Chateau is a real-time Chat application that allows users to communicate live from anywhere in the world.
- Developed in React.js, Node.js.
- Express
- Socket.IO
- The front-end is deployed using Netlify
- The server is deployed using Heroku
Chateau has a room system where each room can hold can hold multiple people.
In the home screen you only have to put in a user name, and a room name. You can create a room or enter an existing room. To use it with your friends simply write a room name and click "Join", and then share that name to your friends so they can join!
- Color Schemes to identify specific people when a room has more than 2 users.
- Allowing the room creator to set a password or lock the room.
- Allow the room creator to set a specific room capacity.
- Allow users to see the list of rooms that are not locked.
- End-to-End Encryption
- "typing" bubbles, show when a message is delivered, and read.