is a Nix based wrapper around LXC, mainly to manage unprivileged LXC containers within NixOS. The implementation shares the /nix/store between host and guest.
is inspired by nixos-container which are based on systemd-nspawn. We chose LXC over systemd-nspawn because of unprivileged users support among other security features. One day systemd-nspawn might be as good as LXC but until that day we'll support LXC.
It requires NixOS as OS and nixpkgs in version:
- 18.03
- or newer
The systemd of the LXC guest requires a patch, so all software in the container requires to be deployed from source. We might bring the patch into but after the release of nixcloud-container
Easy to install
To set up your NixOS to run LXC-containers using
you simply have to set integrate 'nixcloud-containers' and configure it by addingnixcloud.container.enable = true;
Shared /nix/store
To speed up the generation of new containers the /nix/store is shared with the host.
Dropping privileges
This abstraction automatically configures your root user as well as LXC in a way that container will drop privileges and will be run with the user 100000+.
Easy networking
We support
networking, so you can access the guest from the host andinternet
networking with IPv4 NAT and IPv6 via routable prefix.
The easiest way to install nixcloud-container
is by:
including the
repository Follow the ofnixcloud-webservices
on how to includenixcloud-webservices
into your configuration.nix. -
After you added
you can add the following line to your configuration.nix and rebuild your system.nixcloud.container.enable = true;
This will automatically prepare your users for unprivileged LXC containers. It will add a subGid and a subUid range for a
that will be used for the unprivileged container. It will also create two additional bridges for the container networks to be used.
uses LXC tools and Nix tools internaly. You can pass parameters from the nixcloud-container abstraction to those wrapped commands individually.
nixcloud-container create <container-name> <config-path> [-n <nix parameters>] [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container update <container-name> <config-path> [-n <nix parameters>] [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container destroy <container-name> [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container list-generations <container-name>
nixcloud-container delete-generations <container-name> <generations>
nixcloud-container switch-generation <container-name> <generation id>
nixcloud-container rollback <container-name>
nixcloud-container start <container-name> [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container login <container-name> [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container stop <container-name> [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container terminate <container-name> [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container list [-l <lxc parameters>]
nixcloud-container show-ip <container-name>
nixcloud-container exists <container-name>
nixcloud-container state <container-name>
nixcloud-container help
A more in detailed description can be found via nixcloud-container help
First create a simple configuration
:$ cat example.nix {pkgs, ip, name, ...}: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.vim ]; }
This configuration creates a container with
installed.Note: Run all following command(s) on the host as root!
to create a container with the above configuration:
nixcloud-container create example example.nix
start the newly created container:
nixcloud-container start example
log into the container:
nixcloud-container login example
To update the container, simply run:
nixcloud-container update example example.nix
Note: The container can either be stopped or running. If it was running during the update, it will change the state as it would with 'nixos-rebuild switch' on the host system.
Creating a LXC container from scratch:
nixcloud-container create test ./containerConfig.nix -n "-I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs"
Updating an existing LXC container:
nixcloud-container update test ./containerConfig.nix -n "-I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs"
If you want to see the boot process in detail:
nixcloud-container start test -l "-F"
You can start/stop your containers manually. But if you want to start them after the host system has booted, you can add autostart = true;
in your container configuration. Afterwards either update or create the container with that configuration.
$ cat autostartExample.nix
autostart = true; # starts this container after host has booted
configuration = {pkgs, ip, name, ...}:
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.ports = [ 22 ];
networking.hostName = "autostartExample";
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.dfc pkgs.vim ];
Note: This is implemented using a lxc-autostart.service systemd job which starts after
is reached.
The host system and the guest system can be modified using these files:
- The container is defined from bin/helper/lxc-container.nix
- The host extension can be found in ./modules/virtualisation/container.nix
as of now only supports stateful container management (no declarative interface).
Our main use-case is to be able to rebuild individual deployments without having to run a global nixos-rebuild switch so these systems can fail individually without interference.
We might implement a declarative interface later on.
The following configuration generates a container with a separate bridge and a fixed IPv4 address.
Note: You can also use fixed IPv4 addresses with the standard bridge interface, but better don't mix interfaces with static and dynamically (automatically) generated IPv4 addresses.
does not protect from collisions between automatically generated IPv4 addresses and static ones.
$ cat networkExample.nix
network = {
#replaces brNC with your own bridge
bridge = "myOwnBridge";
#sets an ip
ip = "";
#disables the additional NAT interface (default)
enableNat = false;
configuration = {pkgs, ip, name, ...}:
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.ports = [ 22 ];
networking.hostName = ip;
users.extraUsers.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ (builtins.readFile ./ ];
Note: The above container configuration needs a bridge setup in the host system, which can be done like this:
networking.interfaces.myOwnBridge = {
ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 16; } ];
useDHCP = false;
More example configurations can be found in the /examples
creates two network interfaces for the communication with the containers: brNC-hostonly
and brNC-internet
This bridge is using the IPv4 network
. IPv4(s) are generated idiomatically by nixcloud-container
and are fixed during the lifetime of the container.
As the name brNC-hostonly
implies, this bridge is not forwarded to the internet (no NAT). Instead it is intended to be used for bringing webservices into the internet using nixcloud.reverse-proxy
on the host.
By setting network.bridge
in the container config, the container will no longer be connected to brNC-hostonly
but instead to the new bridge specified. See also networkExample.nix
If you want to have IPv4 NATed internet in the container, then:
Add this to your host configuration
nixcloud.container = { enable = true; internetInterface = "enp0s3"; };
network.enableNat = true;
in the container config, then the container will be connected to thebrNC-internet
interface (default is false). Inside the container the interface will be called 'internet' and it will get an IPv4 address bydhcpcd
.As said, by default containers are not connected to this bridge and there won't be a
interface. -
If you want an IPv6 address for your container, then use the ipv6 attribute set as below:
nixcloud.container = { enable = true; internetInterface = "enp0s3"; ipv6 = { enable = true; ipv6InternetInterfaceAddress = "2a01:4f8:221:3744:4000::1"; ipv6Prefix = "2a01:4f8:221:3744:4000::"; ipv6PrefixLength = 66; ipv6NameServers = [ "2a01:4f8:0:1::add:1010" "2a01:4f8:0:1::add:9999" "2a01:4f8:0:1::add:9898" ]; }; };
Note: The ipv6InternetInterfaceAddress
is assigned to the DHCPD6 interface and must be contained in the ipv6Prefix
as DHCPD6 wouldn't work otherwise.
Note: You have to fill in your own IPv6 addresses, prefix and nameservers and make sure that the host can actually be reached so the subnet correctly arrives at the host. Use ping -6 youripv6address
and tcpdump enp0s3 ip6 -n
to verify.
Apparmor LXC profiles are currently not supported
LXC Containers must be started on the host with the root user but they drop privileges to user 100000
Note: Starting LXC containers as a non root user is currently not supported but would be nice to have but the most important thing is that this probably is not a security issue.
The host and all LXC containers share the same /nix/store so every container can read the whole store. This is a problem for NixOS/nixpkgs#24288 related services!
The hostonly interface is shared among all containers, so using IPv4 each container can connect each other container!
The NixOS firewall inside the LXC containers work and is configured but you might have to check if it suits your needs
Currently there are no cgroup limitations on LXC containers or single processes, so you have to trust your users to not exceed the machine performance or implement them yourself
The test implementation can be found in the test.nix file.
The license can be found in LICENSE.
For inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].