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some iframe refactoring ( partially broken )
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git-svn-id: b58a29cf-3064-46da-94c6-1c29cc75c8e5
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KalturaGitBot committed Nov 18, 2010
1 parent 2e3ed8c commit 2c34102
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Showing 12 changed files with 6,065 additions and 209 deletions.
258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions modules/KalturaSupport/kalturaIframe.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* kalturaIframe is a special stand alone page for iframe embed of mwEmbed modules
* For now we just support the embedPlayer
* This enables sharing mwEmbed player without js includes ie:
* <iframe src="kalturaIframe.php?src={SRC URL}&poster={POSTER URL}&width={WIDTH}etc"> </iframe>

// Some predefined constants:
define( 'KALTURA_SERVICE_URL', '' );

//define( 'RESOURCE_LOADER_URL', '');
define( 'RESOURCE_LOADER_URL', '');

// Setup the kalturaIframe
$mykalturaIframe = new kalturaIframe();

// Do kalturaIframe video output:

* Kaltura iFrame class:
class kalturaIframe {
* Variables set by the Frame request:
private $playerAttributes = array(
'cache_st' => null,
'wid' => null,
'uiconf_id' => null,
'entry_id' => null
var $playerIframeId = 'iframeVid';
var $debug = false;
var $error = false;

// When used in direct source mode the source asset.
// NOTE: can be an array of sources in cases of "many" sources set
var $sources = array();

function __construct(){
//parse input:

// Parse the embedFrame request and sanitize input
private function parseRequest(){
// Support /key/value request type:

if( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ){
$urlParts = explode( '/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] );
foreach( $urlParts as $inx => $urlPart ){
foreach( $this->playerAttributes as $attributeKey => $na){
if( $urlPart == $attributeKey && isset( $urlParts[$inx+1] ) ){
$_REQUEST[ $attributeKey ] = $urlParts[$inx+1];
// Check for player attributes:
foreach( $this->playerAttributes as $attributeKey => $na){
if( isset( $_REQUEST[ $attributeKey ] ) ){
$this->playerAttributes[ $attributeKey ] = htmlspecialchars( $_REQUEST[$attributeKey] );

// Check for debug flag
if( isset( $_REQUEST['debugKalturaPlayer'] ) && $_REQUEST['debugKalturaPlayer'] == 'true' ){
$this->debug = true;

// Check for required config
if( $this->playerAttributes['wid'] == null ){
$this->error = 'Can not display player, missing widget id';

private function getImageFileLinkTag(){
// Lookup the asset url ( ideally we could also support 3gp device mapping )


private function getVideoTag( ){
$videoTagMap = array(
'entry_id' => 'kentryid',
'uiconf_id' => 'kuiconfid',
'wid' => 'kwidgetid'

// Add default video tag with 100% width / height
// ( parent embed is responsible for setting the iframe size )
$o = '<video id="' . htmlspecialchars( $this->playerIframeId ) . '" style="width:100%;height:100%"';

foreach( $this->playerAttributes as $key => $val ){
if( isset( $videoTagMap[ $key ] ) && $val != null ) {
$o.= ' ' . $videoTagMap[ $key ] . '="' . htmlspecialchars( $val ) . '"';

//Close the video attributes
$o.= '</video>';
return $o;

private function getFlashEmbedTag(){
$swfUrl = KALTURA_SERVICE_URL . '/index.php/kwidget';
foreach($this->playerAttributes as $key => $val ){
if( $val != null ){
$swfUrl.='/' . $key . '/' . $val;
return '<object id="kaltura_player" name="kaltura_player" ' .
'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" '.
'allowNetworking="all" allowScriptAccess="always" style="height:100%;width:100%" '.
'xmlns:dc="" '.
'xmlns:media="" '.
'rel="media:video" '.
'resource="' . htmlspecialchars( $swfUrl ) . '" '.
'data="' . htmlspecialchars( $swfUrl ) . '"> '.
'<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" />' .
'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />'.
'<param name="flashVars" value="streamerType=rtmp&streamerUrl=rtmp://" />'.
'<param name="movie" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $swfUrl ) . '" />'.

function outputIFrame( ){
// Setup the embed string based on attribute set:
// @@todo this will be factored out once the resource loader has top level named resources
$embedResourceList = 'window.jQuery,mwEmbed,,$,,mw.EmbedPlayer,' .
'mw.EmbedPlayerNative,mw.EmbedPlayerJava,mw.PlayerControlBuilder,$j.fn.hoverIntent,,' .
'$j.cookie,$j.ui,,$j.widget,$j.ui.mouse,mw.PlayerSkinKskin,,' .
'mw.TimedText,,$j.ui.slider,' .

$isHardLinkDevice = false;
// Setup the mwEmbed url:
$mwEmbedUrl = RESOURCE_LOADER_URL . '?class=' . $embedResourceList;
if( $this->debug ){
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>kaltura iFrame</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
<?php if( $this->error ) {
echo $this->error;
} else { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Copied from mwEmbedLoader.js ( should figure out a good way to maintain sync )
function kIsHTML5FallForward(){
// Check for a mobile html5 user agent:
if ( (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod') != -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') != -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android 2.') != -1) ||
// Force html5 for chrome / desktop safari
(document.URL.indexOf('forceMobileHTML5') != -1 )
return true;

// Check if the client does not have flash and has the video tag
if ( navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++ ) {
var type = navigator.mimeTypes[i].type;
var semicolonPos = type.indexOf( ';' );
if ( semicolonPos > -1 ) {
type = type.substr( 0, semicolonPos );
if (type == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ) {
// flash is installed don't use html5
return false;

// for IE:
var hasObj = true;
if( typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined' ){
try {
var obj = new ActiveXObject( 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash' );
} catch ( e ) {
hasObj = false;
if( hasObj ){
return false;
// Check for video tag support:
var dummyvid = document.createElement( "video" );
if( dummyvid.canPlayType ) {
return true;

// No video tag or flash, return false ( normal "install flash" user flow )
return false;

// Inline check for flash support ( output video tag
if( kIsHTML5FallForward() ){
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='<?php echo $mwEmbedUrl ?>' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
document.write('<?php echo $this->getVideoTag() ?>');
} else {
// write out the embed object
document.write('<?php echo $this->getFlashEmbedTag()?>');
<script type="text/javascript">
// In a seperate script block to give time for the document.write to update javascript state
if( kIsHTML5FallForward() ){
//Set some iframe embed config:
// We can't support full screen in object context since it requires outer page DOM control
mw.setConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnableFullscreen', false );

// Enable the iframe player server:
mw.setConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnableIFramePlayerServer', true );

// Bind window resize to reize the player:
$j( '#<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $this->playerIframeId )?>' )
'width' : $j(window).width(),
'height' : $j(window).height()
<?php } ?>

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