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Jefferson Simão Gonçalves edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 28 revisions

Installing on Ubuntu or Debian

Since Sat, 28 Dec 2013 12:45:13 +0100 Debian switched versions. The nvie version is no longer installed.

From the Debian Changelog:

  • New upstream release, moving to Peter van der Does' version.

Users of Debian-based Linuxes testing and unstable can use the apt-get tool to install gitflow from the Debian repository:

apt-get install git-flow

For Debian stable, one can either use the git flow installer, or the Debian package from unstable (it works just fine on stable too).

Installing on Archlinux

Users of Archlinux can use yay as a tool to get AUR packages.

yay -S gitflow-avh

Installing on Fedora

Users of Fedora 26 & 27 (or later) can use dnf as a tool to get RPM packages.

sudo dnf install gitflow

Also For CentOS/Redhat, you can find this RPM using the EPEL repo.

Installing on openSUSE

Users of openSUSE can use zypper as a tool to get the RPM packages.

zypper ar devel:tools:scm
zypper in git-flow

For versions other than 13.1 the URL to the devel:tools:scm repository needs to be adjusted.

Installing on Gentoo Linux

Users of Gentoo may install git-flow using Portage:

emerge --ask git-flow 

Installing on FreeBSD

Users of FreeBSD may install git-flow using pkg:

pkg install gitflow 

Other Linuxes

Under other Linuxes, the easiest way to install git-flow is using Rick Osborne's excellent git-flow installer, which can perform system-wide installation like so:

curl -OL
chmod +x
sudo ./

For user installation, for example in ~/bin :


And if the installation directory (here, ~/bin) is in the user's path, git will find the git-flow extensions.