NorLab TeamCity GUI
(VPN/intranet access) •
(Docker Hub)
is a build-infrastructure-agnostic build system custom-made
to meet our need in robotic software engineering at NorLab.
Maintainer Luc Coupal
Install instructions and git submodule usage notes
Just clone the norlab-build-system as a submodule in your project repository (ie the
superproject), in an arbitrary directory eg.: my-project/build_system/utilities/
cd <my-project>
mkdir -p build_system/utilities
git submodule init
git submodule \
add \
# Traverse the submodule recursively to fetch any sub-submodule
git submodule update --remote --recursive --init
# Commit the submodule to your repository
git add .gitmodules
git add build_system/utilities/norlab-build-system
git commit -m 'Added norlab-build-system submodule to repository'
To clone your repository and its submodule at the same time, use
git clone --recurse-submodules <project/repository/url>
Be advise, submodules are a snapshot at a specific commit of the norlab-build-system repository. To update the submodule to its latest commit, use
[sudo] git submodule update --remote --recursive --init [--force]
- Add the
flag if you want to reset the submodule and throw away local changes to it. This is equivalent to performinggit checkout --force
in the submodule root directory. - Add
if you get an error such aserror: unable to unlink old '<name-of-a-file>': Permission denied
To set the submodule to point to a different branch, use
cd <the/submodule/directory>
git checkout the_submodule_feature_branch_name
and use the --recurse-submodules
flag when switching branch in your main project
cd <your/project/root>
git checkout --recurse-submodules the_feature_branch_name
# Change the `.git/objects` permissions
cd <main/project/root>/.git/objects/
chown -R $(id -un):$(id -gn) *
# <yourname>:<yourgroup>
# Share the git repository (the submodule) with a Group
cd ../../<the/submodule/root>/
git config core.sharedRepository group
# Note: dont replace the keyword "group"
This should solve the problem permanently.
- Be advised, this is a early release, and we might introduce API breaking change in
. - This version is used in
- We are currently refactoring out the
build-system logic tonorlab-build-system
for releasev1.0.0
. Stay tuned for the first stable release.
- build infrastructure agnostic: can be used locally or on any build infrastructure e.g. TeamCity, GitHub workflow
- support TeamCity log via teamcity service messages: collapsable bloc, build tag, slack notifications ...
- build/test isolation using a Docker container
- portable
- multi OS support (Ubuntu and OsX)
- minimal dependencies:
,docker compose
anddocker buildx
for multi-architecture build
- simple to use
- configuration through
files - convenient build script
- convenient install script
- configuration through
- easy to update via git submodule
Note: Execute cd src/utility_scripts && bash nbs_execute_compose_over_build_matrix.bash --help
for more details.
The main tool of this repository is a build matrix crawler named nbs_execute_compose_over_build_matrix.bash
Assuming that the superproject (i.e. the project which have cloned norlab-build-system
as a submodule) as the following structure,
would be containing all file required to run nbs_execute_compose_over_build_matrix.bash
(i.e. docker-compose.yaml
, Dockerfile
, .env
and .env.build_matrix
┣━━ src/
┣━━ test/
┣━━ build_system/
┃ ┣━━ my_superproject_dependencies_build_matrix_crawler.bash
┃ ┣━━ nbs_container
┃ ┃ ┣━━ Dockerfile.dependencies
┃ ┃ ┣━━ Dockerfile.project.ci_PR
┃ ┃ ┗━━ entrypoint.bash
┃ ┣━━ .env.build_matrix.dependencies
┃ ┣━━ .env.build_matrix.project
┃ ┣━━ .env
┃ ┣━━ docker-compose.dependencies.yaml
┃ ┗━━ docker-compose.project_core.yaml
┣━━ utilities/
┃ ┣━━ norlab-build-system/
┃ ┗━━ norlab-shell-script-tools/
┣━━ .git
┣━━ .gitmodules
Assuming that
defining a build matrix[latest] x [ubuntu] x [focal, jammy] x [Release, MinSizeRel]
is a custom script that importNBS
such as in the following example
# =======================================================================================
# Execute build matrix specified in '.env.build_matrix.dependencies'
# Redirect the execution to 'nbs_execute_compose_over_build_matrix.bash'
# from the norlab-build-system library
# Usage:
# $ bash my_superproject_dependencies_build_matrix_crawler.bash [<optional flag>] [-- <any docker cmd+arg>]
# $ bash my_superproject_dependencies_build_matrix_crawler.bash -- build --dry-run
# Run script with the '--help' flag for details
# ======================================================================================
# ....path resolution logic.............................................................
SPROJECT_ROOT="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")/.."
# ....Load environment variables from file..............................................
set -o allexport && source .env && set +o allexport
# ....Source NBS dependencies...........................................................
cd "${NBS_PATH}" || exit 1
source import_norlab_build_system_lib.bash
# ====begin=============================================================================
cd "${NBS_PATH}/src/utility_scripts" || exit 1
# Note: do not double cote PARAMS or threat it as a array otherwise it will cause error
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
bash nbs_execute_compose_over_build_matrix.bash "${DOTENV_BUILD_MATRIX_REALPATH}" \
--fail-fast $PARAMS
then invoking the crawler in your superproject
$ cd <path/to/my/superproject>
$ bash ./build_system/my_superproject_dependencies_build_matrix_crawler.bash
will result in the following build log
is build infrastructure agnostic, meaning it can be run any unix system provided the dependencies are installed.
We provide support for Jetbrains TeamCity special features related to service messages, tag and slack notification as it's our build infrastructure of choice at NorLab.
With NBS
support for ##teamcity[blockOpened
and ##teamcityblockClosed
service messages which create
collapsable bloc in build logs,
a larger build matrix such as [latest] x [ubuntu] x [bionic, focal, jammy] x [Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel]
will result in an well-structured, easy to read build logs such as the following
Note: [-] and [+] are collapsible rows
- Most code in this repository is tested using bats-core and docker compose config (see in
for details) - Most code is well documented: each script header and each function definition
- Go to
for installation-related script:- install docker tools
- create multiarch docker builder
- Go to
templates required to usenbs_execute_compose_over_build_matrix.bash
- Go to
for utility script:- execute compose over build matrix
- install python dev tools
- run all test and dryrun in directory
- Go to
for shell script functions
To use NBS
as a library either in a script or in a shell, execute the following
cd <path/to/norlab-build-system>
bash import_norlab_build_system_lib.bash
# All `norlab-build-system` functions are now sourced in your current shell.
Note: norlab-build-system
function are prefixed with nbs
, i.e.: nbs::<function_name>
- Git Tools - Submodules
- Git Submodules: Tips for JetBrains IDEs
- Git submodule tutorial – from zero to hero