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################################################################################################## Correlation between Power Clean and Shot Put Distance in Female Collegiate Shot Putters

################################################################################################## ABSTRACT: 1-Rep max power clean and personal best shot put for 28 female collegiate shot putters. Note: the original sample had n=29 individuals, but graph has on 28 observable points. Data approximated from graph.

################################################################################################## PROBLEM STATEMENT: Does better performance (ability to lift heavier weights) in the power clean lead to better performance (greater distance) in the shot put for female collegiate athletes?

################################################################################################## DATA SET INFORMATION: The data associated with this analysis ( contains the following information:

  1. Best pre-season 1 rep power clean lift in kg (power.clean)
  2. Personal best shot put in meters (shot.putt)

################################################################################################## RELEVANT PAPERS: L.W. Judge, D. Bellar, A.B. Thrasher, L. Simon, O.S. Hindawi, and E. Wanless (2013). "A Pilot Study Exploring the Quadratic Nature of the Relationship of Strength to Performance among Shot Putters," International Journal of Exercise Science, Vol. 6, #2, pp. 171-179.

################################################################################################## SOURCE: L.W. Judge, D. Bellar; A.B. Thrasher; L. Simon; O.S. Hindawi; E. Wanless.

################################################################################################## CITATIONS: UFL Miscelleaneous Datasets Repository [].


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