You must have the most up-to-date version of Haxe, seriously, stop using 4.1.5, it misses some stuff.
Follow a Friday Night Funkin' source code compilation tutorial, after this you will need to install LuaJIT.
To install LuaJIT do this: haxelib git linc_luajit
on a Command prompt/PowerShell
...Or if you don't want your mod to be able to run .lua scripts, delete the "LUA_ALLOWED" line on Project.xml
If you get an error about StatePointer when using Lua, run haxelib remove linc_luajit
into Command Prompt/PowerShell, then re-install linc_luajit.
If you want video support on your mod, simply do haxelib install hxCodec
on a Command prompt/PowerShell
- jonnycat - Fixing bugs in Engine <3.
- Kade Engine - Circle Note Skin
- Shadow Mario - Programmer
- RiverOaken - Artist
- Yoshubs - Assistant Programmer
- bbpanzu - Ex-Programmer
- shubs - New Input System
- SqirraRNG - Crash Handler and Base code for Chart Editor's Waveform
- KadeDev - Fixed some cool stuff on Chart Editor and other PRs
- iFlicky - Composer of Psync and Tea Time, also made the Dialogue Sounds
- PolybiusProxy - .MP4 Video Loader Library (hxCodec)
- Keoiki - Note Splash Animations
- Smokey - Sprite Atlas Support
- Nebula the Zorua - LUA JIT Fork and some Lua reworks & VCR Shader code
OS Engine is a fork of Psych Engine, so you can use almost every feature from Psych Engine in OS Engine!
Yes, almost every mod for Psych Engine runs on OS Engine.
OS Engine adds a note skins system! There's only Default and Circle skins by default.
This feature hides HUD and enables botplay. So you can showcase any mod without any problems.
This feature hides score text under health bar. Idk why you need to use it.
Adds Perfect!! Judgement. It's better than sick. Btw you can disable it in settings if you want.
You can set lane underlay transparency under arrows by using that functions.
There's multiple new functions in chart editor. Like player/opponent trail, camera move and etc.
Now you can press ESC at title state. And game will ask you do you want to close game or no
Instead of 2 icons, there'll be three icons (losing, normal, winning). And yes, you can use double icons (without winning).
thanks Cooljer for remaking original fnf icons
Returned shaders from old psych engine versions. Now you can make your bambi mods.
Bit changed Title State. Now it looks way more better.
Cassette Girl vibes?