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Fix post-processing of dune-package
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 - dune-site should replace paths in "sections", not "sites"
 - paths' substitution should be done in all cases (not only
   when a version is added to dune-package)

fix #4389

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Strub <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
strub authored and bobot committed Nov 20, 2021
1 parent a76e31f commit 0281cf2
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Showing 6 changed files with 67 additions and 82 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,6 +299,8 @@ Unreleased
2.9.2 (unreleased)

- Fix post-processing of dune-package (fix #4389, @strub)

- No longer reference deprecated Toploop functions when using dune files in
OCaml syntax. (#4834, fixes #4830, @nojb)

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115 changes: 61 additions & 54 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,8 +133,9 @@ module File_ops_real (W : Workspace) : File_operations = struct
let get_vcs p = Dune_engine.Source_tree.nearest_vcs p

type load_special_file_result =
| No_version_needed
| Need_version of (Format.formatter -> version:string -> unit)
{ need_version : bool
; callback : ?version:string -> Format.formatter -> unit

let copy_special_file ~src ~package ~ic ~oc ~f =
let open Fiber.O in
Expand All @@ -143,31 +144,34 @@ module File_ops_real (W : Workspace) : File_operations = struct
Io.copy_channels ic oc;
Fiber.return ()

match f ic with
| Some { need_version; callback } ->
let* version =
if need_version then
let* packages =
match Package.Name.Map.find workspace.packages package with
| None -> Fiber.return None
| Some package -> (get_vcs (Package.dir package))
match packages with
| None -> Fiber.return None
| Some vcs -> (Dune_engine.Vcs.describe vcs)
Fiber.return None
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
callback ppf ?version;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Fiber.return ()
| None -> plain_copy ()
| exception _ ->
User_warning.emit ~loc:(Loc.in_file src)
[ Pp.text
"Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations \
plain_copy ()
| No_version_needed -> plain_copy ()
| Need_version print -> (
(match Package.Name.Map.find workspace.packages package with
| None -> Fiber.return None
| Some package -> (get_vcs (Package.dir package)))
>>= function
| None -> plain_copy ()
| Some vcs -> (
let open Fiber.O in
let* version = (Dune_engine.Vcs.describe vcs) in
match version with
| None -> plain_copy ()
| Some version ->
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
print ppf ~version;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Fiber.return ()))

let process_meta ic =
let lb = Lexing.from_channel ic in
Expand All @@ -185,15 +189,15 @@ module File_ops_real (W : Workspace) : File_operations = struct
| Exit -> true
if not need_more_versions then
(fun ppf ~version ->
let meta =
Dune_rules.Meta.add_versions meta ~get_version:(fun _ ->
Some version)
Pp.to_fmt ppf (Dune_rules.Meta.pp meta.entries))
let callback ?version ppf =
let meta =
Dune_rules.Meta.add_versions meta ~get_version:(fun _ -> version)
Pp.to_fmt ppf (Dune_rules.Meta.pp meta.entries)
Some { need_version = true; callback }

let replace_sites
~(get_location : Dune_engine.Section.t -> Package.Name.t -> Stdune.Path.t)
Expand All @@ -206,9 +210,9 @@ module File_ops_real (W : Workspace) : File_operations = struct
| None -> dp
| Some name -> dp ~f:(function
| Dune_lang.List ((Atom (A "sites") as sexp_sites) :: sites) ->
let sites = sites ~f:(function
| Dune_lang.List ((Atom (A "sections") as sexp_sections) :: sections) ->
let sections = sections ~f:(function
| Dune_lang.List [ (Atom (A section) as section_sexp); _ ] ->
let path =
Expand All @@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ module File_ops_real (W : Workspace) : File_operations = struct
pair sexp string (section_sexp, Path.to_absolute_filename path)
| _ -> assert false)
Dune_lang.List (sexp_sites :: sites)
Dune_lang.List (sexp_sections :: sections)
| x -> x)

