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Elaborate ocamlformat rule from dialect definition
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Signed-off-by: Nicolás Ojeda Bär <[email protected]>
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nojb committed Jul 11, 2019
1 parent 807d231 commit 9613868
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Showing 6 changed files with 55 additions and 84 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,3 +43,6 @@ let decode =
"if you meant for this to be executed with bash, write \
(bash \"...\") instead"

let to_dyn a =
Dune_lang.to_dyn (encode a)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/action_dune_lang.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ include Action_intf.Helpers
type path = String_with_vars.t

val compare_no_locs : t -> t -> Ordering.t

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
54 changes: 21 additions & 33 deletions src/
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@@ -1,37 +1,20 @@
open! Stdune

module Filter = struct
type t =
| No_filter
| Action of Loc.t * Action_dune_lang.t

open Dyn.Encoder

let to_dyn = function
| No_filter ->
constr "no_filter" []
| Action (loc, action) ->
constr "action"
[ Loc.to_dyn loc
; Dune_lang.to_dyn (Action_dune_lang.encode action)

module File_kind = struct
type t =
{ kind : Ml_kind.t
; extension : string
; preprocess : Filter.t
; format : Filter.t
; preprocess : (Loc.t * Action_dune_lang.t) option
; format : (Loc.t * Action_dune_lang.t * string list) option

let to_dyn { kind ; extension ; preprocess ; format } =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
[ "kind" , Ml_kind.to_dyn kind
; "extension" , string extension
; "preprocess", Filter.to_dyn preprocess
; "format" , Filter.to_dyn format
; "preprocess", option (pair Loc.to_dyn Action_dune_lang.to_dyn) preprocess
; "format" , option (triple Loc.to_dyn Action_dune_lang.to_dyn (list string)) format

Expand All @@ -52,14 +35,9 @@ let to_dyn { name ; file_kinds } =
let decode =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let kind kind =
let filter name =
let f (loc, action) = Filter.Action (loc, action) in
field name ~default:Filter.No_filter
(map ~f (located Action_dune_lang.decode))
let+ extension = field "extension" (map ~f:(fun s -> "." ^ s) string)
and+ preprocess = filter "preprocess"
and+ format = filter "format"
and+ preprocess = field_o "preprocess" (located Action_dune_lang.decode)
and+ format = field_o "format" (map ~f:(fun (loc, x) -> loc, x, []) (located Action_dune_lang.decode))
{ File_kind.kind ; extension ; preprocess ; format }
Expand All @@ -82,12 +60,22 @@ let format { file_kinds = { Ml_kind.Dict.intf ; impl } ; _ } = function
| Impl -> impl.format

let ocaml =
let format kind =
let flag_of_kind = function
| Ml_kind.Impl -> "--impl"
| Intf -> "--intf"
let module S = String_with_vars in
Action_dune_lang.chdir (S.virt_var __POS__ "workspace_root")
( (S.virt __POS__ "ocamlformat")
[ S.virt __POS__ (flag_of_kind kind) ; S.virt_var __POS__ "input-file" ])
let file_kind kind extension =
{ File_kind.
; extension
; preprocess = Filter.No_filter
; format = Filter.No_filter
; preprocess = None
; format = Some (Loc.none, format kind, [ ".ocamlformat" ; ".ocamlformat-ignore" ])
let intf = file_kind Ml_kind.Intf ".mli" in
Expand All @@ -114,8 +102,8 @@ let reason =
{ File_kind.
; extension
; preprocess = Filter.Action (Loc.none, preprocess)
; format = Filter.Action (Loc.none, format)
; preprocess = Some (Loc.none, preprocess)
; format = Some (Loc.none, format, [])
let intf = file_kind Ml_kind.Intf ".rei" in
Expand All @@ -126,7 +114,7 @@ let reason =

let ml_suffix { file_kinds = { Ml_kind.Dict.intf ; impl } ; _ } ml_kind =
match ml_kind, intf.preprocess, impl.preprocess with
| Ml_kind.Intf, Filter.No_filter, _ | Impl, _, No_filter -> None
| Ml_kind.Intf, None, _ | Impl, _, None -> None
| _ -> Some (extension ocaml ml_kind)

module S = struct
Expand Down
12 changes: 2 additions & 10 deletions src/dialect.mli
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Expand Up @@ -19,14 +19,6 @@ open! Stdune
but a way to specify custom file extensions for OCaml code.

