Tool to track dependncies of software-projects
Lines of source and Number of files per category
- Test
- Examples
- Functionality
Resulting optimized binary size of the functionality including runtime-dependencies
Total install-size of dev-dependencies in Bytes (on top of alpine-linux docker image) -> Pushed to docker registry
Total install-size of external-dependencies -> Use docker image size if available
Number of service dependencies (size cannot be calculated)
Add file to repo -> Dockerfile.ruler
Use resulting docker image sizes for dev-dependencies and total optimized binary size with runtime
Cound lines of code / source lines based on three categories via simple tool
- Everything a contributor needs to install in order to contribute to the project
- Typical examples: Testing frameworks,
section inpackage.json
, build systems, compilers
- Everything the user of a software component needs in order to use/run the component/application
- Software artifacts that do not reside in the same process (memory-address-space) of the component (e.g. databases, web-services, CDNs)
- Software that is not available as source-code nor binary and can therefore not be measured except for its existence
- e.g. operating system, are currently not measured
- Manuals / best-practices to cont. measure and track the above mentioned metrics
- Automated tooling to retrieve these metrics
- Visualize the results for some open-source projects
- Easy to use and integrate into existing projects -> Badges based on github repo urls
- simple-go binary instead of bash script that calls docker history to export layer sizes + does line counting for the actual code.
- Building the docker images on separte infrastructure -> use what is already there.