
let* directory_targets = directory_targets_of ~dir:parent_dir in
match Path.Set.mem directory_targets dir with
| true -> Memo.Build.return true
| false -> loop parent_dir)
loop file
match Path.is_in_build_dir file with
| false -> Memo.Build.return false
| true -> (
let parent_dir = Path.parent_exn file in
let* file_targets = file_targets_of ~dir:parent_dir in
match Path.Set.mem file_targets file with
| true -> Memo.Build.return true
| false ->
let rec loop dir =
match Path.parent dir with
| None -> Memo.Build.return false
| Some parent_dir -> (
let* directory_targets = directory_targets_of ~dir:parent_dir in
match Path.Set.mem directory_targets dir with
| true -> Memo.Build.return true
| false -> loop parent_dir)
loop file)

(* Separation between [Used_recursively] and [Exported] is necessary because at
least one module in the recursive module group must be pure (i.e. only expose
Expand All @@ -1377,7 +1383,9 @@ and Exported : sig
(* The below two definitions are useless, but if we remove them we get an
"Undefined_recursive_module" exception. *)

val build_file_memo : (Path.t, Digest.t) Memo.t [@@warning "-32"]
val build_file_memo :
(Path.t, Import.Digest.t * Import.Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t option) Memo.t
[@@warning "-32"]

val build_alias_memo : (Alias.t, Dep.Fact.Files.t) Memo.t [@@warning "-32"]

Expand All @@ -1391,17 +1399,16 @@ end = struct
let build_dep : Dep.t -> Dep.Fact.t Memo.Build.t = function
| Alias a ->
let+ digests = build_alias a in
(* Fact: alias [a] expand to the set of files with their digest
[digests] *)
(* Fact: alias [a] expands to the set of file-digest pairs [digests] *)
Dep.Fact.alias a digests
| File f ->
let+ digest = build_file f in
(* Fact: file [f] has digest [digest] *)
Dep.Fact.file f digest
| File_selector g ->
let+ digests = g in
(* Fact: file selector [g] expands to the set of files with their digest
[digests] *)
(* Fact: file selector [g] expands to the set of file- and (possibly)
dir-digest pairs [digests] *)
Dep.Fact.file_selector g digests
| Universe
| Env _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1763,7 +1770,6 @@ end = struct
wrap_fiber (fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
let build_deps deps = (build_deps deps) in
report_evaluated_rule t;
let* () = (Fs.mkdir_p dir) in
let is_action_dynamic = Action.is_dynamic action.action in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1868,7 +1874,7 @@ end = struct
| [] -> Fiber.return (Cache_result.Hit targets_and_digests)
| (deps, old_digest) :: rest ->
let deps = Action_exec.Dynamic_dep.Set.to_dep_set deps in
let* deps = build_deps deps in
let* deps = (build_deps deps) in
let new_digest =
Dep.Facts.digest deps ~sandbox_mode ~env:action.env
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2287,7 +2293,7 @@ end = struct
let build_file_impl path =
let t = t () in
get_rule_or_source t path >>= function
| Source digest -> Memo.Build.return digest
| Source digest -> Memo.Build.return (digest, None)
| Rule (path, rule) -> (
let+ { deps = _; targets } =
Expand All @@ -2296,10 +2302,10 @@ end = struct
Pp.text (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted ( path)))
match Path.Build.Map.find targets path with
| Some digest -> digest
| Some digest -> (digest, None)
| None -> (
match Cached_digest.build_file path with
| Ok digest -> digest (* Must be a directory target *)
| Ok digest -> (digest, Some targets) (* Must be a directory target *)
| No_such_file
| Broken_symlink
| Unexpected_kind _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2369,37 +2375,51 @@ end = struct

