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[coq] Fix coqlib file scanning. (#7954)
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The old code did indeed was nonsense, and among others was filtering
all the files due to the `String.contains d '.'` condition.

I wonder how the test for updating a file in user-contrib did pass
tho, that seems pretty strange, as indeed we were not adding any .vo
file to the .vo file list on the user-contrib deps, so this deserves
more investigation.

Fixes #7893 , thanks to Karl Palmskog for testing and detailed report.

Signed-off-by: Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
emillon and ejgallego authored Jun 15, 2023
1 parent 23617a8 commit 8b7cc71
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Showing 22 changed files with 282 additions and 85 deletions.
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- Respect `-p` / `--only-packages` for `melange.emit` artifacts (#7849, @anmonteiro)

- Fix scanning of Coq installed files (@ejgallego, reported by
@palmskog, #7895 , fixes #7893)

3.8.1 (2023-06-05)

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20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/
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Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ and Legacy : sig
; implicit : bool (* Only useful for the stdlib *)
; installed_root : Path.t (* ; libraries : (Loc.t * Lib.t) list Resolve.t *)
; vo : Path.t list
; cmxs : Path.t list
; cmxs_directories : Path.t list

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
Expand All @@ -171,27 +171,24 @@ end = struct
; implicit : bool (* Only useful for the stdlib *)
; installed_root : Path.t (* ; libraries : (Loc.t * Lib.t) list Resolve.t *)
; vo : Path.t list
; cmxs : Path.t list
; cmxs_directories : Path.t list

let to_dyn { boot_id; id; implicit; installed_root; vo; cmxs } =
let to_dyn { boot_id; id; implicit; installed_root; vo; cmxs_directories } =
[ ("boot_id", Dyn.option Id.to_dyn boot_id)
; ("id", Id.to_dyn id)
; ("implicit", Dyn.bool implicit)
; ("installed_root", Path.to_dyn installed_root)
; ("vo", Dyn.list Path.to_dyn vo)
; ("cmxs", Dyn.list Path.to_dyn cmxs)
(* ; ( "libraries" *)
(* , Resolve.to_dyn (Dyn.list (Dyn.pair Loc.to_dyn Lib.to_dyn)) libraries *)
(* ) *)
; ("cmxs_directories", Dyn.list Path.to_dyn cmxs_directories)

let implicit t = t.implicit

let installed_root t = t.installed_root

let cmxs_directories t = t.cmxs
let cmxs_directories t = t.cmxs_directories

let vo t = t.vo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,16 +501,17 @@ module DB = struct
let create_from_stanza coq_db db dir stanza =
Memo.exec memo (coq_db, db, dir, stanza)

(* XXX: Memoize? This is pretty cheap so not sure worth the cost *)
(* XXX: Memoize? This is pretty cheap so not sure worth the cost,
still called too much I have observed, suspicious! *)
let create_from_coqpath ~boot_id cp =
let name = cp in
let installed_root = Coq_path.path cp in
let implicit = Coq_path.stdlib cp in
let cmxs = Coq_path.cmxs cp in
let cmxs_directories = Coq_path.cmxs_directories cp in
let vo = Coq_path.vo cp in
let id = Id.create ~path:installed_root ~name:(Loc.none, name) in
{ Legacy.boot_id; id; implicit; installed_root; vo; cmxs }
{ Legacy.boot_id; id; implicit; installed_root; vo; cmxs_directories }

module Resolve_result_no_redirect = struct
(** In our second iteration, we remove all the redirects *)
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/coq_lib.mli
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,22 @@ end
module Legacy : sig
type t

(** For each legacy library, we need two pieces of data:
- the list of [.vo] files, this is because we need to make the call to
[coqdep] depend on it. If due to external action the list of these files
changes, coqdep must be re-run. Note that coqdep sometimes checks for
[.vo] files and sometimes for [.v] files, which is messy (in principle
only checks for [.v] files when compiling the stdlib using make, but
YMMV with coqdep code).
In the case of a [Dune.t] lib, this list is obtained from the [src_root],
via [Dir_contents.coq], maybe we should move that function here and make
it common.
- the list of directories containing [.cmxs] files, so we can add them to
the loadpath as Coq does for all [user-contrib] *)

(** List of vo files *)
val vo : t -> Path.t list

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147 changes: 94 additions & 53 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ type t =
; path : Path.t
; vo : Path.t list
; cmxs : Path.t list
; cmxs_directories : Path.t list
; stdlib : bool

Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ let vo t = t.vo

let cmxs t = t.cmxs

let cmxs_directories t = t.cmxs_directories

let stdlib t = t.stdlib

let config_path_exn coq_config key =
Expand All @@ -48,98 +51,136 @@ let config_path ~default coq_config key =
(* This should never happen *)
Code_error.raise "key is not a path" [ (key, Coq_config.Value.to_dyn path) ]

let stdlib_plugins_dir path =
let open Memo.O in
let path = Path.relative path "plugins" in
let* dir_contents =
Fs_memo.dir_contents (Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn path)
match dir_contents with
| Error _ -> Memo.return []
| Ok dir_contents ->
let f (d, kind) =
match kind with
| File_kind.S_DIR | S_LNK -> Some (Path.relative path d)
| _ -> None
(List.filter_map ~f (Fs_cache.Dir_contents.to_list dir_contents))

let build_user_contrib ~cmxs ~vo ~subpath ~name =
let path = subpath in
{ name; path; cmxs; vo; stdlib = false }
let build_user_contrib ~cmxs ~cmxs_directories ~vo ~path ~name =
{ name; path; cmxs; cmxs_directories; vo; stdlib = false }

(* Scanning todos: blacklist? *)
let scan_vo_cmxs ~path dir_contents =
let scan_vo_cmxs ~dir dir_contents =
let f (d, kind) =
match kind with
(* Skip some directories as Coq does, for now '-' and '.' *)
(* Skip some files as Coq does, for now files with '-' *)
| _ when String.contains d '-' -> List.Skip
| _ when String.contains d '.' -> Skip
| (File_kind.S_REG | S_LNK) when Filename.check_suffix d ".cmxs" ->
Left (Path.relative path d)
Left (Path.relative dir d)
| (File_kind.S_REG | S_LNK) when Filename.check_suffix d ".vo" ->
Right (Path.relative path d)
Right (Path.relative dir d)
| _ -> Skip
List.filter_partition_map ~f dir_contents

(* Note this will only work for absolute paths *)
let retrieve_vo_cmxs cps =
(List.concat_map ~f:cmxs cps, List.concat_map ~f:vo cps)
( List.concat_map ~f:cmxs cps
, List.concat_map ~f:cmxs_directories cps
, List.concat_map ~f:vo cps )

module Scan_action = struct
type ('prefix, 'res) t =
-> prefix:'prefix
-> subresults:'res list
-> (Filename.t * File_kind.t) list
-> 'res list Memo.t

(** [scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix ~dir dir_contents] Given
[f ~dir
~prefix ~subresults dir_contents], [scan_path] will call [f]
forall the subdirs of [dir] with [dir] set to the subpath, [prefix] set to
[acc prefix d] for each subdirectory [d] and [subresults] the results of the
scanning of children directories *)
let rec scan_path ~(f : ('prefix, 'res) Scan_action.t) ~acc ~prefix ~dir
dir_contents : 'a list Memo.t =
let open Memo.O in
let f (d, kind) =
match kind with
(* We skip directories starting by . , this is mainly to avoid
.coq-native *)
| (File_kind.S_DIR | S_LNK) when d.[0] = '.' -> Memo.return []
(* Need to check the link resolves to a directory! *)
| File_kind.S_DIR | S_LNK -> (
let dir = Path.relative dir d in
let* dir_contents =
Fs_memo.dir_contents (Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn dir)
match dir_contents with
| Error _ -> Memo.return []
| Ok dir_contents ->
let dir_contents = Fs_cache.Dir_contents.to_list dir_contents in
let prefix = acc prefix d in
let* subresults = scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix ~dir dir_contents in
f ~dir ~prefix ~subresults dir_contents)
| _ -> Memo.return []
Memo.List.concat_map ~f dir_contents

(** [scan_user_path ~prefix path] Note that we already have very similar
functionality in [Dir_status] *)
let rec scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix path : 'a list Memo.t =
let scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix dir =
let open Memo.O in
let* dir_contents =
Fs_memo.dir_contents (Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn path)
Fs_memo.dir_contents (Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn dir)
match dir_contents with
| Error _ -> Memo.return []
| Ok dir_contents ->
let dir_contents = Fs_cache.Dir_contents.to_list dir_contents in
let f (d, kind) =
match kind with
| File_kind.S_DIR | S_LNK ->
let subpath = Path.relative path d in
let prefix = acc prefix d in
let* subpaths = scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix subpath in
f ~path ~prefix ~subpath ~subpaths dir_contents
| _ -> Memo.return []
scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix ~dir dir_contents

