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pryrt authored Feb 19, 2024
1 parent 5441094 commit 5b2bcce
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions content/docs/
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Starting in v8.6.1, if you `Ctrl+Click` at a previous multi-caret location, or `

Multi-Editing mode is only available when stream selection(s) are active; it doesn't work in conjunction with column-block selection. Unlike stream selections, where with Multi-editing you can define two or more selections simultaneously, with column mode there can be only one active selection at a time.

Before v8.6, whether or not you can use Multi-Editing mode was determined by the [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > ☑ Enable Multi-Editing (Ctrl+Mouse click/selection)**](../preferences/#editing) checkbox: with it checkmarked, `Ctrl+Click` will add caret locations; with it not checkmarked, Multi-Editing is disabled. In v8.6 - v8.6.2, Multi-Editing is always on, and that option was been removed; starting in v8.6.3, that option was returned, but is now at [**Settings > Preferences > Editing 2 > ☑ Enable Multi-Editing (Ctrl+Mouse click/selection)**](../preferences/#editing-2).
Before v8.6, whether or not you can use Multi-Editing mode was determined by the [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > ☑ Enable Multi-Editing (Ctrl+Mouse click/selection)**](../preferences/#editing-2) checkbox: with it checkmarked, `Ctrl+Click` will add caret locations; with it not checkmarked, Multi-Editing is disabled. In v8.6 - v8.6.2, Multi-Editing is always on, and that option was been removed; starting in v8.6.3, that option was returned, but is now at [**Settings > Preferences > Editing 2 > ☑ Enable Multi-Editing (Ctrl+Mouse click/selection)**](../preferences/#editing-2).

Starting in v8.6, Multi-Edit became the default, and was significantly enhanced. The [Multi-Editing HowTo](#multi-editing-howto) (below) gives a tutorial in how to use this improved feature, including the new [**Edit** menu](#edit-menu) **...Multi-Select...** commands.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Certain keyboard-shortcuts for editing commands are "context aware", meaning tha

Again, this manual will not enumerate all the context-aware commands. The ones listed above have been deemed especially useful, or are mentioned because they were added to give Notepad++ behavior that is similar to other popular text editors and coding environments.

In v8.6.1, you can disable the context-aware "line copy / cut / delete" feature, by creating the [zero-byte config file](../config-files/#other-configuration-files) `disableLineCopyCutDelete.xml`. This zero-byte config file was eliminated in v8.6.2, so the feature could not be disabled in that version. And in v8.6.3, **[Settings > Preferences > Editing](../preferences/#editing) > ☐ Enable Copy/Cut Line without selection** was added to be able to control this behavior using the Preferences dialog.
In v8.6.1, you can disable the context-aware "line copy / cut / delete" feature, by creating the [zero-byte config file](../config-files/#other-configuration-files) `disableLineCopyCutDelete.xml`. This zero-byte config file was eliminated in v8.6.2, so the feature could not be disabled in that version. And in v8.6.3, **[Settings > Preferences > Editing](../preferences/#editing-1) > ☐ Enable Copy/Cut Line without selection** was added to be able to control this behavior using the Preferences dialog.

### Drag-and-Drop Move or Copy

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14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions content/docs/
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Expand Up @@ -54,9 +54,13 @@ These affect the user interface (localization, toolbar, tab bar, and more).
* `☐ Hide menu bar (use Alt or F10 key to toggle)`: Sets the main menu bar (File, Edit, Search, ...) invisible; once invisible, it can be made temporarily visible by using the Alt or F10 key.
* `☐ Hide right shortcuts + ▼ ✕ from the menu bar (Need to restart Notepad++)`: Makes the [+ ▼ ✕](../other-resources/#menu-bar) resources invisible (new to v8.4.5). Use this if you find the menu bar too "cluttered", or find those commands redundant.

### Editing

Starting in v8.6.3, the **Editing** section in the **Preferences** dialog was split into [**Editing 1**](#editing-1) and [**Editing 2**](#editing-2).

### Editing 1

These influence editing (carets, code-folding, line wrapping, and more). (Starting in v8.6.3, the **Editing** preferences were split into **Editing 1** and **Editing 2**.)
These influence editing (carets, code-folding, line wrapping, and more).

