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nv_cluster_lod_builder is a continuous level of detail (LOD) mesh library. Continuous LOD allows for fine-grained control over geometric detail within a mesh, compared to traditional discrete LOD. Clusters of triangles are carefully precomputed by decimating the original mesh in a way that they can be seamlessly combined across different LOD levels. At rendering time, a subset of these clusters is selected to adaptively provide the required amount of detail as the camera navigates the scene.

Key features of continuous LOD systems include:

  • Fast rendering with more detail: Triangles are allocated where they are most needed.
  • Reduced memory usage with geometry streaming: Particularly beneficial for ray tracing applications.

This library serves as a quick placeholder or learning tool, demonstrating the basics of creating continuous LOD data. For a reference implementation of the rendering system, see

Input: a triangle mesh with millions of triangles


  1. nvclusterlod/nvclusterlod_mesh.h - decimated clusters of the original mesh, with groupings and relations to other groups
  2. nvclusterlod/nvclusterlod_hierarchy.h - a spatial hierarchy of cluster groups to improve performance of runtime cluster selection for rendering

To render, select cluster groups where:

  • Detail or decimation error of the group is small enough, relative to the camera
  • Detail or decimation error of the group's decimated geometry is not small enough

This is the gist, but the library also does some massaging of the values that feed into these checks to make sure multiple LODs do not render over the top of each other. See below.

Geometry can be streamed in when needed to save memory.

Table of Contents

How it works

The key to continuous LOD is a decimation strategy that allows regular watertight LOD transitions across a mesh. Such transitions require borders that match on both sides, and are obtained by keeping the border of the triangle edges fixed during decimation. Since these edges do not change, successive iterations of decimation must choose different borders and fix new edges to let the old ones decimate.

To explain why, consider forming groups of triangles and decimating triangles within. Then grouping the decimated groups and decimating again recursively until there is just one root group. In this case, some of the vertices would remain fixed across the entire hierarchy, and would be decimated only when the last two groups are grouped and decimated to form the coarsest LOD. To avoid this, new groups must instead be allowed to cross any border, and in fact encouraged to.

This library makes groups of geometry and decimates within groups. Decimated geometry is then re-grouped, encouraging crossing the old group's borders when forming new groups. Groups are made from clusters of triangle rather than just triangles for performance reasons. A group is a cluster of clusters of triangles. Whole triangle clusters are swapped in and out at runtime for detail transitions.

Building LODs

The image above shows the process that is repeated to create LODs until there is just a single cluster representing the whole mesh:

  1. Make clusters [, within old borders]

    This library uses nv_cluster_builder' segmented API to make clusters of a fixed size from triangles within groups of the previous iteration, or globally for the first iteration.

  2. Group clusters [, crossing old borders]

    This is just making clusters of clusters, but with a catch. Border edges cannot decimate so it is important to encourage grouping clusters in a way to keep old borders internal to the group. Then the previously locked edges are free to decimate. This is done by adding a connection and weight between clusters sharing many vertices (locked in particular) and optimizing for a minimum cut when making cluster groups with nv_cluster_builder.

    If there is only one cluster in one group, the operation is complete.

  3. Decimate within groups, keep border

    Vertices shared between groups are computed and locked before using meshoptimizer's simplify to decimate each cluster group. The aim is to halve the number of triangles. These become the input to the next iteration.

The code is documented and intended to be read too. These steps can be found in nvclusterlodMeshCreate() at the bottom of nvclusterlod_mesh.cpp.

When decimating, the generating group is tracked. This is the geometry each cluster was decimated from. A cluster's group is one of many groups generated by decimating its generating group. Similarly a group has many generating groups. Clusters will be selected in intersections of groups and generating groups - perhaps something to optimize the decision making with. The term parent is avoided due to possible confusion between the originating geometry and the direction to the root node.

The image above shows an example 2D illustration with colored groups, their clusterings and relationships. Notably, two groups of clusters may produce decimated clusters that are both part of a new group. This allows group borders to be decimated after each iteration. The relationships form a directed acyclic graph (DAG), i.e. not a tree, with the constraint that relationships don't skip levels - but maybe that could help with uneven detail? LOD transitions may only happen across group borders, which places a limit on the rate of LOD change.

