The package can be installed via pip as follows:
python -m pip install
The scripts assume that your data are in folders organised in a manner similar to the BIDS standard (
Output files will be created in a new folder within the "derivatives" directory.
All functionality is accessed through the scalp_distance
Import this via the scalpdist package.
from scalpdist import scalpdist
It is assumed that processing is being run from the root directory within which the rawdata is located.
When all that is required is the map of distances around the edge of the brain, the function requires only the subject ID:
This will create the relevant NIFTI files in the derivatives folder.
The mean distance between scalp and brain around a coordinate or set of coordinates at which you intend to stimulate can be calculated. This distance is the average in a 1cm radius sphere around the coordinate.
Coordinates should be provided in MNI152 mm format.
The alignment between MNI and subject space will be calculated if no transformation is provided.
More than one set of coordinates can be entered as follows:
An existing linear transformation between MNI and subject space can be used. This should be compatible with FSL. The path to this file must be entered:
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Scipy
- Nibabel
- Scikit-Image
- Joblib
- Nipype