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o compile what we can do with Path.stat
o blow up if we can't represent it in a string instead of truncating it
o split the reads into no more than 2^32-1 to luv
o use the version where we return something with an early EOF (not read_exact)
o use O_PATH

Needs some more nitbits, pushing to show direction
  • Loading branch information
haesbaert committed Oct 6, 2022
1 parent 743d6dc commit e2f38d3
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Showing 5 changed files with 104 additions and 27 deletions.
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion lib_eio/
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Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,27 @@ end

type path = string

type stat = {
st_dev : Int64.t;
st_ino : Int64.t;
(* st_kind : file_kind; (\* mode@luv mode@stat *\) *)
(* st_perm : file_perm; (\* mode@luv mode@stat *\) *)
st_nlink : Int64.t;
st_uid : Int64.t;
st_gid : Int64.t;
st_rdev : Int64.t;
st_size : Optint.Int63.t;
st_blksize : Int64.t;
st_blocks : Int64.t;
st_atime : float;
st_mtime : float;
st_ctime : float;

exception Already_exists of path * exn
exception Not_found of path * exn
exception Permission_denied of path * exn
exception File_too_large of path * exn

(** When to create a new file. *)
type create = [
Expand All @@ -36,7 +54,7 @@ class virtual dir = object (_ : #Generic.t)
method virtual unlink : path -> unit
method virtual rmdir : path -> unit
method virtual rename : path -> dir -> path -> unit
method virtual size : path -> Optint.Int63.t
method virtual stat : path -> stat
method virtual pp : Format.formatter -> unit
and virtual dir_with_close = object
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27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions lib_eio/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ let open_out ~sw ?(append=false) ~create ((t:#Fs.dir), path) = t#open_out ~sw ~a
let open_dir ~sw ((t:#Fs.dir), path) = (t#open_dir ~sw path, "")
let mkdir ~perm ((t:#Fs.dir), path) = t#mkdir ~perm path
let read_dir ((t:#Fs.dir), path) = List.sort (t#read_dir path)
let size ((t:#Fs.dir), (path: string)) : Optint.Int63.t = t#size path
let stat ((t:#Fs.dir), (path: string)) : Fs.stat = t#stat path

let with_open_in path fn = @@ fun sw -> fn (open_in ~sw path)
Expand All @@ -31,17 +31,24 @@ let with_lines path fn =
let buf = Buf_read.of_flow flow ~max_size:max_int in
fn (Buf_read.lines buf)

let load path =
let len = size path in
let load ((t:#Fs.dir), path) =
let st = t#stat path in
let len = st.st_size in
let mymax = min Sys.max_string_length Sys.max_array_length in
let len = match Optint.Int63.(compare len (of_int mymax)) with
| 1 -> mymax
| _ -> Optint.Int63.to_int len
with_open_in path @@ fun flow ->
if Optint.Int63.(compare len (of_int mymax)) = 1 then
raise (Fs.File_too_large
(path, Invalid_argument "can't represent a string that long"));
with_open_in (t, path) @@ fun flow ->
let len = Optint.Int63.to_int len in
let buf = Cstruct.create len in
Flow.read_exact flow buf;
Cstruct.to_string buf
let rec loop buf got =
let n = flow buf in
loop (Cstruct.shift buf n) (n + got)
with End_of_file -> got
let got = loop buf 0 in
Cstruct.to_string ~len:got buf

let save ?append ~create path data =
with_open_out ?append ~create path @@ fun flow ->
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib_eio/path.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ val ( / ) : 'a t -> string -> 'a t
val pp : _ t Fmt.t
(** [pp] formats a [_ t] as "<label:path>", suitable for logging. *)

val size : _ t -> Optint.Int63.t
(** [size]: is the size in bytes of [t]. *)
val stat : _ t -> stat
(** [stat]: is the stat(2) of [t]. *)

(** {1 Reading files} *)

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26 changes: 21 additions & 5 deletions lib_eio_linux/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ let system_thread = Ctf.mint_id ()
let wrap_errors path fn =
try fn () with
| Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EEXIST, _, _) as ex -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.Already_exists (path, ex)
| Unix.Unix_error(Unix.E2BIG, _, _) as ex -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.File_too_large (path, ex)
| Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, _, _) as ex -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.Not_found (path, ex)
| Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EXDEV, _, _) as ex -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.Permission_denied (path, ex)
| Eio.Fs.Permission_denied _ as ex -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.Permission_denied (path, ex)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1207,16 +1208,31 @@ class dir ~label (fd : dir_fd) = object
| Dir_fd -> Some fd
| _ -> None

