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adapt String.Cap to -safe-string
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gasche committed Sep 23, 2017
1 parent 202734d commit 523dafc
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Showing 2 changed files with 184 additions and 107 deletions.
83 changes: 71 additions & 12 deletions src/batString.mliv
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Expand Up @@ -949,14 +949,21 @@ sig

end (* String.Exceptionless *)

(* (* TODO re-enable this with a better implementation *)
(** Capabilities for strings.

This modules provides the same set of features as {!String}, but
with the added twist that strings can be made read-only or write-only.
Read-only strings may then be safely shared and distributed.

There is no loss of performance involved. *)
@since NEXT_RELEASE the interface and implementation of the Cap
module changed to accomodate the -safe-string transition. OCaml
now uses two distinct types for mutable and immutable string,
which is a good design but is not as expressive as the present Cap
interface, and actually makes implementing Cap harder than it
previously was. We are aware that current state is not optimal for
heavy Cap users; if you are one of them, please get in touch (on
the Batteries issue tracker for example) so that we can discuss
code refactoring and improvements for this sub-module. *)
module Cap:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -987,11 +994,66 @@ sig

(** {6 Constructors}*)

external of_string : string -> _ t = "%identity"
(**Adopt a regular string.*)
external of_string : Bytes.t -> _ t = "%identity"
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Cap.of_bytes instead"]
(**Adopt a regular byte sequence.

One could give a perfectly safe semantics to
an [of_string : string -> _ t] function, but this
requires making a copy of the string. Previous
versions of this interface advertised the absence
of performance overhead, so it's better to warn
the user and let them decide (through the use of
either Bytes.of_string or Bytes.unsafe_of_string)
whether they can safely avoid a copy or need to
insert one.

val of_bytes : Bytes.t -> _ t
(** Adopt a regular byte sequence.

Note that adopting a byte sequence, even at the restrictive
[`Read] type, does not make a copy. Having a [`Read] string
prevents you (and anyone you pass it to) from writing it, but
your parent may have knowledge of the string at a more permissive
type and perform writes on it.

If you want to use a [`Read] string and assume it will not get
written to, you should either properly "adopt" it by ensuring
unique ownership (this cannot be guaranteed by the type system),
or make a copy of it at adoption time: [Cap.of_bytes
(Bytes.copy buf)].


external to_string : [`Read | `Write] t -> string = "%identity"
(** Return a capability string as a regular string.*)
external to_string : [`Read | `Write] t -> Bytes.t = "%identity"
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Cap.to_bytes instead"]
(** Return a capability string as a regular byte sequence.

We cannot return a [string] here, and it would be incorrect to
do so even if we required [[< `Read] t] as input. Indeed, one
can start from a writeable byte sequence, and then use the
[read_only] function below to cast it into a [[`Read]
t]. Capabilities are used to enforce local protocol (only reads,
only writes, both reads and writes...), they don't guarantee
that other users of the same (shared) value all follow the same
protocol. To safely reason about mutability one needs stronger
ownership guarantees.

If you want to obtain an immutable [string] out of a capability
string, you should first convert it to a mutable byte sequence
and then copy it into an immutable string. If you have extra
knowledge about the ownership of the value, you may use unsafe
conversion functions to avoid the copy, see the documentation of
unsafe conversion functions.

external to_bytes : [`Read | `Write] t -> Bytes.t = "%identity"
(** Return a capability string as a regular byte sequence.


external read_only : [> `Read] t -> [`Read] t = "%identity"
(** Drop capabilities to read only.*)
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val rchop : ?n:int -> [> `Read] t -> _ t

val chop : ?l:int -> ?r:int -> [> `Read] t -> string
val chop : ?l:int -> ?r:int -> [> `Read] t -> _ t

val trim : [> `Read] t -> _ t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1128,11 +1190,11 @@ sig
(** {6 Splitting around}*)
val split : [> `Read] t -> by:[> `Read] t -> _ t * _ t

val rsplit : [> `Read] t -> by:string -> string * string
val rsplit : [> `Read] t -> by:[> `Read] t -> _ t * _ t

val nsplit : [> `Read] t -> by:[> `Read] t -> _ t list

val splice: [ `Read | `Write] t -> int -> int -> [> `Read] t -> string
val splice: [ `Read | `Write] t -> int -> int -> [> `Read] t -> _ t

val join : [> `Read] t -> [> `Read] t list -> _ t

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val rfind_from: [> `Read] t -> int -> [> `Read] t -> int option

