Veidemann Dashboard is a web-based UI for veidemann.
# start minikube
$ minikube start --vm-driver kvm2 --memory 8096 --cpus 2
# fetch veidemann helm charts
$ git clone
# enter minikube directory
$ cd charts/minikube
# add entry to /etc/hosts mapping veidemann.local to minikube ip (you will be prompted for a password)
$ ./
# install veidemann (5-10 min)
$ ./
# watch installation unfold (in another terminal window/tab)
$ watch -d kubectl get pod
# open dashboard at https://veidemann.local/veidemann
# clone
$ git clone
# install dependencies
$ yarn
# run tests
ng test
# start development server
$ yarn start \
--ssl \
--ssl-cert 'path/to/veidemann-deploy/dev/bases/certs/veidemann-local_cert.pem' \
--ssl-key 'path/to/veidemann-deploy/dev/bases/certs/veidemann-local_key.pem'
# import 'path/to/veidemann-deploy/dev/bases/certs/veidemann-local_key.pem' to your browser of choice and visit https://localhost:4200/veidemann