* **Caret Settings**:
* `Width`: [pulldown] Sets the width and shape of the typing caret:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,10 +566,10 @@ Some of these styles apply to the background only, some apply to the foreground
* **Indent guideline style** [background and foreground] ⇒ If **View > Show Symbol > Show Indent Guide** is checked, there will be a thin dotted line for every level of indent. The foreground sets the color of the dots; the background sets the color of the non-dot portion.
* **Brace highlight style** [background and foreground] ⇒ If you have text like `( blah )` or `[ blah ]` or `{ blah }` and move the caret onto one of the opening or closing parentheses, brackets, or braces, both the opening and closing character in the pair will be highlighted per this style.
* **Bad brace colour** [background and foreground] ⇒ If you have a single unmatched or mismatched parenthesis `()`, bracket `[]`, or curly-brace `{}`, with the caret at that character, it will be highlighted as a "bad brace style" instead of using the "brace highlight style".
* **Current line background colour** [background only] ⇒ The line containing the active editing caret will be marked using this background style. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing) so you can change **Current Line Indicator**.
* **Current line background colour** [background only] ⇒ The line containing the active editing caret will be marked using this background style. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing-1) so you can change **Current Line Indicator**.
* **Selected text colour** [background only] ⇒ Selected text will be indicated with this background. If [Preferences > Highlighting > Smart Highlighting](#highlighting) is checked, the "Smart Highlighting" style (below) will be colored overtop of the "Selected text colour". If the [configuration file `enableSelectFgColor.xml`](../config-files#other-configuration-files) exists (and you have v8.0.0 or newer), "Selected text colour" will honor the foreground color as well.
* **Multi-selected text colour** [background only] ⇒ Text selected in "multi-select" mode will be indicated with this background. (New to v8.6)
* **Caret colour** [foreground only] ⇒ This sets the color for the current-text-position caret, which will either be `|` for insert mode or `_` for overwrite mode. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing) so you can change **Caret Settings**.
* **Caret colour** [foreground only] ⇒ This sets the color for the current-text-position caret, which will either be `|` for insert mode or `_` for overwrite mode. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing-1) so you can change **Caret Settings**.
* **Multi-edit carets colour** [foreground only] ⇒ This sets the color for the current-text-position caret in multi-selection mode. (New to v8.6)
* **Edge colour** [foreground only] ⇒ Color for the vertical edge from [Preferences > Margins/Border/Edge](#margins-border-edge). If the Vertical Edge Settings are checked as Background Mode, this style's "foreground" color will be used as the background color for text that's beyond the edge. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Margins/Border/Edge](#margins-border-edge) so you can change **Vertical Edge Settings**.
* **Line number margin** [background and foreground] ⇒ If **Line Number > Display** is checked in [Preferences > Margins/Border/Edge](#margins-border-edge), this sets the style for those line numbers. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Margins/Border/Edge](#margins-border-edge) so you can change **Line Number** settings.
Expand All @@ -587,8 +591,8 @@ Some of these styles apply to the background only, some apply to the foreground
* **Inactive tabs** [background and foreground] ⇒ Selects the color to be used for the filename displayed in the titlebars of all inactive tabs.
* **URL hovered** [foreground only] ⇒ If [Preferences > Cloud & Link > Clickable Link Settings > Enable](#cloud-link) is checked, when your mouse cursor is hovering over a URL, or if the caret is inside the URL text, then the URL's foreground color will follow this setting. The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Cloud & Link](#cloud-link) so you can change **Clickable Link Settings**.
* **Document map** [background and foreground] ⇒ The foreground color will be semi-transparently overlayed over the miniature version of text that's currently visible in the editor; the background color will be semi-transparently overlayed over the miniature version of the text that isn't currently visible in the editor (this style is new to v8.1.5).
* **EOL Custom Color** [background and foreground] ⇒ Sets the colors for the `CR`, `LF`, and `CRLF` indicators, which are also influenced by the [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > EOL** settings](#editing). The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing) so you can change **EOL** settings.
* **NPC Custom Color** [background and foreground] ⇒ Sets the colors for the symbols for the Non-Printing Characters, which are also influenced by the [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > Non-Printing Characters** settings](#editing). The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing) so you can change **Non-Printing Characters** settings.
* **EOL Custom Color** [background and foreground] ⇒ Sets the colors for the `CR`, `LF`, and `CRLF` indicators, which are also influenced by the [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > EOL** settings](#editing-1). The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing-1) so you can change **EOL** settings.
* **NPC Custom Color** [background and foreground] ⇒ Sets the colors for the symbols for the Non-Printing Characters, which are also influenced by the [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > Non-Printing Characters** settings](#editing-1). The "Go to settings" link will take you to [Preferences > Editing](#editing-1) so you can change **Non-Printing Characters** settings.

