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Prevent relative paths leaking out of install dirs
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This disallows install dst paths from begining with ".." to prevent them
referencing a directory outside the install directories of the package.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Sherratt <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
gridbugs committed Aug 18, 2023
1 parent b6d9e44 commit 95f14b2
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Showing 12 changed files with 427 additions and 83 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/changes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- Deprecate install destination paths beginning with ".." to prevent packages
escaping their designated installation directories. (#8350, @gridbugs)
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions doc/stanzas/install.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,16 @@ installed with mode ``0o644`` (``rw-r--r--``).
Note that all files in the install stanza must be specified by relative paths
only. It is an error to specify files by absolute paths.

Also note that as of dune-lang 3.11 (ie. ``(lang dune 3.11)`` in
``dune-project``) it is deprecated to use the ``as`` keyword to specify a
destination beginning with ``..``. Dune intends for files associated with a
package to only be installed under specific directories in the file system
implied by the installation section (e.g. ``share``, ``bin``, ``doc``, etc.)
and the package name. Starting destination paths with ``..`` allows packages to
install files to arbitrary locations on the file system. In 3.11 this behaviour
is still supported (as some projects may depend on it) but will generate a
warning and will be removed in a future version of Dune.

Including Files in the Install Stanza

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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_rules/
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Expand Up @@ -1179,6 +1179,7 @@ module Executables = struct
type t =
{ names : (Loc.t * string) list
; public : public option
; dune_syntax : Syntax.Version.t

let names t = t.names
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1319,7 +1320,7 @@ module Executables = struct
(pluralize "public_name" ~multi)
{ names; public }
{ names; public; dune_syntax }

let install_conf t ~ext ~enabled_if =
Expand All @@ -1328,7 +1329,10 @@ module Executables = struct
List.map2 t.names public_names ~f:(fun (locn, name) (locp, pub) -> pub ~f:(fun pub ->
(File_binding.Unexpanded.make ~src:(locn, name ^ ext) ~dst:(locp, pub))))
~src:(locn, name ^ ext)
~dst:(locp, pub)
|> List.filter_opt
{ Install_conf.section = Section Bin
Expand Down
112 changes: 95 additions & 17 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,26 +4,77 @@ open Memo.O
type ('src, 'dst) t =
{ src : 'src
; dst : 'dst option
(* The [dune_syntax] field is used for validation which has different
behaviour depending on the version of dune syntax in use. *)
; dune_syntax : Syntax.Version.t

let equal f g { src; dst } t = f src t.src && Option.equal g dst t.dst
let equal f g { src; dst; dune_syntax } t =
f src t.src
&& Option.equal g dst t.dst
&& Syntax.Version.equal dune_syntax t.dune_syntax

let relative_path_starts_with_parent relative_path =
match String.lsplit2 relative_path ~on:'/' with
| None -> Filename.(equal relative_path parent_dir_name)
| Some (first, _) -> String.equal first Filename.parent_dir_name

let validate_dst_for_install_stanza
if relative_path_starts_with_parent dst
then (
match relative_dst_path_starts_with_parent_error_when with
| `Deprecation_warning_from_3_11 ->
let open Syntax.Version.Infix in
if dune_syntax >= (3, 11)
[ Pp.textf
"The destination path %s begins with %s which will become an error in a \
future version of Dune. Destinations of files in install stanzas \
beginning with %s will be disallowed to prevent a package's installed \
files from escaping that package's install directories."
(String.maybe_quoted dst)
(String.maybe_quoted Filename.parent_dir_name)
(String.maybe_quoted Filename.parent_dir_name)
| `Always_error ->
[ Pp.textf
"The destination path %s begins with %s which is not allowed. Destinations \
in install stanzas may not begin with %s to prevent a package's installed \
files from escaping that package's install directories."
(String.maybe_quoted dst)
(String.maybe_quoted Filename.parent_dir_name)
(String.maybe_quoted Filename.parent_dir_name)

module Expanded = struct
type nonrec t = (Loc.t * Path.Build.t, Loc.t * string) t

let to_dyn { src; dst } =
let to_dyn { src; dst; dune_syntax } =
let open Dyn in
[ "src", pair Loc.to_dyn Path.Build.to_dyn src
; "dst", option (pair Loc.to_dyn string) dst
; "dune_syntax", Syntax.Version.to_dyn dune_syntax

let src t = snd t.src
let dst t = ~f:snd t.dst
let src_loc t = fst t.src

let dst_basename { src = _, src; dst } =
let dst_basename { src = _, src; dst; dune_syntax = _ } =
match dst with
| Some (_, dst) -> dst
| None ->
Expand All @@ -32,31 +83,55 @@ module Expanded = struct

