- http://github.com/NimaLTD
- https://www.instagram.com/github.nimaltd/
- https://www.youtube.com/@nimaltd
I convert TM Library to Hal . www.stm32f4-discovery.net
I hope use it and enjoy.
I use Stm32f103vc and Keil Compiler and Stm32CubeMX wizard.
Please Do This ...
1) Enable FreeRTOS
2) Config a Gpio and a timer on CubeMX . 1us per tick example 72 MHz cpu >>> Prescaler=(72-1) counter period=0xFFFF
3) Select "General peripheral Initalizion as a pair of '.c/.h' file per peripheral" on project settings.
4) Config your ds18b20Config.h file.
5) call Ds18b20_Init(osPriorityNormal) on your app.
6) You can see result on debug . watch : ds18b20.