module Pred = struct
let build_impl g =
let* paths = Pred.eval g in
let+ files =
Memo.Build.parallel_map (Path.Set.to_list paths) ~f:(fun p ->
let+ d = build_file p in
(p, d))
Dep.Fact.Files.make (Path.Map.of_list_exn files)
let dir = File_selector.dir g in
is_target dir >>= function
| false ->
let* paths = Pred.eval g in
let+ files =
Memo.Build.parallel_map (Path.Set.to_list paths) ~f:(fun p ->
let+ d = build_file p in
(p, d))
~files:(Path.Map.of_list_exn files)
| true ->
let+ digest, path_map = build_dir dir in
let files =
Path.Build.Map.foldi path_map ~init:Path.Map.empty
~f:(fun path digest acc ->
let parent = Path.Build.parent_exn path |> in
let path = path in
match Path.equal parent dir && File_selector.test g path with
| true -> Path.Map.add_exn acc path digest
| false -> acc)
let dirs = Path.Map.singleton dir digest in
Dep.Fact.Files.make ~files ~dirs

let eval_impl g =
let dir = File_selector.dir g in
load_dir ~dir >>= function
| Non_build targets ->
Memo.Build.return (Path.Set.filter targets ~f:(File_selector.test g))
| Build { rules_here; _ } -> (
load_dir ~dir >>| function
| Non_build targets -> Path.Set.filter targets ~f:(File_selector.test g)
| Build { rules_here; _ } ->
let only_generated_files = File_selector.only_generated_files g in
let file_targets =
Path.Build.Map.foldi ~init:[] rules_here.by_file_targets
~f:(fun s {; _ } acc ->
match info with
| Rule.Info.Source_file_copy _ when only_generated_files -> acc
| _ ->
let s = s in
if File_selector.test g s then
s :: acc
|> Path.Set.of_list
is_target dir >>| function
| true -> Path.Set.add file_targets dir
| false -> file_targets)
(* We look only at [by_file_targets] because [File_selector] does not
match directories. *)
Path.Build.Map.foldi ~init:[] rules_here.by_file_targets
~f:(fun s {; _ } acc ->
match info with
| Rule.Info.Source_file_copy _ when only_generated_files -> acc
| _ ->
let s = s in
if File_selector.test g s then
s :: acc
|> Path.Set.of_list

let eval_memo =
Memo.create "eval-pred"
Expand All @@ -2416,11 +2436,21 @@ end = struct

let build_file_memo =
Memo.create "build-file"
~input:(module Path)
~cutoff:Digest.equal build_file_impl
let cutoff =
Tuple.T2.equal Digest.equal
(Option.equal (Path.Build.Map.equal ~equal:Digest.equal))
Memo.create "build-file" ~input:(module Path) ~cutoff build_file_impl

let build_file path = Memo.exec build_file_memo path >>| fst

let build_file = Memo.exec build_file_memo
let build_dir path =
let+ digest, path_map = Memo.exec build_file_memo path in
match path_map with
| Some path_map -> (digest, path_map)
| None ->
Code_error.raise "build_dir called on a file target"
[ ("path", Path.to_dyn path) ]

let build_alias_memo =
Memo.create "build-alias"
Expand Down
72 changes: 59 additions & 13 deletions src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
open Stdune
open Memo.Build.O

(* CR-someday amokhov: We probably want to add a new variant [Dir] to provide
first-class support for depending on directory targets. *)
module T = struct
type t =
| Env of Env.Var.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,49 +102,61 @@ module Map = struct

module Fact = struct
(* CR-someday amokhov: Find a better name, perhaps, [Files_and_dirs]? *)
module Files = struct
type t =
{ files : Digest.t Path.Map.t
; dirs : Path.Set.t
; dirs : Digest.t Path.Map.t (* Only for file selectors for now *)
; parent_dirs : Path.Set.t
; digest : Digest.t

let to_dyn { files; dirs; digest } =
let to_dyn { files; dirs; parent_dirs; digest } =
[ ("files", Path.Map.to_dyn Digest.to_dyn files)
; ("dirs", Path.Set.to_dyn dirs)
; ("dirs", Path.Map.to_dyn Digest.to_dyn dirs)
; ("parent_dirs", Path.Set.to_dyn parent_dirs)
; ("digest", Digest.to_dyn digest)