(* val split : string -> string -> (string * string) option TODO *)
val split : [> `Read] t -> by:[> `Read] t -> (_ t * _ t) option

(* val rsplit : string -> string -> (string * string) option TODO *)
val rsplit : [> `Read] t -> by:[> `Read] t -> (_ t * _ t) option

end (* String.Cap.Exceptionless *)



Expand Down
208 changes: 113 additions & 95 deletions src/batString.mlv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ let exists str sub =
not (exists "ab" "c")

let strip ?(chars = " \t\r\n") s =
let strip_default = " \t\r\n"
let strip ?(chars = strip_default) s =
let p = ref 0 in
let l = length s in
while !p < l && contains chars (unsafe_get s !p) do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1090,88 +1091,99 @@ end (* String.Exceptionless *)

module Cap =
type 'a t = string

let make = make
let is_empty = is_empty
let init = init
let enum = enum
let of_enum = of_enum
let backwards = backwards
let of_backwards = of_backwards

let of_int = of_int
let of_float = of_float
let of_char = of_char
let to_int = to_int
let to_float = to_float
let map = map
let mapi = mapi
let fold_left = fold_left
let fold_right = fold_right
let fold_lefti = fold_lefti
let fold_righti = fold_righti
let iter = iter
let index = index
let rindex = rindex
let index_from = index_from
let rindex_from = rindex_from
let contains = contains
let contains_from = contains_from
let rcontains_from= rcontains_from
let find = find
let find_from = find_from
let rfind = rfind
let rfind_from = rfind_from
let ends_with = ends_with
let starts_with = starts_with
let exists = exists
let lchop = lchop
let rchop = rchop
let chop = chop
let strip = strip
let uppercase = uppercase
let lowercase = lowercase
let capitalize = capitalize
let uncapitalize = uncapitalize
let copy = copy
let sub = sub
let fill = fill
let blit = blit
let concat = concat
let escaped = escaped
let replace_chars = replace_chars
let replace = replace
let nreplace = nreplace
let split = split
let repeat = repeat
let rsplit = rsplit
let nsplit = nsplit
let join = join
let slice = slice
let explode = explode
let implode = implode
let compare = compare
let icompare = icompare
let splice = splice
let trim = trim
let quote = quote
let left = left
let right = right
let head = head
let tail = tail
let filter_map = filter_map
let filter = filter
let of_list = of_list
let to_list = to_list

let quote = quote
let print = print
let println = println
let print_quoted = print_quoted

external of_string : string -> _ t = "%identity"
external to_string : [`Read | `Write] t -> string = "%identity"
type 'a t = Bytes.t
let ubos = Bytes.unsafe_of_string
let usob = Bytes.unsafe_to_string

let make = Bytes.make
let is_empty b = is_empty (usob b)
let init n f = ubos (init n f)
let enum b = enum (usob b)
let of_enum e = ubos (of_enum e)
let backwards b = backwards (usob b)
let of_backwards e = ubos (of_backwards e)

