Checks if a word exists in a language. Currently supports 10 languages. Uses tries to get very fast results.
$ npm install is-word
var isWord = require('is-word');
var englishWords = isWord('american-english');
console.log(englishWords.check('direction')); // true
console.log(englishWords.check('asddsaaaa')); // false
returns an object having a trie of the configured language. The object has check method which returns a boolean value if a word is present in a language or not.
To change the languages,
american-english - isWord('american-english');
brazilian - isWord('brazilian');
british-english - isWord('british-english');
french - isWord('french');
italian - isWord('italian');
ngerman - isWord('ngerman');
ogerman - isWord('ogerman');
portuguese - isWord('portuguese');
spanish - isWord('spanish');
swiss - isWord('swiss');
is-word is very fast compared to existing checkers which use a regex for all available words. is-word uses tries data structure which causes comparisons to be done very quickly. Trie creation takes some time but if there are a lot of words to be checked then is-word is way ahead than others.
is-word was initially created for testing inconsistencies and mistakes in translations but can be expanded to much more. So if you have any feature suggestions feel free to open a PR.
Though I have tested the code against a lot of test cases, still if you find a bug, feel free to raise an issue.