The output data are:

  • Clusters of triangles, referencing vertices in the original mesh
  • Groupings of clusters and their relationships:
    • Generating geometry, input to decimation
    • Generated geometry, decimation output
  • Group bounding spheres
  • Group decimation quadric error

Selecting Clusters

The first step is to pick the goal. A couple of examples are:

  1. Pixel-sized triangles?
  2. Sub-pixel-sized geometric error?

The latter may be more efficient if for example large triangles give the same visual result. This may be more challenging to quantify particularly if decimation introduces error not captured by the metric. For the moment this library uses quadric error, an approximate measure of the object-space distance between the decimated mesh and the original high-resolution mesh. Inaccuracies from decimating vertex attributes such as normals and UVs are currently ignored.

A conservative maximum vertex position error is maintained for all cluster groups. This is the farthest any vertex may be from representing the original surface. When rendering we ask, "what is the largest possible angular error from the camera?" for a particular group. We then want to render geometry when its error is just less than a threshold, but not any overlapping geometry.

The farthest a decimated vertex may be incorrectly representing geometry is the quadric error. This will be bigger in screen space nearer the camera so the nearest point on the group's bounding sphere is chosen. The largest possible angular error from the camera is then the angular size of a sphere with quadric error radius at that point. Convenient and simple: the arcsine of the error divided by the distance to the closest point on the bounding sphere. A target threshold can be chosen based on a single pixel's FOV at the center of the projection - to keep any geometric error less than the size of a pixel. This avoids varying the threshold across the image, which would further complicate a problem yet to solve.

We have a target goal and a way to compute it, but how can we guarantee a single unique continuous surface? I.e. no holes and no overlaps. An ideal solution would be to pick clusters that satisfy the angular error threshold but constrain the rest to only making a single LOD transition per group. That would require traversing the graph with its adjacency information, visualized above. The term is a making graph cut and it would be challenging to do quickly and in parallel on a GPU.

We ideally want to test whether to render a cluster independently. We could render geometry where its error is the first below the threshold, i.e. its decimated error is greater. Just that would actually guarantee no holes, but there would still be overlaps. E.g. two clusters that represent the same surface being drawn at once. This can happen when the bounding sphere of a decimated group is so far from the camera that its conservative angular error is smaller than a group's angular error that it was decimated from.

The solution implemented by this library is to artificially increase the size of the bounding spheres such that the nearest point to the camera is always nearer than that on a bounding sphere of its generating geometry. In short, make bounding spheres bound generating geometry too. Once done, a single watertight mesh can be stitched together from independent parallel decisions. In general, the angular error, or whatever metric is compared to a threshold, must never decrease with each level of decimation. The failure above was a decrease due to the size distortion of a perspective projection.

One derivation glossed over so far is why store bounding spheres and errors per group. The simple answer is that for LOD transitions to work, the entire group must change LOD at the same time, so all clusters in a group must share the same values.

Spatial Hierarchy

This library provides a spatial hierarchy of bounding spheres to search for cluster groups of the right LOD in the right spatial region relative to the camera.

One way to think of this is there are many high-detailed clusters and few low detail. If an object is far away, only the low-detailed clusters should be checked. That is, the search can exit early if it is known that all remaining clusters are too detailed.

Another way of thinking about this is at a certain distance range from the camera, as shown in the image above, only clusters with certain bounding sphere radii and quadric error ranges should be rendered. Thus, the search space can be reduced by conservatively searching only that region. An r-tree could work well here too.

The hierarchy is actually a set of hierarchies - one for each LOD level. For convenience, per-level roots are merged since the application would need to search all levels anyway, or at least their roots.

Leaf nodes point to cluster groups and are initialized with the group's decimated cluster maximum quadric error (i.e. from the next level*) and the group's bounding sphere. The hierarchy is built by recursively spatially clustering nodes - not fast, but it works and it isn't a bottleneck yet. Internal nodes are given the maximum quadric error and bounding sphere of their children.

*The group quadric error is the error of the generated group's clusters, i.e. after decimation, not the error in the group's clusters. This avoids unnecessarily storing a per-cluster error.

The tree can be traversed using the same angular error check as for cluster groups, exiting when the node's error is less than the threshold. The trees for LODs with too fine detail will exit early. The blue crosses in the above image show an example - those nodes are already below the threshold. Since traversed leaf nodes have already been checked to be above the threshold, and they are initialized with cluster's generated group's error, their clusters only need to check that they are below the threshold in order to select them for rendering. Note that the entire group may not necessarily be drawn. For example, two of the yellow clusters were not below the threshold (red cross). This same check is made by the blue group's leaf node and blue clusters are drawn instead.

While it is possible to exit early from a tree with too coarse detail, it may interfere with streaming, depending on how dependencies are implemented.


This is not a definitive how-to, but outlines some ideas for getting started with streaming continuous LOD.