let process_dune_package ~get_location ic =
Expand All @@ -231,35 +235,38 @@ module File_ops_real (W : Workspace) : File_operations = struct
(* replace sites with external path in the file *)
let dp = replace_sites ~get_location dp in
(* replace version if needed in the file *)
List.exists dp ~f:(function
| Dune_lang.List (Atom (A "version") :: _)
| Dune_lang.List [ Atom (A "use_meta"); Atom (A "true") ]
| Dune_lang.List [ Atom (A "use_meta") ] ->
| _ -> false)
(fun ppf ~version ->
let need_version =
(List.exists dp ~f:(function
| Dune_lang.List (Atom (A "version") :: _)
| Dune_lang.List [ Atom (A "use_meta"); Atom (A "true") ]
| Dune_lang.List [ Atom (A "use_meta") ] ->
| _ -> false))
let callback ?version ppf =
let dp =
match version with
| Some version -> (
let version =
[ Dune_lang.atom "version"
; Dune_lang.atom_or_quoted_string version
let dp =
match dp with
| lang :: name :: rest -> lang :: name :: version :: rest
| [ lang ] -> [ lang; version ]
| [] -> [ version ]
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
List.iter dp ~f:(fun x ->
Dune_lang.Deprecated.pp ppf x;
Format.pp_print_cut ppf ());
Format.pp_close_box ppf ())
match dp with
| lang :: name :: rest -> lang :: name :: version :: rest
| [ lang ] -> [ lang; version ]
| [] -> [ version ])
| _ -> dp
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
List.iter dp ~f:(fun x ->
Dune_lang.Deprecated.pp ppf x;
Format.pp_print_cut ppf ());
Format.pp_close_box ppf ()
Some { need_version; callback }

let copy_file ~src ~dst ~executable ~special_file ~package
~(conf : Dune_rules.Artifact_substitution.conf) =
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions otherlibs/site/test/github4389.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
$ dune install --prefix _install
Installing _install/lib/github4389/META
Installing _install/lib/github4389/dune-package
File "_build/install/default/lib/github4389/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
Installing _install/bin/main
$ grep sites _install/lib/github4389/dune-package
(sites (github4389 share))
$ grep -o '[^ ]*/_install/share/github4389' _install/lib/github4389/dune-package
$ _install/bin/main
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions otherlibs/site/test/github4389_without_build_info.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
$ dune install --prefix _install
Installing _install/lib/github4389/META
Installing _install/lib/github4389/dune-package
File "_build/install/default/lib/github4389/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
Installing _install/bin/main
$ grep sites _install/lib/github4389/dune-package
(sites (github4389 share))
$ grep -o '[^ ]*/_install/share/github4389' _install/lib/github4389/dune-package
$ _install/bin/main
22 changes: 1 addition & 21 deletions otherlibs/site/test/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,8 +176,6 @@ Test with an opam like installation

$ dune install -p a --create-install-files a 2>&1 | sed -e "/^Copying/d"
File "_build/install/default/lib/a/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.

$ grep "_destdir" a/a.install -c
Expand All @@ -194,19 +192,11 @@ Test with a normal installation

$ dune install --prefix _install 2>&1 | sed -e "/^Installing/d"
File "_build/install/default/lib/a/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
File "_build/install/default/lib/b/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
File "_build/install/default/lib/c/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
File "_build/install/default/lib/d/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.

Once installed, we have the sites information:

$ grep share/a _install/lib/a/dune-package

$ OCAMLPATH=_install/lib:$OCAMLPATH _install/bin/c
run a
Expand All @@ -224,14 +214,6 @@ Test with a relocatable installation

$ dune install --prefix _install_relocatable --relocatable 2>&1 | sed -e "/^Installing/d"
File "_build/install/default/lib/a/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
File "_build/install/default/lib/b/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
File "_build/install/default/lib/c/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.
File "_build/install/default/lib/d/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.

Once installed, we have the sites information:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,8 +354,6 @@ Test compiling an external plugin

$ OCAMLPATH=$(pwd)/_install/lib:$OCAMLPATH dune install --root=e --prefix $(pwd)/_install 2>&1 | sed -e "/^Installing/d"
Entering directory 'e'
File "_build/install/default/lib/e/dune-package", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information.

$ OCAMLPATH=_install/lib:$OCAMLPATH _install/bin/c
run a
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests that the "old_public_name" field is evaluated lazily
(name a)
(files (lib (META dune-package)))
(deprecated_library_name (old_public_name a) (new_public_name b))

Expand Down

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