let of_int n = ubos (of_int n)
let of_float x = ubos (of_float x)
let of_char c = ubos (of_char c)
let to_int b = to_int (usob b)
let to_float b = to_float (usob b)
let map f b = ubos (map f (usob b))
let mapi f b = ubos (mapi f (usob b))
let fold_left f v b = fold_left f v (usob b)
let fold_right f b v = fold_right f (usob b) v
let fold_lefti f v b = fold_lefti f v (usob b)
let fold_righti f b v = fold_righti f (usob b) v
let iter f b = iter f (usob b)
let index b c = index (usob b) c
let rindex b c = rindex (usob b) c
let index_from b i c = index_from (usob b) i c
let rindex_from b i c = rindex_from (usob b) i c
let contains b c = contains (usob b) c
let contains_from b i c = contains_from (usob b) i c
let rcontains_from b i c = rcontains_from (usob b) i c
let find b1 b2 = find (usob b1) (usob b2)
let find_from b1 i b2 = find_from (usob b1) i (usob b2)
let rfind b1 b2 = rfind (usob b1) (usob b2)
let rfind_from b1 i b2 = rfind_from (usob b1) i (usob b2)
let ends_with b1 b2 = ends_with (usob b1) (usob b2)
let starts_with b1 b2 = starts_with (usob b1) (usob b2)
let exists b1 b2 = exists (usob b1) (usob b2)
let lchop ?n b = ubos (lchop ?n (usob b))
let rchop ?n b = ubos (rchop ?n (usob b))
let chop ?l ?r b = ubos (chop ?l ?r (usob b))
let strip ?(chars = ubos strip_default) b =
ubos (strip ~chars:(usob chars) (usob b))
let uppercase b = ubos (uppercase (usob b))
let lowercase b = ubos (lowercase (usob b))
let capitalize b = ubos (capitalize (usob b))
let uncapitalize b = ubos (uncapitalize (usob b))
let copy = Bytes.copy
let sub = Bytes.sub
let fill = Bytes.fill
let blit = Bytes.blit
let concat = Bytes.concat
let escaped = Bytes.escaped
let replace_chars f b = ubos (replace_chars (fun c -> usob (f c)) (usob b))
let replace ~str ~sub ~by =
let (b, s) = replace ~str:(usob str) ~sub:(usob sub) ~by:(usob by) in
(b, ubos s)
let nreplace ~str ~sub ~by =
ubos (nreplace ~str:(usob str) ~sub:(usob sub) ~by:(usob by))
let split b ~by =
let (a, b) = split (usob b) ~by:(usob by) in
(ubos a, ubos b)
let repeat b i = ubos (repeat (usob b) i)
let rsplit b ~by =
let (a, b) = rsplit (usob b) ~by:(usob by) in
(ubos a, ubos b)
let nsplit b ~by = ubos (nsplit (usob b) ~by:(usob by))
let join = Bytes.concat
let slice ?first ?last b = ubos (slice ?first ?last (usob b))
let explode b = explode (usob b)
let implode cs = ubos (implode cs)
let compare b1 b2 = compare (usob b1) (usob b2)
let icompare b1 b2 = icompare (usob b1) (usob b2)
let splice b1 i1 i2 b2 = ubos (splice (usob b1) i1 i2 (usob b2))
let trim b = ubos (trim (usob b))
let quote b = quote (usob b)
let left b i = ubos (left (usob b) i)
let right b i = ubos (right (usob b) i)
let head b i = ubos (head (usob b) i)
let tail b i = ubos (tail (usob b) i)
let filter_map f b = ubos (filter_map f (usob b))
let filter f b = ubos (filter f (usob b))
let of_list li = ubos (of_list li)
let to_list b = to_list (usob b)

let print io b = print io (usob b)
let println io b = println io (usob b)
let print_quoted io b = print_quoted io (usob b)

external of_string : Bytes.t -> _ t = "%identity"
external of_bytes : Bytes.t -> _ t = "%identity"
external to_string : [`Read | `Write] t -> Bytes.t = "%identity"
external to_bytes : [`Read | `Write] t -> Bytes.t = "%identity"
external read_only : [> `Read] t -> [`Read] t = "%identity"
external write_only: [> `Write] t -> [`Write] t = "%identity"

Expand All @@ -1188,18 +1200,24 @@ struct

module Exceptionless =
let find_from = Exceptionless.find_from
let find = Exceptionless.find
let rfind_from = Exceptionless.rfind_from
let rfind = Exceptionless.rfind
let to_int = Exceptionless.to_int
let to_float = Exceptionless.to_float
let index = Exceptionless.index
let index_from = Exceptionless.index_from
let rindex_from = Exceptionless.rindex_from
let rindex = Exceptionless.rindex
let split = Exceptionless.split
let rsplit = Exceptionless.rsplit
let find_from b1 i b2 = Exceptionless.find_from (usob b1) i (usob b2)
let find b1 b2 = Exceptionless.find (usob b1) (usob b2)
let rfind_from b1 i b2 = Exceptionless.rfind_from (usob b1) i (usob b2)
let rfind b1 b2 = Exceptionless.rfind (usob b1) (usob b2)
let to_int b = Exceptionless.to_int (usob b)
let to_float b = Exceptionless.to_float (usob b)
let index b c = Exceptionless.index (usob b) c
let index_from b i c = Exceptionless.index_from (usob b) i c
let rindex_from b i c = Exceptionless.rindex_from (usob b) i c
let rindex b c = Exceptionless.rindex (usob b) c
let split b ~by =
match Exceptionless.split (usob b) ~by:(usob by) with
| None -> None
| Some (a, b) -> Some (ubos a, ubos b)
let rsplit b ~by =
match Exceptionless.rsplit (usob b) ~by:(usob by) with
| None -> None
| Some (a, b) -> Some (ubos a, ubos b)
end (* String.Cap.Exceptionless *)

end (* String.Cap *)

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