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Merge pull request #555 from NathanReb/migrate-before-print
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Add --use-compiler-pp flag to standalone driver
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NathanReb authored Jan 28, 2025
2 parents e26c25f + f702972 commit 7978f00
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Showing 11 changed files with 237 additions and 13 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ unreleased

- Remove support for compilers older than 4.08 (#556, @NathanReb)

- Add a `--use-compiler-pp` flag to the standalone driver. This flag
can be set when the driver outputs source code to make it use the compiler's
`Pprintast` instead of ppxlib's.
(#555, @NathanReb)

>>>>>>> 0d3e8b95 (Add --use-compiler-pp flag to standalone driver)
0.34.0 (2025-01-06)

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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions astlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,15 @@ module Compiler_pprintast = struct

let structure_item fmt t = structure fmt [t]
let signature_item fmt t = signature fmt [t]

exception Unavailable

(*IF_NOT_AT_LEAST 414 let class_field _fmt _t = raise Unavailable *)
(*IF_NOT_AT_LEAST 414 let class_type_field _fmt _t = raise Unavailable *)
(*IF_NOT_AT_LEAST 414 let class_expr _fmt _t = raise Unavailable *)
(*IF_NOT_AT_LEAST 414 let class_type _fmt _t = raise Unavailable *)
(*IF_NOT_AT_LEAST 414 let module_type _fmt _t = raise Unavailable *)
(*IF_NOT_AT_LEAST 414 let module_expr _fmt _t = raise Unavailable *)

let init_error_reporting_style_using_env_vars () =
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22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1059,8 +1059,8 @@ let process_ast (ast : Intf_or_impl.t) ~input_name ~tool_name ~hook
Intf_or_impl.Impl ast

let process_file (kind : Kind.t) fn ~input_name ~relocate ~output_mode
~embed_errors ~output =
let process_file (kind : Kind.t) fn ~input_name ~relocate ~use_compiler_pprint
~output_mode ~embed_errors ~output =
File_property.reset_all ();
List.iter (List.rev !process_file_hooks) ~f:(fun f -> f ());
corrections := [];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ let process_file (kind : Kind.t) fn ~input_name ~relocate ~output_mode
Reconcile.reconcile corrections
~contents:(Lazy.force input_contents)
~output:(Some corrected) ~input_filename:fn ~input_name
~target:Corrected ?styler:!styler ~kind;
~target:Corrected ?styler:!styler ~kind ~use_compiler_pprint;

Expand All @@ -1138,9 +1138,11 @@ let process_file (kind : Kind.t) fn ~input_name ~relocate ~output_mode
| Pretty_print ->
with_output output ~binary:false ~f:(fun oc ->
let ppf = Stdlib.Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
(match ast with
| Intf ast -> Pprintast.signature ppf ast
| Impl ast -> Pprintast.structure ppf ast);
(if use_compiler_pprint then Utils.print_as_compiler_source ppf ast
match ast with
| Intf ast -> Pprintast.signature ppf ast
| Impl ast -> Pprintast.structure ppf ast);
let null_ast =
match ast with Intf [] | Impl [] -> true | _ -> false
Expand All @@ -1162,7 +1164,7 @@ let process_file (kind : Kind.t) fn ~input_name ~relocate ~output_mode
Reconcile.reconcile !replacements
~contents:(Lazy.force input_contents)
~output ~input_filename:fn ~input_name ~target:(Output mode)
?styler:!styler ~kind);
?styler:!styler ~kind ~use_compiler_pprint);

mismatches_found && match !diff_command with Some "-" -> false | _ -> true
Expand All @@ -1176,6 +1178,7 @@ let output = ref None
let kind = ref None
let input = ref None
let embed_errors = ref false
let use_compiler_pprint = ref false

let set_input fn =
match !input with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1418,6 +1421,10 @@ let standalone_args =
( "--keywords",
Arg.String (fun s -> keywords := Some s),
"<version+list> Same as -keywords" );
( "--use-compiler-pp",
Arg.Set use_compiler_pprint,
"Force migrating the AST back to the compiler's version before printing \
it as source code using the compiler's Pprintast utilities." );

