a nolep boy who has dreams,
listens to lofi playlists and coding at night
Vibing to : 🎧
Inspired by Somnath Paul
// about_me_and_tools_I_use
import JuniorDeveloper from 'nqbill';
class Bio extends JuniorDeveloper {
name = 'Ahmad Nabil';
title = 'Freelancer';
company = 'Homely';
location = 'Jakarta, ID';
class Skills extends JuniorDeveloper {
languages = ['JavaScript', 'Typescript', 'Python', 'CSS', 'HTML'];
databases = ['MySQL', 'MongoDB', 'MariaDB'];
frameworks = ['Node.js', 'Bootstrap', 'Tailwind'];
mysoftware = ['VSCode', 'Illustrator', 'Photoshop', 'Lightroom', 'Canva']
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Homely
- 📚 I’m currently learning web dev, motion graphic and discord bot
- 💭 Ask me about philosophy, graphic design and discord
- 📬 Reach me here or click icons above
- ⚡ Fun fact The first computer “bug” was an actual real-life bug