SectorLayoutGroup allows you to align children along the custom sector shape in Unity.
You can define a sector shape in 3D, and adjust the following parameters by game object positioning.
- Center Position
- Start Position
- End Position
If you don't need the sector but circle, uGUI-Circle-Layout-Group is more simply.
- Import the SectorLayoutGroup.cs script to your project.
- Create a new game object and attach the SectorLayoutGroup.
- Create the new game object inside the SectorLayoutGroup game object, and attach to the SectorLayoutGroup parameter Center.
- In the same way, create a new game object as the Start.
- In the same way, create a new game object as the End.
These steps are packed in the SectorTemplate as Prefab!
You can adjust where chilren look at. By default, children look at the Center.
When a child has beeen added to SectorLayoutGroup game object in play mode, children moves new position smootly.
you can adjust the moving speed and duraton by editing the FrameCount and FrameInterval parameters,