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Start caching errors in Memo
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Signed-off-by: Andrey Mokhov <[email protected]>
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snowleopard committed Apr 26, 2021
1 parent 83707b4 commit 47ec4ac
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 28 deletions.
48 changes: 31 additions & 17 deletions src/memo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -718,15 +718,19 @@ module Cached_value = struct
t.deps <- capture_dep_values ~deps_rev;

let value_changed (type o) (node : (_, o) Dep_node.t) prev_output curr_output
match (prev_output, curr_output) with
| (Value.Error _ | Cancelled _), _ -> true
| _, (Value.Error _ | Cancelled _) -> true
| Ok prev_output, Ok curr_output -> (
let value_changed (node : _ Dep_node.t) prev_value cur_value =
match ((prev_value : _ Value.t), (cur_value : _ Value.t)) with
| Cancelled _, _
| _, Cancelled _
| Error _, Ok _
| Ok _, Error _ ->
| Ok prev_value, Ok cur_value -> (
match node.without_state.spec.allow_cutoff with
| Yes equal -> not (equal prev_output curr_output)
| Yes equal -> not (equal prev_value cur_value)
| No -> true)
| Error prev_error, Error cur_error ->
not (Exn_set.equal prev_error cur_error)

(* Add a dependency on the [dep_node] from the caller, if there is one. Returns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -832,7 +836,7 @@ let dep_node (t : (_, _) t) input =
- [Unchanged]: all the dependencies of the current node are up to date and we
can therefore skip recomputing the node and can reuse the value computed in
the previuos run.
the previous run.
- [Changed]: one of the dependencies has changed since the previous run and
the current node should therefore be recomputed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,13 +877,15 @@ end = struct
(* Dependencies of cancelled computations are not accurate, so we can't
use [deps_changed] in this case. *)
Fiber.return (Error Cache_lookup.Failure.Not_found)
| Error _ ->
(* We always recompute errors, so there is no point in checking if any
of their dependencies changed. In principle, we could introduce
"persistent errors" that are recomputed only when their dependencies
have changed. *)
Fiber.return (Error Cache_lookup.Failure.Not_found)
| Ok _ -> (
| Ok _
| Error _ -> (
(* We cache errors just like normal values. We assume that all [Memo]
computations are deterministic, which means if we rerun a computation
that previously led to raising a set of errors, we expect to get the
same set of errors back and we might as well skip the unnecessary
work. The downside is that if a computation is non-deterministic,
there is no way to force rerunning it, apart from changing some of
its dependencies. *)
let+ deps_changed =
let rec go deps =
match deps with
Expand All @@ -891,8 +897,16 @@ end = struct
is up to date. If not, we must recompute [last_cached_value]. *)
let* restore_result = consider_and_restore_from_cache dep in
match restore_result with
| Ok cached_value -> (
match Value_id.equal v_id with
| Ok cached_value_of_dep -> (
(* Here we know that [dep] can be restored from the cache, so
how can [v_id] be different from []?
Good question! This can happen if [cached_value]'s node was
skipped in the previous run (because it was unreachable),
while [dep] wasn't skipped and its value changed. In the
current run, [cached_value] is therefore stale. We learn
this when we see that the [cached_value_of_dep] is not as
recorded when computing [cached_value]. *)
match Value_id.equal v_id with
| true -> go deps
| false -> Fiber.return Changed_or_not.Changed)
| Error (Cancelled { dependency_cycle }) ->
Expand Down
53 changes: 42 additions & 11 deletions test/expect-tests/memo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -972,34 +972,34 @@ let%expect_test "dynamic cycles with non-uniform cutoff structure" =
evaluate_and_print summit_no_cutoff 0;
Started evaluating the summit with input 0
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_4_yes_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_3_no_cutoff
Started evaluating base
Evaluated base: 3
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_2_yes_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_1_no_cutoff
Started evaluating cycle_creator_no_cutoff
Started evaluating base
Evaluated base: 3
Evaluated cycle_creator_no_cutoff: 3
Evaluated incrementing_chain_1_no_cutoff: 4
Evaluated incrementing_chain_2_yes_cutoff: 5
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_4_yes_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_3_no_cutoff
Evaluated incrementing_chain_3_no_cutoff: 6
Evaluated incrementing_chain_4_yes_cutoff: 7
Started evaluating the summit with input 0
Evaluated the summit with input 0: 7
f 0 = Ok 7 |}];
evaluate_and_print summit_yes_cutoff 0;
Started evaluating the summit with input 0
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_4_no_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_3_yes_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_2_no_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_1_yes_cutoff
Started evaluating cycle_creator_yes_cutoff
Evaluated cycle_creator_yes_cutoff: 3
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_1_yes_cutoff
Evaluated incrementing_chain_1_yes_cutoff: 4
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_3_yes_cutoff
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_2_no_cutoff
Evaluated incrementing_chain_2_no_cutoff: 5
Evaluated incrementing_chain_3_yes_cutoff: 6
Started evaluating the summit with input 0
Started evaluating incrementing_chain_4_no_cutoff
Evaluated incrementing_chain_4_no_cutoff: 7
Evaluated the summit with input 0: 7
f 0 = Ok 7 |}];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1403,7 +1403,6 @@ let%expect_test "error handling and duplicate exceptions" =
Fdecl.set f_impl (fun x ->
printf "Calling f %d\n" x;

match x with
| 0 -> Memo.exec forward_fail x
| 1 -> Memo.exec forward_fail2 x
Expand All @@ -1420,3 +1419,35 @@ let%expect_test "error handling and duplicate exceptions" =
Calling f 0
Error [ "(Failure 42)" ]

let%expect_test "errors are cached" =
Printexc.record_backtrace false;
let f =
Memo.create_hidden "area of a square"
~input:(module Int)
(fun x ->
printf "Started evaluating %d\n" x;
if x < 0 then failwith (sprintf "Negative input %d" x);
let res = x * x in
printf "Evaluated %d: %d\n" x res;
Memo.Build.return res)
evaluate_and_print f 5;
evaluate_and_print f (-5);
Started evaluating 5
Evaluated 5: 25
f 5 = Ok 25
Started evaluating -5
f -5 = Error [ { exn = "(Failure \"Negative input -5\")"; backtrace = "" } ]
evaluate_and_print f 5;
evaluate_and_print f (-5);
(* Note that we do not see any "Started evaluating" messages because both [Ok]
and [Error] results have been cached. *)
f 5 = Ok 25
f -5 = Error [ { exn = "(Failure \"Negative input -5\")"; backtrace = "" } ]

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