let dst_path t ~dir = Path.Build.relative dir (dst_basename t)

let validate_for_install_stanza ~relative_dst_path_starts_with_parent_error_when t =
Option.iter t.dst ~f:(fun (loc, dst) ->

module Unexpanded = struct
type nonrec t = (String_with_vars.t, String_with_vars.t) t

let to_dyn { src; dst } =
let to_dyn { src; dst; dune_syntax } =
let open Dyn in
[ "src", String_with_vars.to_dyn src; "dst", option String_with_vars.to_dyn dst ]
[ "src", String_with_vars.to_dyn src
; "dst", option String_with_vars.to_dyn dst
; "dune_syntax", Syntax.Version.to_dyn dune_syntax

let equal = equal String_with_vars.equal_no_loc String_with_vars.equal_no_loc

let make ~src:(locs, src) ~dst:(locd, dst) =
let make ~src:(locs, src) ~dst:(locd, dst) ~dune_syntax =
{ src = String_with_vars.make_text locs src
; dst = Some (String_with_vars.make_text locd dst)
; dune_syntax

let expand_src t ~dir ~f = f t.src >>| Path.Build.relative dir

let destination_relative_to_install_path t ~section ~expand ~expand_partial =
let+ src = expand_partial t.src
and+ dst = ~f:expand t.dst in
Install.Entry.adjust_dst ~section ~src ~dst
and+ dst_loc_opt = t.dst ~f:(fun dst ->
let loc = String_with_vars.loc dst in
let+ dst = expand dst in
dst, loc)
Option.iter dst_loc_opt ~f:(fun (dst, loc) ->
Install.Entry.adjust_dst ~section ~src ~dst:( dst_loc_opt ~f:fst)

let expand t ~dir ~f =
Expand All @@ -75,7 +150,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let+ loc, p = f dst in
Some (loc, p)
{ src; dst }
{ src; dst; dune_syntax = t.dune_syntax }

let decode =
Expand All @@ -87,34 +162,37 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
| Atom _ -> true
| _ -> false
and+ s = String_with_vars.decode
and+ version = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
if (not is_atom) && version < (1, 6)
and+ dune_syntax = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
if (not is_atom) && dune_syntax < (1, 6)
then (
let what =
(if String_with_vars.has_pforms s then "variables" else "quoted strings")
|> sprintf "Using %s here"
Dune_lang.Syntax.Error.since (String_with_vars.loc s) Stanza.syntax (1, 6) ~what)
else s
else s, dune_syntax
>>= function
| Atom _ | Quoted_string _ | Template _ -> decode >>| fun src -> { src; dst = None }
| Atom _ | Quoted_string _ | Template _ ->
decode >>| fun (src, dune_syntax) -> { src; dst = None; dune_syntax }
| List (_, [ _; Atom (_, A "as"); _ ]) ->
(let* src = decode in
(let* src, dune_syntax = decode in
keyword "as"
>>> let* dst = decode in
return { src; dst = Some dst })
>>> let* dst, _ = decode in
return { src; dst = Some dst; dune_syntax })
| sexp ->
~loc:(Dune_lang.Ast.loc sexp)
[ Pp.text "Invalid format, <name> or (<name> as <install-as>) expected" ]

let dune_syntax t = t.dune_syntax

module L = struct
let decode = Dune_lang.Decoder.repeat decode
let strings_with_vars { src; dst } = src :: Option.to_list dst
let strings_with_vars { src; dst; dune_syntax = _ } = src :: Option.to_list dst

let find_pform fbs =
List.find_map fbs ~f:(fun fb ->
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_rules/file_binding.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,22 @@ module Expanded : sig
val dst : t -> string option
val src_loc : t -> Loc.t
val dst_path : t -> dir:Path.Build.t -> Path.Build.t

val validate_for_install_stanza
: relative_dst_path_starts_with_parent_error_when:
[ `Deprecation_warning_from_3_11 | `Always_error ]
-> t
-> unit

module Unexpanded : sig
type t

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val make : src:Loc.t * string -> dst:Loc.t * string -> t
val make : src:Loc.t * string -> dst:Loc.t * string -> dune_syntax:Syntax.Version.t -> t
val decode : t Dune_lang.Decoder.t
val dune_syntax : t -> Syntax.Version.t

val expand
: t
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ let gen_rules
in (files_expanded @ dirs_expanded) ~f:(fun fb ->
File_binding.Expanded.src fb |>
Expand Down

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