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nithins edited this page Dec 17, 2014 · 12 revisions

This code is developed to compute the Morse-Smale complex of 2D triangle meshes based on this paper. Please contact the author and cite if you are using this code for research purposes. This code may be used freely for research and non-commercial purposes only. The code was developed in linux (ubuntu 12.04). It was compiled with gcc 4.6.3.

The main project page is located here. There, you'll find similar instructions for the most reason stable versions. Please it just to try things out. A consise documentation is maintained at the same location. This wiki may be a bit ahead but will be very much relevant.

The code comprises of three modules.

  • A core command line tool named mscomplex-tri-cl-tool.
  • A python loadable module name pymstri.
  • An OpenGL based visualization tool name mscomplex-tri-viewer.

For building the code see the Building page. For usage instructions, see here, here, and here respectively.

The above modules were built for different purposes. See the project website for more details. It is recommended that you install and use the python module, as it offers the most flexibility. Also, it has very minimal dependancies and is easily installable.

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