Releases: noaa-ocs-hydrography/kluster
Kluster v1.1.7 (1/13/2024)
Bigfixes for missing dependency and minor docs updates
Kluster v1.1.6 (1/10/2024)
Kluster v1.1.5 (10/21/2022)
Kluster v1.1.5 (10/21/2022)
- sync with drivers 0.3.5
- modify the fast read time method in par to support disorder found in some .all files that are trimmed after acquisition
- add UML diagrams in documentation in the for developers section
Kluster v1.1.4 (10/14/2022)
Kluster v1.1.4 (10/14/2022)
- if vyperdatum georeferencing fails, default to slower non-sampled workflow
- adding new variables to zarr datastore now correctly uses the indices of the data (seen on process backscatter with subset)
- fix for having a default resolution with generate_new_mosaic
- fix for no longer interfering with subset during return_avg_tables
- fix bug with surface and mosaic dialog accidentally saving under the same name
- fix subset bug with generating grids from individual lines multiple times in succession
- reload the ping records after processing backscatter in the GUI to get the backscatter variable back
- bug fix with the seeking valid navigation record on building metadata when there are navigation gaps at the start or end of lines
Kluster v1.1.3 (9/28/2022)
Kluster v1.1.3 (9/28/2022)
- sync with drivers 0.3.4
- bug fix with sorts and duplicates in converted sbet data
- sync with vyperdatum 0.1.17
- bug with NaN values and sampled points workflow
- sync with bathygrid 1.3.11
- plots handle NaN values in cells
- increase attitude chunk size to improve performance
- resolve bug with 'No Client' dask setting not applying with first conversion action
- bug fix with forcing all converted file groups to use the same destination container
- add support in zarr backend for chunks with overlapping indices (where multibeam files have time overlap)
- resolve bug with plotting grid methods not taking bin size parameter
- bug fix for zarr backend and writes that include duplicate time values or times out of order
- reload_data will now fix the time indices to ensure monotonic increasing indices without duplicates
Kluster v1.1.2 (9/19/2022)
Kluster v1.1.2 (9/19/2022)
sync with drivers 0.3.2
- bug fix with removing nonexistant nearnormlcorrect record in par3 module
- bug fix with sbet attribution on conversion to xarray dataset
optimized chunk size to greatly improve performance (chunk size default is now 3000 pings instead of 1000 pings)
ensure that writes will use the chunk size of the existing dataset on overwrite/append
with vertical reference = ellipse, perform a datum transformation if the input/output datum do not match (NAD83-WGS84)
bug fix with file locks, were mistakenly disabled in v1.1.1
bug fix when number of beams grows beyond the number used in the initial chunk written
- conversion will now gather the maximum number of beams across all chunks to correctly write beam dimension to disk
bug fix with geohash when NaN values are given for alongtrack/acrosstrack, will now return empty geohash string
log exception if there is an issue with a file added to the intelligence engine
update tests and documentation
Kluster v1.1.1 (9/2/2022)
Kluster v1.1.1 (9/2/2022)
sync with drivers 0.3.2
- support .bot/.out bottom detection files with .raw driver
include support for .raw file bottom detections, logged as separate .bot/.out files
add option to not build heave on converting raw files (EK/S Sonar - Build Heave)
add option to select using lowest/highest frequency (EK/S Sonar - Frequency Selection)
resolve issues with gain and .s7k backscatter processing
add new near_normal_corrector for .all backscatter processing
add second_return filter for removing noise after loss of bottom tracking
add Surface SV vs Profiles plot in basic plots - custom - sound velocity profiles
turn off auto processing if an error is raised, display error in message box
add a right click - fqpr - show log capability
allow conversion to be run without a dask client
conversion will now record line length
added a new 'no client' option when starting a dask client
allow horizontal scrolling in output window to deal with progress bar wrapping issues
bug fix for writes where the time,beam dimensions are the same length
bug fix for adding files with an extension that leads to misinterpreting the file type
bug fix for updating conversion actions when new files are added during conversion
bug fix for designated surface that is inaccessible
bug fix for drawing lines with gaps in navigation
bug fix for incorrectly interpolating nearest navigation across gaps that are too long (see max_nav_tolerance kluster variable)
clean up all progress information into a single bar
added parameter to force a file size limit on conversion chunks (see max_converted_chunk_size kluster variable)
Kluster v1.1.0 (8/5/2022)
Kluster v1.1.0 (8/5/2022)
sync with drivers 0.3.0
- include backscatter specific variables for all multibeam drivers
- fix for kmall sonar with varying beam counts across pings
sync with bathygrid 1.3.10
- resolve bug with exporting backscatter surfaces
add support for backscatter processing for .all, .kmall, .s7k
new 'New Mosaic' processing, includes process_backscatter, avgcorrect, and mosaic creation
backscatter processing will save the avg_table attribute to disk when using AVG correction
backscatter processing will save backscatter_settings attribute to disk on process_backscatter, contains formulae used during processing
allow for exporting mosaic to geotiff, csv
mosaics by default will use the blackandwhite color map
update documentation, add backscatter section
Kluster v0.9.6 (6/7/2022)
sync with bathygrid 1.3.9
- allow for creating empty grids
- check new points for issues before adding new container metadata
add new designated surface for the intelligence module, will create gridding actions if there is new data not in the grid
add Quickstart - Monitor documentation page on the designated surface
setting a designated surface will open the surface in the project
add new cast selection methods, searching in distance and time in profiloes
on SVP import, overwrite profile attributes with better cast position/time
add ability to import points from csv/las to existing surface
updating a surface now refreshes that surface, instead of an expensive close/reopen
can now use generate_new_surface to create an empty surface
concatenate mode now displays the line to be processed in Actions
update command line tools for new parameters
add better messaging when trying to add only converted (not processed) lines to a grid
explicitly close the tpu figures during processing to avoid memory warnings from pyplot
bug fix for heave correction in dual head systems
bug fix for Project Tree and displaying lines not from that container
bug fix for processing by line, and dual head systems that sometimes have lines that overlap (subset by times)
bug fix for hitting ESCAPE in points view and the app closing, disabled interactive mode
update tests for new routines