### Search result styles

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions content/docs/
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Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ There are four entries that are grouped together, which can affect the rendering

- **Show Space and Tab**: When checked, the space character will show as a [colored](../preferences/#global-styles "Style Configurator > Global Styles > White Space Symbol") dot `·`, and the tab as a colored arrow `` that expands to fill the width of the tab.

- **Show End of Line**: When checked, the carriage return character will be rendered as `CR` in a small box, the line feed character as `LF`, and a Windows two-character line ending as `CR` `LF`. The boxed characters are normally colored as "reverse text", so the active [Global Styles > Default > Foreground color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") will fill in the box and the active [Global Styles > Default > Background color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") will define the boxed-letter's foreground color. [Global Styles > Default > EOL Custom color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") will override that if the [Editing > EOL > Custom Color](../preferences/#editing) is checked.
- **Show End of Line**: When checked, the carriage return character will be rendered as `CR` in a small box, the line feed character as `LF`, and a Windows two-character line ending as `CR` `LF`. The boxed characters are normally colored as "reverse text", so the active [Global Styles > Default > Foreground color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") will fill in the box and the active [Global Styles > Default > Background color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") will define the boxed-letter's foreground color. [Global Styles > Default > EOL Custom color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") will override that if the [Editing > EOL > Custom Color](../preferences/#editing-1) is checked.

- **Show Non-Printing Characters**: When checked, the characters below will be shown in a small box, either as the Codepoint or as the Abbreviation, depending on [Settings > Preferences > Editing > Non-Printing Characters](../preferences/#editing). The boxed characters are colored as "reverse text", and can be customized through [Global Styles > Default > NPC Custom color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") settings if the [Editing > Non-Printing Characters > Custom Color](../preferences/#editing) is checked. (New to v8.5)
- **Show Non-Printing Characters**: When checked, the characters below will be shown in a small box, either as the Codepoint or as the Abbreviation, depending on [Settings > Preferences > Editing > Non-Printing Characters](../preferences/#editing-1). The boxed characters are colored as "reverse text", and can be customized through [Global Styles > Default > NPC Custom color](../preferences/#global-styles "see Style Configurator > Global Styles") settings if the [Editing > Non-Printing Characters > Custom Color](../preferences/#editing-1) is checked. (New to v8.5)

{{< expand "Table of Non-Printing Characters" >}}
Codepoint | Character Name | Abbreviation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ There is a group of folding-related commands on the **View** menu, which will al

* **Fold All** and **Unfold All** will collapse or reveal all fold blocks in the current file
* **Fold Current Level** and **Unfold Current Level** will collapse or reveal the block based on the line of the editing caret
- If [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > ☐ Make current level folding/unfolding commands toggleable**](../preferences/#editing) is checked, either of these commands (or their shortcut-equivalent) will cause the current level's folding to toggle state, so you can use the same shortcut both for folding and unfolding
- If [**Settings > Preferences > Editing > ☐ Make current level folding/unfolding commands toggleable**](../preferences/#editing-1) is checked, either of these commands (or their shortcut-equivalent) will cause the current level's folding to toggle state, so you can use the same shortcut both for folding and unfolding
* The entries in the **Fold Level** and **Unfold Level** sub-menus will collapse or reveal every block at level N in the active file

Folding/unfolding can be actuated by menu commands on the **View** menu relating to "fold" or "collapse", or by any shortcut keys assigned (see the [**Preferences > Shortcut Mapper**](../preferences/#shortcut-mapper)). It can also be invoked by using the mouse and clicking on the symbols in the fold margin. Clicking on a "-" symbol will collapse the lines at that level and below so they are no longer shown; clicking on a "+" symbol will expand the fold so such lines will again be displayed.
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