Gridsome NOGN ('noggin') for Craft CMS has been designed to make working with Headless Craft CMS and Gridsome on the frontend feel seamless. Opening the door to have the best of both worlds with Craft CMS's fantastic conentent management experience paired with Gridsomes blazing fast speed and amazing frontend developer experience.
- 🧶GraphQL Stitching
- 🔥Live preview
- 🔀Template routing
Visit for more info.
- Craft CMS Pro 3.4.0 (or later).
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
`cd /path/to/project`
Then use Composer to install the plugin:
`composer require nogn/craft-gridsome`
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for NOGN Gridsome.
Brought to you by Ben Sheedy