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New types and extension methods built on top of System.Reactive.

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Getting Started

  1. Add the Reactive.Annex nuget package to your project.

  2. Then, make sure you are using the System.Reactive.Linq and System.Reactive.Concurrency namespaces in your file.

You are now ready to use these handy extension methods!

Next Steps

If your project uses Uno Platform, you can also add the following packages.

  • Reactive.Annex.Uno.WinUI for projects using Uno.WinUI or WinUI.

With this, You can create a MainDispatcherScheduler, which implements the IDispatcherScheduler interface.

WinUI / Uno.WinUI

Microsoft.UI.Dispatching.DispatcherQueue dispatcherQueue = //...
var scheduler = new MainDispatcherScheduler(dispatcherQueue);


Specialized Interfaces for DI

You can use IBackgroundScheduler and IDispatcherScheduler to clearly differentiate background schedulers from dispatcher schedulers. Both interfaces implement IScheduler. This is useful when using dependency injection.


MainDispatcherScheduler is an implementation of IDispatcherScheduler. It's available from the Reactive.Annex.Uno and Reactive.Annex.Uno.WinUI packages.

  • Use Reactive.Annex.Uno in projets using UWP or Uno.UI.
  • Use Reactive.Annex.Uno.WinUI in projects using WinUI or Uno.WinUI.

Extension Methods on IObservable

  • FirstAsync: Creates a task from an IObservable with the first value observed.
  • FromAsync: Converts an async method into an observable sequence.
  • SelectManyDisposePrevious: Runs an async action each time your observable sequence produces a new value while making sure to cancel the previous action if it's still running.
  • SkipWhileSelectMany: Projects element of an observable sequence to another observable sequence, skipping new elements while resulting observable is not completed, and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence.

Extension Methods on IScheduler

  • ScheduleTask: Schedules work using an asynchronous method, allowing for cooperative scheduling in an imperative coding style.
  • Run: Awaits a task execution on the specified scheduler, providing the result.


  • Reactive.Annex.Uno for projects using Uno.UI and UWP.

UWP / Uno.UI

Windows.UI.Core coreDispatcher = //...
var scheduler = new MainDispatcherScheduler(coreDispatcher);


Please consult the CHANGELOG for more information about version history.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.


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