(** Scan the plugins in stdlib, returns list of cmxs + list of directories with
cmxs *)
let scan_stdlib_plugins coqcorelib : (Path.t list * Path.t) list Memo.t =
let f ~dir ~prefix:() ~subresults dir_contents =
let cmxs, _ = scan_vo_cmxs ~dir dir_contents in
let res =
match cmxs with
| [] -> subresults
| _ :: _ -> (cmxs, dir) :: subresults
Memo.List.concat_map ~f dir_contents

let scan_user_path path =
let f ~path ~prefix ~subpath ~subpaths dir_contents =
let cmxs, vo = scan_vo_cmxs ~path dir_contents in
let cmxs_r, vo_r = retrieve_vo_cmxs subpaths in
let cmxs, vo = (cmxs @ cmxs_r, vo @ vo_r) in
Memo.return (build_user_contrib ~cmxs ~vo ~subpath ~name:prefix :: subpaths)
Memo.return res
let pluginsdir = Path.relative coqcorelib "plugins" in
let acc _ _ = () in
scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix:() pluginsdir

(** [scan_user_path path] Note that we already have very similar functionality
in [Dir_status] *)
let scan_user_path root_path =
let f ~dir ~prefix ~subresults dir_contents =
let cmxs, vo = scan_vo_cmxs ~dir dir_contents in
let cmxs_directories = if not (List.is_empty cmxs) then [ dir ] else [] in
let cmxs_r, cdir_r, vo_r = retrieve_vo_cmxs subresults in
let cmxs, cmxs_directories, vo =
(cmxs @ cmxs_r, cmxs_directories @ cdir_r, vo @ vo_r)
(build_user_contrib ~cmxs ~cmxs_directories ~vo ~path:dir ~name:prefix
:: subresults)
scan_path path ~f ~acc:Coq_lib_name.append ~prefix:Coq_lib_name.empty
scan_path ~f ~acc:Coq_lib_name.append ~prefix:Coq_lib_name.empty root_path

let scan_vo path =
let f ~path ~prefix:_ ~subpath:_ ~subpaths dir_contents =
let _, vo = scan_vo_cmxs ~path dir_contents in
Memo.return (vo @ subpaths)
let scan_vo root_path =
let f ~dir ~prefix:() ~subresults dir_contents =
let _, vo = scan_vo_cmxs ~dir dir_contents in
Memo.return (vo @ subresults)
let acc _ _ = () in
scan_path path ~f ~acc ~prefix:()
scan_path ~f ~acc ~prefix:() root_path

let of_coq_install coqc =
let open Memo.O in
let* coq_config = Coq_config.make ~coqc:(Ok coqc) in
(* Now we query for coqlib *)
let coqlib_path = config_path_exn coq_config "coqlib" in
let coqcorelib = config_path coq_config "coqcorelib" ~default:coqlib_path in
let* cmxs = stdlib_plugins_dir coqcorelib in
let* stdlib_plugs = scan_stdlib_plugins coqcorelib in
let* vo = scan_vo coqlib_path in
let cmxs, cmxs_directories = List.split stdlib_plugs in
let cmxs = List.concat cmxs in
let stdlib =
{ name = Coq_lib_name.stdlib
; path = Path.relative coqlib_path "theories"
; vo
; cmxs
; cmxs_directories
; stdlib = true
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_rules/coq/coq_path.mli
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Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,21 @@ val name : t -> Coq_lib_name.t

val path : t -> Path.t

(** List of .vo files in a path *)
val vo : t -> Path.t list

(** Unused for now, maybe be useful for coqdep -modules *)
val cmxs : t -> Path.t list

(** List of directories that contain .cmxs files and thus need to be passed to
Coq using -I *)
val cmxs_directories : t -> Path.t list

(** Does the path correspond to Coq's stdlib? *)
val stdlib : t -> bool

(** Build list of Coq paths from a Coq install ([COQLIB] and [coqc -config]) *)
val of_coq_install : Context.t -> t list Memo.t

(** *)
(** Build list of Coq paths from [COQPATH] variable *)
val of_env : Env.t -> t list Memo.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Test for
When using an installed theory with plugins, things should work fine.

$ dune build --root to_install @all
Entering directory 'to_install'
Leaving directory 'to_install'
$ dune install --root to_install --prefix=$PWD

We now build the normal theory, and should work

$ COQPATH=$PWD/lib/coq/user-contrib dune build --root user @all
Entering directory 'user'
Leaving directory 'user'
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(lang dune 3.8)
(using coq 0.8)

(package (name global))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name plugin)
(public_name global.plugin))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
let () = Format.eprintf "Hello@\n%!"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Declare ML Module "plugin:global.plugin".
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(name Bar)
(package global)
(plugins global.plugin))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
From Bar Require Import bar.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(name Foo)
(package local)
(theories Bar))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(lang dune 3.8)
(using coq 0.8)

(package (name local))

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