The first feature needed for streaming is indirection - e.g. pointers to cluster groups that are initially null and can be populated over time (outside of cluster selection and rendering). Then, cluster groups in leaf nodes encountered during hierarchy traversal must be marked and streamed in. Finally, minor changes are needed for selecting clusters:

  • Obviously, don't traverse leaf nodes whose groups have not been loaded yet
  • Consider clusters to be below the threshold if their generating group has not been loaded

Choosing to keep lower detail geometry loaded greatly simplifies things. That is, making sure decimated geometry is loaded first. This happens naturally due to traversal order, but tracking dependencies host side may be needed if streaming less than everything-at-once from traversal.

Initially, streaming at the granularity of cluster groups and using the generated group indices directly as dependencies is straight forward. Cluster groups could also be combined for coarser streaming granularity, with a new set of dependencies.

Simple Streaming

Compute per-group needed flags during traversal. Emit load/unload events on rising/falling edges. Fulfil those events in whole and set or unset the pointers to the new data between traversal+rendering. Some filtering such as per-group frame age may be useful to avoid frequently unloading and reloading groups.

Continuous Streaming

The simple streaming above has less control over the amount streamed per batch. This can be improved by adding batch size limits and queues. Note that by partially streaming will require manually resolving dependency orders. Some ideas are:

  1. Limit the number of load/unload events emitted per frame
  2. Add a global event queue
    • Delay unloads and ignore pulses by comparing events at the front of the queue with the most recent events inserted into the back of the queue.
    • Prioritise events by a detail metric so geometry loads evenly on screen
  3. Set a fixed memory limit (memory pool even) and/or fixed cluster/group count
    • Prioritise loading until memory exhausted
    • Then only unload until memory reclaimed
  4. To maintain dependency loading in topological order, expand events after the global queue
    • Recursively load generated groups first
    • Unload groups only if it is not a dependency of another group
    • The order of dependency resolution must not be changed after this step in the pipeline, but batches can still be formed
  5. Form batches during dependency loading
    • The memory limit may be hit during dependency expansion
    • Must not include load/unload for same item in batch, assuming batches are executed in parallel


Usage Example

For a complete usage example, see

To create LOD data with this library:

#include <nvclusterlod/nvclusterlod_hierarchy.h>
#include <nvclusterlod/nvclusterlod_hierarchy_storage.hpp>
#include <nvclusterlod/nvclusterlod_mesh.h>
#include <nvclusterlod/nvclusterlod_mesh_storage.hpp>


// Create contexts for running operations
nvcluster::Context context;
nvcluser::ContextCreateInfo contextCreateInfo{};
nvclusterCreateContext(&contextCreateInfo, &context);

nvclusterlod::Context lodContext;
nvclusterlod::ContextCreateInfo lodContextCreateInfo{.clusterContext = context};
nvclusterlodCreateContext(&lodContextCreateInfo, &lodContext);

// Input mesh
std::vector<uint32_t> indices   = ...;
std::vector<vec3>     positions = ...;

// Create decimated clusters
const nvclusterlod::MeshInput meshInput{
    // Mesh data
    .indices      =,
    .indexCount   = static_cast<uint32_t>(indices.size()),
    .vertices     = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(,
    .vertexOffset = 0,
    .vertexCount  = static_cast<uint32_t>(positions.size()),
    .vertexStride = sizeof(vec3),
    // Use default configurations and decimation factor:
    .clusterConfig = {},
    .clusterGroupConfig = {},
    .decimationFactor = 0.5,

nvclusterlod::LocalizedLodMesh mesh;
nvclusterlod::generateLocalizedLodMesh(lodContext, meshInput, mesh);

// Build a spatial hierarchy for faster selection
const nvclusterlod::HierarchyInput hierarchyInput {
    .clusterGeneratingGroups =,
    .groupQuadricErrors      =,
    .groupClusterRanges      =,
    .groupCount              = static_cast<uint32_t>(mesh.lodMesh.groupClusterRanges.size()),
    .clusterBoundingSpheres  =,
    .clusterCount            = static_cast<uint32_t>(mesh.lodMesh.clusterBoundingSpheres.size()),
    .lodLevelGroupRanges     =,
    .lodLevelCount           = static_cast<uint32_t>(mesh.lodMesh.lodLevelGroupRanges.size())

nvclusterlod::LodHierarchy hierarchy;
nvclusterlod::generateLodHierarchy(lodContext, hierarchyInput, hierarchy);

// Upload mesh and hierarchy to the GPU. These are both simple structures of arrays.

