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refactor: minimize instantiate diff
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Signed-off-by: Antonio Nuno Monteiro <[email protected]>
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anmonteiro committed Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 7c9a505 commit a9306df
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 46 deletions.
77 changes: 31 additions & 46 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -435,12 +435,7 @@ type db =
; resolve_name : Lib_name.t -> resolve_result_with_multiple_results Memo.t
; resolve_sentinel : Lib_info.Sentinel.t -> resolve_result Memo.t
; instantiate :
-> Lib_info.Sentinel.t
-> Path.t Lib_info.t
-> hidden:string option
-> Status.t Memo.t)
(Lib_name.t -> Path.t Lib_info.t -> hidden:string option -> Status.t Memo.t) Lazy.t
; all : Lib_info.Sentinel.t list Memo.Lazy.t
; lib_config : Lib_config.t
; instrument_with : Lib_name.t list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -904,11 +899,7 @@ module rec Resolve_names : sig

val make_instantiate
: db Lazy.t
-> (Lib_name.t
-> Lib_info.Sentinel.t
-> Path.t Lib_info.t
-> hidden:string option
-> Status.t Memo.t)
-> (Lib_name.t -> Path.t Lib_info.t -> hidden:string option -> Status.t Memo.t)
end = struct
open Resolve_names
Expand All @@ -925,7 +916,7 @@ end = struct
>>| Package.Name.Map.of_list_exn)

let instantiate_impl db (name, sentinel, info, hidden) =
let instantiate_impl db (name, info, hidden) =
let db = Lazy.force db in
let open Memo.O in
let unique_id = Id.make ~name ~path:(Lib_info.src_dir info) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1080,6 +1071,7 @@ end = struct
let* package = Lib_info.package info in
Package.Name.Map.find projects_by_package package
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
let rec t =
(let open Resolve.O in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1135,13 +1127,15 @@ end = struct

module Input = struct
type t = Lib_name.t * Lib_info.Sentinel.t * Path.t Lib_info.t * string option
type t = Lib_name.t * Path.t Lib_info.t * string option

let equal (lib_name, sentinel, _, _) (lib_name', sentinel', _, _) =
let equal (lib_name, info, _) (lib_name', info', _) =
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info
and sentinel' = Lib_info.sentinel info' in
Lib_name.equal lib_name lib_name' && Lib_info.Sentinel.equal sentinel sentinel'

let hash (x, _, _, _) = Lib_name.hash x
let hash (x, _, _) = Lib_name.hash x
let to_dyn = Dyn.opaque

Expand All @@ -1150,7 +1144,6 @@ end = struct
module Rec : sig
val memo
: Lib_name.t
-> Lib_info.Sentinel.t
-> Path.t Lib_info.t
-> hidden:string option
-> Status.t Memo.t
Expand All @@ -1161,10 +1154,10 @@ end = struct
~input:(module Input)
(instantiate_impl db)
~human_readable_description:(fun (name, _sentinel, info, _hidden) ->
~human_readable_description:(fun (name, info, _hidden) ->
Dep_path.Entry.Lib.pp { name; path = Lib_info.src_dir info })
fun name sentinel info ~hidden -> Memo.exec memo (name, sentinel, info, hidden)
fun name info ~hidden -> Memo.exec memo (name, info, hidden)
Expand All @@ -1174,30 +1167,33 @@ end = struct

let instantiate db name info ~hidden = (Lazy.force db.instantiate) name info ~hidden

let resolve_hidden db ~info hidden =
let open Memo.O in
(match db.parent with
| None -> Memo.return Status.Not_found
| Some db ->
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
resolve_sentinel db sentinel)
>>= function
| Status.Found _ as x -> Memo.return x
| _ ->
let name = info in
instantiate db name info ~hidden:(Some hidden)

let handle_resolve_result db ~super = function
| Ignore -> Memo.return Status.Ignore
| Redirect_in_the_same_db (_, name') -> find_internal db name'
| Redirect (db', sentinel') -> resolve_sentinel db' sentinel'
| Found info ->
let name = info in
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
instantiate db name sentinel info ~hidden:None
instantiate db name info ~hidden:None
| Invalid e -> Memo.return (Status.Invalid e)
| Not_found ->
(match db.parent with
| None -> Memo.return Status.Not_found
| Some db -> super db)
| Hidden { lib = info; reason = hidden; path = _ } ->
let open Memo.O in
(match db.parent with
| None -> Memo.return Status.Not_found
| Some db -> super db)
>>= (function
| Status.Found _ as x -> Memo.return x
| _ ->
let name = info in
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
instantiate db name sentinel info ~hidden:(Some hidden))
| Hidden { lib = info; reason = hidden; path = _ } -> resolve_hidden db ~info hidden

let handle_resolve_result_with_multiple_results db ~super result =
Expand All @@ -1216,32 +1212,21 @@ end = struct
| Disabled_because_of_enabled_if -> Memo.return None
| Normal | Optional ->
let name = info in
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
instantiate db name sentinel info ~hidden:None >>| Option.some)
instantiate db name info ~hidden:None >>| Option.some)
| Invalid e -> Memo.return (Some (Status.Invalid e))
| Not_found -> Memo.return None
| Hidden { lib = info; reason = hidden; path = _ } ->
(match db.parent with
| None -> Memo.return Status.Not_found
| Some db ->
let sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
resolve_sentinel db sentinel)
>>= (function
| Status.Found _ as x -> Memo.return (Some x)
| _ ->
let name = info
and sentinel = Lib_info.sentinel info in
instantiate db name sentinel info ~hidden:(Some hidden) >>| Option.some))
resolve_hidden db ~info hidden >>| Option.some)
(match libs with
| [] -> assert false
| [ status ] -> status
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
List.fold_left libs ~init:Status.Not_found ~f:(fun acc status ->
match acc, status with
| (Status.Found a as lib), Status.Found b ->
| Status.Found a, Status.Found b ->
(match Lib_info.Sentinel.equal a.sentinel b.sentinel with
| true -> lib
| true -> acc
| false ->
let a = info a
and b = info b in
Expand Down

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