FPGA and software crossover to bring your microphone clarity and fidelity
[Node.js 16.13.1]
Steps to run:
- npm install
- npm start (Run React Server and Electron Application)
Current development is done on Windows and the main target platform is Windows. This application is built using ElectronJS and ReactJS
Note: When installing packages, a warning will appear about npm package vulnerabilities. This is not a concern and is addressed here: facebook/create-react-app#11174
VHDL files included in 'vhdl' folder. Schematic files included in 'schematics' folder.
Synthesizing steps:
The HDL is synthesized by the Vivado 2021.1 build system. It has not been tested on other versions of Vivado.
- Download the Vivado project zip file from the Releases tab.
- Unzip the archive and open the project in Vivado
- Double click on "Generate Bitstream" to generate the bitstream for the Arty A7-35 (xc7a35ticsg324-1L) FPGA, which is preconfigured. Other devices may be selected, however neither performance nor compatibility are guaranteed.
The default pinout, which can also be found in the constraint file, is:
- clk - E3
- rst - C2
- sampleIn[0:7] - D4, D3, F4, F3, E2, D2, H2, G2
- sampleOut[0:7] - G13, B11, A11, D12, D13, B18, A18, K16
For status of the filter on the Arty A7 devboard, it outputs to a status LED:
- filterActive - H5
The switch on the devboard enables the filter
- filterEn - A8
The pins for the TLC0820:
- extCS - E15
- extRD - E16
- extReady - D15
The MX7224 is held in transparent mode