nInfo is a library, CLI tool, and web interface (and lots of plugins) for gathering information on any of the following:
- IP Address (v4 or v6)
- CIDR Block (v4 or v6)
- MAC Address
- Hostname
- Username
- Hashes (as in md5/sha1 etc)
It consists of multiple plugin classes that implement a get_info
The classes contain metadata for the type of arguments they accept, and if
they are relevant for internal and or external hosts.
$ ninfo -l
Name Title Description
cif CIF Collective Intelligence Framework
cymruwhois Cymru Whois Cymru Whois lookup
geoip GeoIP GeoIP
google_safebrowsing Google Safe Browsing Google Safe Browsing check
Silly example, run two plugins against two addreses:
$ ninfo -p geoip -p cymruwhois
=== ===
*** Cymru Whois (Cymru Whois lookup) ***
15169 US GOOGLE - Google Inc.
*** GeoIP (GeoIP) ***
US - United States
=== ===
*** Cymru Whois (Cymru Whois lookup) ***
3356 US LEVEL3 Level 3 Communications
*** GeoIP (GeoIP) ***
US - United States
>>> from ninfo import Ninfo
>>> n=Ninfo()
>>> n.get_info("cymruwhois", "")
{'cc': 'US', 'ip': '', 'prefix': '', 'asn': '15169', 'owner': 'GOOGLE - Google Inc.'}
>>> print n.get_info_text("geoip", "")
US - United States
See or
Here's a plugin:
from ninfo import PluginBase
class fun_plugin(PluginBase):
"""This plugin returns something cool!"""
name = 'fun'
title = 'Fun Plugin'
description = 'Happy Fun time'
cache_timeout = 60*2
types = ['ip','hostname']
#def setup(self):
# #libraries should be lazy imported in setup. This is only called once.
# import mybackendlibrary
# self.client = mybackendlibrary.Client()
def get_info(self, arg):
#should always return a dictionary, even for a single value
#multiple values are the norm, and allow values to be added without breakage
result = 'hello %s' % arg
return { "result": result }
plugin_class = fun_plugin
If installed, this plugin can be run as follows:
>>> from ninfo import Ninfo
>>> p = Ninfo()
>>> print p.get_info('fun', 'justin.rules')
{'result': 'hello justin.rules'}
I had to include a '.' in the argument, because without it, ninfo will assume the argument is a 'user' and not an 'ip' or a 'hostname', and it will not run the plugin.
Plugins are installed and located using entry_points. If the above class was in a python module called fun_plugin, it would be installed by the following in
py_modules = [ "fun_plugin"],
entry_points = {
'ninfo.plugin': [
'fun = fun_plugin',
- Strings
- __doc__ - The python docstring of the class is used as the long_description for the plugin.
- name - The name of the plugin. Can be anything, but keeping it limited to [a-z_] is recommended.
- title - The title of the plugin. This is what is actually displayed to the user.
- description - Short description of the plugin.
- cache_timeout - timeout in seconds that this plugin should be cached in memcache, and the max-age parameter sent by the web interface.
- types - A list of one or more of 'mac', 'ip4', 'ip6', 'cidr4', 'cidr6', 'hostname', 'username'.
- local - if False, this plugin will not be run against local hosts.
- remote - if False, this plugin will not be run against remote hosts.
Multiple instances of a plugin can be created by adding another section in the configuration file and optionally overriding the plugin metadata:
path = GeoIP.dat
clone = geoip
path = GeoIPCity.dat
title = City GeoIP
description = City Level GeoIP
- ninfo_web - basic web interface
- django-ninfo - ninfo integrated with django
- ninfo-plugin-template - paster template for creating plugins
- ninfo-client - REST client for ninfo_web or django-ninfo
- Search github for ninfo-plugin - more plugins