method size path =
method stat path = @@ fun sw ->
let fd = Low_level.openat ~sw fd path
let fd = Low_level.openat ~sw ~seekable:false fd path
~flags:Uring.Open_flags.(path + cloexec)
let st = Low_level.fstat fd in
let ust = Low_level.fstat fd in
FD.close fd;
st.st_size |> Optint.Int63.of_int64
st_dev = ust.st_dev |> Int64.of_int;
st_ino = ust.st_ino |> Int64.of_int;
(* kind *)
(* perm *)
st_nlink = ust.st_nlink |> Int64.of_int;
st_uid = ust.st_uid |> Int64.of_int;
st_gid = ust.st_gid |> Int64.of_int;
st_rdev = ust.st_rdev |> Int64.of_int;
st_size = ust.st_size |> Optint.Int63.of_int64;
st_blksize = 512 |> Int64.of_int; (* XXX *)
st_blocks = Int64.(div ust.st_size (of_int 512)); (* XXX *)
st_atime = ust.st_atime;
st_mtime = ust.st_mtime;
st_ctime = ust.st_ctime;

method open_in ~sw path =
let fd = Low_level.openat ~sw fd path
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54 changes: 45 additions & 9 deletions lib_eio_luv/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,27 @@ let or_raise_path path = function
| Ok x -> x
| Error e -> raise (wrap_error ~path e)

(* Luv can't handle buffers with more than 2^32-1 bytes, limit it to
31bit so we can also make sure 32bit archs don't overflow.
See *)
let cstruct_to_luv buf =
Cstruct.to_bigarray @@
if (Cstruct.length buf) <= 0x7FFFFFFF then
Cstruct.sub buf 0 0x7FFFFFFF

let float_of_timespec (ts : Luv.File.Stat.timespec) =
let s : float = Signed.Long.to_int64 ts.sec |> Int64.to_float in
let nsec : float = Signed.Long.to_int64 ts.nsec |> Int64.to_float in

let n = nsec /. 1_000_000_000.0 in
let t = s +. n in
if t = (s +. 1.0) then
Float.next_after t s

module Suspended = struct
type 'a t = {
fiber : Eio.Private.Fiber_context.t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,20 +603,20 @@ let flow fd = object (_ : <source; sink; ..>)
| _ -> None

method read_into buf =
let buf = Cstruct.to_bigarray buf in
let buf = cstruct_to_luv buf in
match fd [buf] |> or_raise |> Unsigned.Size_t.to_int with
| 0 -> raise End_of_file
| got -> got

method pread ~file_offset bufs =
let bufs = Cstruct.to_bigarray bufs in
let bufs = cstruct_to_luv bufs in
let file_offset = Optint.Int63.to_int64 file_offset in
match ~file_offset fd bufs |> or_raise |> Unsigned.Size_t.to_int with
| 0 -> raise End_of_file
| got -> got

method pwrite ~file_offset bufs =
let bufs = Cstruct.to_bigarray bufs in
let bufs = cstruct_to_luv bufs in
let file_offset = Optint.Int63.to_int64 file_offset in
File.write_single ~file_offset fd bufs |> or_raise |> Unsigned.Size_t.to_int

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,7 +650,7 @@ let socket sock = object
method unix_fd op = Stream.to_unix_opt op sock |> Option.get

method read_into buf =
let buf = Cstruct.to_bigarray buf in
let buf = cstruct_to_luv buf in
Stream.read_into sock buf

method! write bufs =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -738,7 +759,7 @@ module Udp = struct

let send t buf = function
| `Udp (host, port) ->
let bufs = [ Cstruct.to_bigarray buf ] in
let bufs = [ cstruct_to_luv buf ] in
match await (fun _loop _fiber -> Luv.UDP.send (Handle.get "send" t) bufs (luv_addr_of_eio host port)) with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error e -> raise (wrap_flow_error e)
Expand All @@ -751,7 +772,7 @@ let udp_socket endp = object

method send sockaddr bufs = Udp.send endp bufs sockaddr
method recv buf =
let buf = Cstruct.to_bigarray buf in
let buf = cstruct_to_luv buf in
Udp.recv endp buf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -932,12 +953,27 @@ class dir ~label (dir_path : string) = object (self)
| exception Eio.Fs.Permission_denied (dir, ex) ->
raise (Eio.Fs.Permission_denied (Filename.concat dir leaf, ex))

method size path : Optint.Int63.t =
method stat path = @@ fun sw ->
let fd = File.open_ ~sw (self#resolve path) [`NOFOLLOW; `RDONLY] |> or_raise_path path in
let st = File.fstat fd |> or_raise_path path in
let lst : Luv.File.Stat.t = File.fstat fd |> or_raise_path path in
File.close fd;
st.size |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64 |> Optint.Int63.of_int64
st_dev = |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64; (* lst.st_dev; *)
st_ino = lst.ino |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
(* kind *)
(* perm *)
st_nlink = lst.nlink |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
st_uid = lst.uid |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
st_gid = lst.gid |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
st_rdev = lst.rdev |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
st_size = lst.size |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64 |> Optint.Int63.of_int64;
st_blksize = lst.blksize |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
st_blocks = lst.blocks |> Unsigned.UInt64.to_int64;
st_atime = lst.atim |> float_of_timespec;
st_mtime = lst.mtim |> float_of_timespec;
st_ctime = lst.ctim |> float_of_timespec;

method open_in ~sw path =
let fd = File.open_ ~sw (self#resolve path) [`NOFOLLOW; `RDONLY] |> or_raise_path path in
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