PacMan map parser coded in antlr
To run the program :
- download and set up Antlr 4.1
- run the following commands
Part 1:
antlr4 csce322a1p1.g
javac csce322a1p1*.java
java csce322a1p1d .\PATH\file.pac
Part 2:
antlr4 csce322a1p2.g
javac csce322a1p2*.java
java csce322a1p2d .\PATH\file.pac
Part 1 is a pure lexer and part 2 is a pure parser. Part 1 has all the tokens in it, while part 2 contains all the rules that utilize those tokens.
I don't know if the version of antlr matters a ton, but I used 4.1.
Outside resources:
I used mainly and a few friends as my resources: