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[merlin] Cleanup leftover merlin files (#4261)
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* Make Build_system delete left-over `.merlin` files
* simplify code managing the Promoted_to_delete db
* Add a test for merlin files cleanup

Signed-off-by: Ulysse Gérard <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arseniy Alekseyev <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
voodoos and aalekseyev authored Feb 25, 2021
1 parent f839fc1 commit 20df2de
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Showing 4 changed files with 138 additions and 10 deletions.
88 changes: 78 additions & 10 deletions src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,21 @@ end = struct
| Some path -> mkdir_p path

(* [Promoted_to_delete] is used mostly to implement [dune clean]. It is an
imperfect heuristic, in particular it can go wrong if:
- the user deletes .to-delete-in-source-tree file
- the user edits a previously promoted file with the intention of keeping it
in the source tree, or creates a new file with the same name *)
module Promoted_to_delete : sig
val add : Path.t -> unit

val load : unit -> Path.Set.t
val remove : Path.t -> unit

val mem : Path.t -> bool

val get_db : unit -> Path.Set.t
end = struct
module P = Dune_util.Persistent.Make (struct
type t = Path.Set.t
Expand All @@ -52,30 +63,50 @@ end = struct
let version = 1

let db = ref Path.Set.empty

let fn = Path.relative Path.build_dir ".to-delete-in-source-tree"

(* [db] is used to accumulate promoted files from rules. *)
let db = lazy (ref (Option.value ~default:Path.Set.empty (P.load fn)))

let get_db () = !(Lazy.force db)

let set_db new_db = Lazy.force db := new_db

let needs_dumping = ref false

let modify_db f =
match f (get_db ()) with
| None -> ()
| Some new_db ->
set_db new_db;
needs_dumping := true

let add p =
if not (Path.Set.mem !db p) then (
needs_dumping := true;
db := Path.Set.add !db p
modify_db (fun db ->
if Path.Set.mem db p then
Some (Path.Set.add db p))

let load () = Option.value ~default:Path.Set.empty (P.load fn)
let remove p =
modify_db (fun db ->
if Path.Set.mem db p then
Some (Path.Set.remove db p)

let dump () =
if !needs_dumping && Path.build_dir_exists () then (
needs_dumping := false;
load () |> Path.Set.union !db |> P.dump fn
get_db () |> P.dump fn

let mem p = Path.Set.mem !(Lazy.force db) p

let () = Hooks.End_of_build.always dump

let files_in_source_tree_to_delete () = Promoted_to_delete.load ()
let files_in_source_tree_to_delete () = Promoted_to_delete.get_db ()

module Alias0 = struct
include Alias
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,6 +910,40 @@ end = struct
~subdir:(Path.Build.basename dir)

(* TODO: Delete this step after users of dune <2.8 are sufficiently rare. This
step is sketchy because it's using the [Promoted_to_delete] database and
that can get out of date (see a comment on [Promoted_to_delete]), so we
should not widen the scope of it too much. *)
let delete_stale_dot_merlin_file ~dir ~source_files_to_ignore =
(* If a [.merlin] file is present in the [Promoted_to_delete] set but not in
the [Source_files_to_ignore] that means the rule that ordered its
promotion is no more valid. This would happen when upgrading to Dune 2.8
from ealier version without and building uncleaned projects. We delete
these leftover files here. *)
let merlin_file = ".merlin" in
let source_dir = Path.Build.drop_build_context_exn dir in
let merlin_in_src = Path.Source.(relative source_dir merlin_file) in
let source_files_to_ignore =
Promoted_to_delete.mem (Path.source merlin_in_src)
&& not (Path.Source.Set.mem source_files_to_ignore merlin_in_src)
then (
let path = Path.source merlin_in_src in
[ Pp.textf "Deleting left-over Merlin file %s.\n"
(Path.to_string path)
(* We remove the file from the promoted database *)
Promoted_to_delete.remove path;
Path.unlink_no_err path;
(* We need to keep ignoring the .merlin file for that build or Dune will
attempt to copy it and fail because it has been deleted *)
Path.Source.Set.add source_files_to_ignore merlin_in_src
) else

let load_dir_step2_exn t ~dir =
let context_name, sub_dir =
match Dpath.analyse_path dir with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -947,6 +1012,9 @@ end = struct
Path.Build.Set.to_list source_files_to_ignore
|> Path.Source.Set.of_list_map ~f:Path.Build.drop_build_context_exn
let source_files_to_ignore =
delete_stale_dot_merlin_file ~dir ~source_files_to_ignore
(* Take into account the source files *)
let to_copy, source_dirs =
match context_name with
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 2.8)
Empty file.
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/promote/merlin-files.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
To mimic the behavior of Dune < 2.8 we add rules generating and promoting
until-clean .merlin files in both source folders (root and subfolder subdir)
We also add an other promotion that should not be impacted by these changes.
$ cat >dune <<EOF
> (executable
> (name foo)
> (promote (until-clean)))
> (rule
> (targets .merlin)
> (action (with-stdout-to .merlin (echo "test")))
> (mode (promote (until-clean))))

$ mkdir subdir

$ cat >subdir/dune <<EOF
> (rule
> (targets .merlin)
> (action (with-stdout-to .merlin (echo "test")))
> (mode (promote (until-clean))))

Building the project will promote .merlin files and foo.exe
$ dune build
$ ls -a | grep -i -e .merlin -e foo.exe

$ ls -a subdir | grep -i -e .merlin -e foo.exe

Nothing happen on rebuild, rules are still in place, promoted files remain
$ dune build --verbose 2>&1 | grep "left-over"

$ ls -a | grep -i -e .merlin -e foo.exe

$ ls -a subdir | grep -i -e .merlin -e foo.exe

Now we remove the rules with promotions
$ cat >dune <<EOF
$ cat >subdir/dune <<EOF

Next build Dune will delete the leftover .merlin but not foo.exe
$ dune build --verbose 2>&1 | grep "left-over"
Deleting left-over Merlin file .merlin.
Deleting left-over Merlin file subdir/.merlin.

$ ls -a | grep -i -e .merlin -e foo.exe

$ ls -a subdir | grep -i -e .merlin -e foo.exe

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