module Filter : sig
type t =
| No_filter
| Action of Loc.t * Action_dune_lang.t

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

type t

val name : t -> string
Expand All @@ -37,9 +29,9 @@ val decode : t Dune_lang.Decoder.t

val extension : t -> Ml_kind.t -> string

val preprocess : t -> Ml_kind.t -> Filter.t
val preprocess : t -> Ml_kind.t -> (Loc.t * Action_dune_lang.t) option

val format : t -> Ml_kind.t -> Filter.t
val format : t -> Ml_kind.t -> (Loc.t * Action_dune_lang.t * string list) option

val ocaml : t

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64 changes: 25 additions & 39 deletions src/
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@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
open Import

let flag_of_kind : Ml_kind.t -> _ =
| Impl -> "--impl"
| Intf -> "--intf"

let add_diff sctx loc alias ~dir ~input ~output =
let open Build.O in
let action = Action.diff input output in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,31 +32,12 @@ let gen_rules_output sctx (config : Dune_file.Auto_format.t) ~dialects ~expander
let alias_formatted = Alias.fmt ~dir:output_dir in
let resolve_program =
Super_context.resolve_program ~dir sctx ~loc:(Some loc) in
let ocamlformat_deps = lazy (
depend_on_files ~named:[".ocamlformat"; ".ocamlformat-ignore"]
(Path.source source_dir)
) in
let depend_on_files named = depend_on_files ~named (Path.source source_dir) in
let setup_formatting file =
let input_basename = Path.Source.basename file in
let input = Path.Build.relative dir input_basename in
let output = Path.Build.relative output_dir input_basename in

let ocaml kind =
let exe = resolve_program "ocamlformat" in
let args =
[ Command.Args.A (flag_of_kind kind)
; Dep ( input)
; A "--name"
; Path (Path.source file)
; A "-o"
; Target output
Build.S.seq (Build.S.ignore (Lazy.force ocamlformat_deps))
~dir:( (Super_context.build_dir sctx)) exe args)

let formatter =
let input = input in
match Path.Source.basename file with
Expand All @@ -73,25 +49,35 @@ let gen_rules_output sctx (config : Dune_file.Auto_format.t) ~dialects ~expander
| _ ->
let ext = Path.Source.extension file in
begin match Dialect.S.find_by_extension dialects ext with
| Some (dialect, kind) when dialect = "ocaml" ->
if Dune_file.Auto_format.includes config (Dialect "ocaml") then
Some (ocaml kind)
| Some (dialect, kind) ->
if not (Dune_file.Auto_format.includes config (Dialect ( dialect))) then
else begin
match Dialect.format dialect kind with
| Dialect.Filter.No_filter ->
begin match Dialect.preprocess dialect kind with
| Dialect.Filter.No_filter -> Some (ocaml kind)
| Action _ -> None
| Action (loc, action) ->
let format =
match Dialect.format dialect kind with
| Some _ as action ->
| None ->
begin match Dialect.preprocess dialect kind with
| None -> Dialect.format Dialect.ocaml kind
| Some _ -> None
match format with
| None ->
| Some (loc, action, extra_deps) ->
let src = Path.as_in_build_dir_exn input in
Some (Preprocessing.action_for_pp sctx ~dep_kind:Lib_deps_info.Kind.Required
~loc ~expander ~action ~src ~target:(Some output))
let extra_deps =
match extra_deps with
| [] ->
Build.return ()
| extra_deps ->
Build.S.ignore (depend_on_files extra_deps)
Some (Build.S.seq extra_deps
(Preprocessing.action_for_pp sctx ~dep_kind:Lib_deps_info.Kind.Required
~loc ~expander ~action ~src ~target:(Some output)))
| None -> None
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ let setup_dialect_rules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~expander (m : Module.t) =
let ml = Module.ml_source m in
Module.iter m ~f:(fun ml_kind f ->
match Dialect.preprocess f.dialect ml_kind with
| Dialect.Filter.No_filter -> ()
| Action (loc, action) ->
| None -> ()
| Some (loc, action) ->
let src = Path.as_in_build_dir_exn f.path in
let dst =
Option.value_exn (Module.file ml ~ml_kind)
Expand Down

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