let is_empty t = Path.Map.is_empty t.files && Path.Map.is_empty t.dirs

let compare a b = a.digest b.digest

let equal a b = Digest.equal a.digest b.digest

let paths t = t.files

let make files =
let make ~files ~dirs =
let parent_dirs =
let f path (_ : Digest.t) acc =
Path.Set.add acc (Path.parent_exn path)
let init = Path.Map.foldi files ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f in
Path.Map.foldi files ~init ~f
{ files
; dirs =
Path.Map.foldi files ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun fn _ acc ->
Path.Set.add acc (Path.parent_exn fn))
; dirs
; parent_dirs
; digest =
(Path.Map.to_list_map files ~f:(fun p d -> (Path.to_string p, d)))
(Path.Map.to_list_map files ~f:(fun p d -> (Path.to_string p, d))
@ Path.Map.to_list_map dirs ~f:(fun p d -> (Path.to_string p, d)))

let empty = lazy (make Path.Map.empty)
let empty = lazy (make ~files:Path.Map.empty ~dirs:Path.Map.empty)

let group ts files =
let ts =
if Path.Map.is_empty files then
make files :: ts
make ~files ~dirs:Path.Map.empty :: ts
(* Sort and de-dup so that the result is resilient to code changes *)
let ts =
List.filter_map ts ~f:(fun t ->
if Path.Map.is_empty t.files then
if is_empty t then
Some (t.digest, t))
Expand All @@ -160,7 +174,12 @@ module Fact = struct
Some d1))
; dirs =
List.fold_left l ~init:t.dirs ~f:(fun acc t ->
Path.Set.union t.dirs acc)
Path.Map.union t.dirs acc ~f:(fun _ d1 d2 ->
assert (Digest.equal d1 d2);
Some d1))
; parent_dirs =
List.fold_left l ~init:t.parent_dirs ~f:(fun acc t ->
Path.Set.union t.parent_dirs acc)
; digest = Digest.generic ( ts ~f:(fun t -> t.digest))
Expand All @@ -171,6 +190,21 @@ module Fact = struct
| File_selector of Dyn.t * Files.t
| Alias of Files.t

let to_dyn = function
| Nothing -> Dyn.Variant ("Nothing", [])
| File (path, digest) ->
( "File"
, [ Dyn.Record
[ ("path", Path.to_dyn path); ("digest", Digest.to_dyn digest) ]
] )
| File_selector (dyn, files) ->
( "File_selector"
, [ Dyn.Record [ ("dyn", dyn); ("files", Files.to_dyn files) ] ] )
| Alias files ->
Dyn.Variant ("Alias", [ Dyn.Record [ ("files", Files.to_dyn files) ] ])

module Stable_for_digest = struct
type file = string * Digest.t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,6 +262,8 @@ module Facts = struct

let union_all xs = List.fold_left xs ~init:Map.empty ~f:union

let to_dyn = Map.to_dyn Fact.to_dyn

let paths t =
Map.fold t ~init:Path.Map.empty ~f:(fun fact acc ->
match (fact : Fact.t) with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,13 +297,23 @@ module Facts = struct fact_files paths

let dirs t =
Map.fold t ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun fact acc ->
match (fact : Fact.t) with
| Nothing
| File _ ->
| File_selector (_, ps)
| Alias ps ->
Path.Set.union acc (Path.Map.keys ps.dirs |> Path.Set.of_list))

let parent_dirs t =
Map.fold t ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun fact acc ->
match (fact : Fact.t) with
| Nothing -> acc
| File (p, _) -> Path.Set.add acc (Path.parent_exn p)
| File_selector (_, ps)
| Alias ps ->
Path.Set.union acc ps.dirs)
Path.Set.union acc ps.parent_dirs)

let digest t ~sandbox_mode ~env =
let facts =
Expand Down

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