Rendering whole levels of detail

// For each LOD level (highest detail first)
for(size_t lod = 0; lod < mesh.lodMesh.lodLevelGroupRanges.size(); lod++)
    const nvcluster::Range& lodLevelGroupRange = mesh.lodMesh.lodLevelGroupRanges[lod];
    glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);  // Naive OpenGL immediate mode just for illustration

    // For each group
    for(uint32_t groupIndex = lodLevelGroupRange.offset; groupIndex < lodLevelGroupRange.offset + lodLevelGroupRange.count; groupIndex++)
        const nvcluster::Range& groupClusterRange = mesh.lodMesh.groupClusterRanges[groupIndex];

        // For each cluster
        for(uint32_t clusterIndex = groupClusterRange.offset; clusterIndex < groupClusterRange.offset + groupClusterRange.count; clusterIndex++)
            const nvcluster::Range& clusterTriangleRange = mesh.lodMesh.clusterTriangleRanges[clusterIndex];
            const nvcluster::Range& clusterVertexRange   = mesh.clusterVertexRanges[clusterIndex];

            // Can use this to pre-compute a per-cluster vertex array
            const uint32_t* clusterVertexGlobalIndices = &mesh.vertexGlobalIndices[clusterVertexRange.offset];

            // For each triangle
            for(uint32_t triangleIndex = clusterTriangleRange.offset; triangleIndex < clusterTriangleRange.offset + clusterTriangleRange.count; triangleIndex++)
                // For each triangle vertex
                for (uint32_t vertex = 0; vertex < 3; ++vertex)
                    uint32_t localVertexIndex  = mesh.lodMesh.triangleVertices[3 * triangleIndex + vertex];
                    uint32_t globalVertexIndex = clusterVertexGlobalIndices[localVertexIndex];

Selecting clusters

It is intended clusters are rendered based on their quadric error, a measure of geometric accuracy. A threshold in error over distance [to the camera] is chosen

  • the arcsine of which would be the angular error. This could be converted to a screen space pixel size, but for ray tracing where there are shadows and reflections behind the camera, a pure distance metric is a good start.

To form a single unique surface with clusters of the right LOD, render clusters where:

    ) >= threshold
    ) < threshold

The clusterGeneratingGroup is the group from which a cluster was generated by decimation. E.g. decimating the "generating" group of clusters generates another a new smaller set of clusters.

The groupCumulativeQuadricError is actually the error after its geometry is decimated, not the error of the group itself's clusters. This value doesn't exist at the group level, which is the reason for the surprise. The above conditions gives a band in which cluster are chosen. Their group's decimated geometry (first check) is closest to but not exceeding the threshold. Their geometry (second check) does exceed the threshold so they are first past the threshold. This holds true given some massaging of the bounding spheres to guarantee the decimated geometry will always pass the threshold before the geometry itself.

The groupCumulativeBoundingSpheres conservatively include their generating group's bounding spheres. This guarantees that clusters from multiple levels cannot be rendered at once.

Spatial hierarchy

Performing a test per cluster would be expensive. Even only testing every unique group--generating-group pair. This library creates a spatial hierarchy of bounding spheres to reduce the search space.

hierarchy.nodes contains a tree of all clusters. The first node is the root node. Simply descend while the following condition holds and check all cluster range nodes when found. It's actually a combination of hierarchies for each LOD level. The way it works is described below.

    ) >= threshold

Build Integration

This library uses CMake and requires C++20. It is currently a static library, designed with C compatibility in mind with data passed as a structure of arrays and output allocated by the user. Integration has been verified by directly including it with add_subdirectory:

target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC nv_cluster_lod_builder)

If there is interest, please reach out for CMake config files (for find_package()) or any other features. GitHub issues are welcome.


nv_cluster_lod_builder depends upon nv_cluster_builder and meshoptimizer, which are submodules. To download them, run

git submodule update --init --recursive


This library and nv_cluster_builder are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

This library uses third-party dependencies, which have their own:


This library is intended to enable a quick start to continuous LOD. It demonstrates the basics for use as a learning tool or a placeholder.

Cluster and cluster group quality includes the limitations outlined in nv_cluster_builder.

The number of triangles per cluster is configurable, but the vertex count is unconstrained. There are plans to address this, but for now it is possible that the 256 vertex limit of VK_NV_cluster_acceleration_structure may be exceeded.

The decimation step uses meshoptimizer for its lightweight convenience. This step is internal and not configurable. Texture seams are not preserved and in general vertex attributes are yet to be plumbed through.

Performance is limited by the clustering and decimation algorithms that run on the CPU, although there is some parallelization.