let get_args ?(standalone_args = standalone_args) () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1457,6 +1464,7 @@ let standalone_main () =
process_file kind fn ~input_name ~relocate ~output_mode:!output_mode
~output:!output ~embed_errors:!embed_errors

let rewrite_binary_ast_file input_fn output_fn =
let input_name, input_version, ast = load_input_run_as_ppx input_fn in
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/dune
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(:standard -safe-string))
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84 changes: 79 additions & 5 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,64 @@ module Context = struct
| Floating_attribute Signature_item -> Pprintast.signature_item
| Floating_attribute Class_field -> Pprintast.class_field
| Floating_attribute Class_type_field -> Pprintast.class_type_field

let compiler_printer : type a. a t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> a -> unit =
fun ctx ppf a ->
let open Extension.Context in
let open Attribute.Floating.Context in
let module Ppxlib_to_compiler = Convert (Js) (Compiler_version) in
match ctx with
| Extension Class_expr ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.class_expr ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_class_expr a)
| Extension Class_field ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.class_field ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_class_field a)
| Extension Class_type ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.class_type ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_class_type a)
| Extension Class_type_field ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.class_type_field ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_class_type_field a)
| Extension Core_type ->
paren Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.core_type ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_core_type a)
| Extension Expression ->
paren Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.expression ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_expression a)
| Extension Module_expr ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.module_expr ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_module_expr a)
| Extension Module_type ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.module_type ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_module_type a)
| Extension Pattern ->
paren Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.pattern ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_pattern a)
| Extension Signature_item ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.signature_item ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_signature_item a)
| Extension Structure_item ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.structure_item ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_structure_item a)
| Extension Ppx_import ->
let stri_a =
{ pstr_desc = Pstr_type (Recursive, [ a ]); pstr_loc = Location.none }
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.structure_item ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_structure_item stri_a)
| Floating_attribute Structure_item ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.structure_item ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_structure_item a)
| Floating_attribute Signature_item ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.signature_item ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_signature_item a)
| Floating_attribute Class_field ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.class_field ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_class_field a)
| Floating_attribute Class_type_field ->
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.class_type_field ppf
(Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_class_type_field a)

module Replacement = struct
Expand All @@ -44,12 +102,15 @@ module Replacement = struct

let make_text ~start ~stop ~repl () = { start; stop; data = Text repl }

let text block =
let text ~use_compiler_pprint block =
match with
| Text s -> s
| Values (context, generated) ->
let s =
let printer = Context.printer context in
let printer =
if use_compiler_pprint then Context.compiler_printer context
else Context.printer context
match generated with
| Single x -> Stdlib.Format.asprintf "%a" printer x
| Many l ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,7 +250,7 @@ let with_output ~styler ~(kind : Kind.t) fn ~f =
Stdlib.exit 1)

let reconcile ?styler (repls : Replacements.t) ~kind ~contents ~input_filename
~output ~input_name ~target =
~output ~input_name ~target ~use_compiler_pprint =
let repls = Replacements.check_and_sort ~input_filename ~input_name repls in
let output_name = match output with None -> "<stdout>" | Some fn -> fn in
with_output output ~styler ~kind ~f:(fun oc ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,7 +291,20 @@ let reconcile ?styler (repls : Replacements.t) ~kind ~contents ~input_filename
copy_input pos ~up_to:repl.start.pos_cnum ~line ~last_is_text
let s = Replacement.text repl in
let s =
try Replacement.text ~use_compiler_pprint repl
with Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.Unavailable ->
let loc =
(Location.in_file input_filename) with
loc_start = repl.start;
loc_end = repl.stop;
Location.raise_errorf ~loc
"Ppxlib.Reconcile: Cannot print this AST fragment using the \
compiler printers with OCaml < 4.14"
let line =
match target with
| Output Using_line_directives ->
Expand All @@ -255,7 +329,7 @@ let reconcile ?styler (repls : Replacements.t) ~kind ~contents ~input_filename
if pos.pos_cnum < repl.start.pos_cnum then
end_consecutive_repls line pos repls ~last_is_text
let s = Replacement.text repl in
let s = Replacement.text ~use_compiler_pprint repl in
output_string oc s;
let line = line + count_newlines s in
let last_is_text =
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/reconcile.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,4 +34,5 @@ val reconcile :
output:string option ->
input_name:string ->
target:target ->
use_compiler_pprint:bool ->
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,3 +248,13 @@ module System = struct
if Stdlib.Sys.command command = 0 then Ok ()
else Error (command, Ast_io.fall_back_input_version)

