This repository includes a Python script for an encryption manager that works with both the Affine and Vigenere encryption algorithms. For encrypting and decrypting messages using these cryptographic techniques, the manager offers a user-friendly interface.
Affine Cipher: The affine cipher is a type of substitution cipher that employs a simple mathematical transformation to encrypt plaintext.
Vigenère Cipher: The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, which means it uses multiple substitution alphabets. Instead of a single key like in the affine cipher, the Vigenère cipher uses a keyword that repeats to create a series of shift values.
User-friendly graphical interface for encryption and decryption operations.
Both the Vigenere Cipher and Affine Cipher algorithms are supported.
Choice between encryption and decryption modes.
Choice between plaintext and cipher text input.
To use the Encryption and Decryption Manager, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd encryption-decryption-manager
Make sure you have the prerequisites installed. You can install them using:
pip install easygui
Run the script:
The graphical interface will launch, allowing you to select the encryption/decryption mode, the cryptographic algorithm, and input text/key.
Launch the script using the instructions provided in the "Getting Started" section.
The main menu will be displayed. Choose between encryption and decryption modes.
Select the cryptographic algorithm you want to use: Affine Cipher or Vigenere Cipher.
Choose whether you want to input plaintext or cipher text.
Enter the required input text and key as prompted.
The script will display the original and encrypted/decrypted messages.
Feedback and contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, found errors, or want to contribute additional analyses, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.