let print_as_compiler_source ppf ast =
let module Ppxlib_to_compiler = Convert (Js) (Compiler_version) in
match (ast : Intf_or_impl.t) with
| Intf sg ->
let sg = Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_signature sg in
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.signature ppf sg
| Impl st ->
let st = Ppxlib_to_compiler.copy_structure st in
Astlib.Compiler_pprintast.structure ppf st
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,3 +60,7 @@ module System : sig
output:string ->
(unit, string * Ast_io.input_version) result

val print_as_compiler_source : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Intf_or_impl.t -> unit
(** Migrates the given AST to the compiler version and print it as source code
using Pprintast. *)
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions test/driver/compiler-pp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
open Ppxlib

let existential ~loc =
let lident = { loc; txt = Longident.parse "Constructor" } in
let pattern =
ppat_loc = loc;
ppat_loc_stack = [];
ppat_attributes = [];
ppat_desc =
Ppat_construct (lident, Some ([ { loc; txt = "a" } ], [%pat? _]));
[%stri let f x = match x with [%p pattern] -> ()]

let named_existential =
(Extension.V3.declare "named_existentials" Extension.Context.structure_item
Ast_pattern.(pstr nil)
(fun ~ctxt ->
let loc = Expansion_context.Extension.extension_point_loc ctxt in
existential ~loc))

let () =
Driver.V2.register_transformation ~rules:[ named_existential ]

let str_type_decl =
Deriving.Generator.V2.make_noarg (fun ~ctxt _type_decl ->
let loc = Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt in
[ existential ~loc ])

let _ = Deriving.add ~str_type_decl "named_existentials"
let () = Driver.standalone ()
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/driver/compiler-pp/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(name driver)
(< %{ocaml_version} "4.13"))
(libraries ppxlib)
(pps ppxlib.metaquot)))

(< %{ocaml_version} "4.13"))
(deps driver.exe))
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions test/driver/compiler-pp/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
The --use-compiler-pp flag can be used when using the driver's source code
output, either directly when generating a .corrected file or to force
printing the AST as source using the installed compiler's printer.

Our driver has a deriver and an extension that produces a pattern-matching with
named existentials.

This feature has been introduced in 4.13 so the syntax is unsupported before that.

If we run the driver in source output mode, without the `--use-compiler-pp` flag,
it will successfully print out the source using the 4.13 syntax. If we're running
on an older compiler, like we are for this test, that can be troublesome.
If instead we use the flag, this will force the migration thus causing an error as
named existentials can't be migrated down to 4.12.

Let's consider the following file:
$ cat > << EOF
> [%%named_existentials]
Running the driver will generate a function with a single pattern matching in it:
$ ./driver.exe
let f x = match x with | Constructor (type a) _ -> ()
Now if we run it with `--use-compiler-pp`, we should get the migration error:
$ ./driver.exe --use-compiler-pp
File "", line 1, characters 0-22:
1 | [%%named_existentials]
Error: migration error: existentials in pattern-matching is not supported before OCaml 4.13
This should also work for correction based code gen:
$ cat > << EOF
> type t = int
> [@@deriving_inline named_existentials]
> [@@@end]
If we run the driver without `--use-compiler-pp`:
$ ./driver.exe -diff-cmd -
type t = int[@@deriving_inline named_existentials]
[@@@end ]
$ cat
type t = int
[@@deriving_inline named_existentials]
let _ = fun (_ : t) -> ()
let f x = match x with | Constructor (type a) _ -> ()
let _ = f
and with the flag:
$ ./driver.exe -diff-cmd - --use-compiler-pp
File "", lines 1-2, characters 0-38:
1 | type t = int
2 | [@@deriving_inline named_existentials]
Error: migration error: existentials in pattern-matching is not supported before OCaml 4.13

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