- Getting Started
- Prerequisites
- Steps for setting a new user
- Project Directory Structure
- Deployment
- License
This project is created using Create React App.
To use this repo locally, start by cloning it and installing the NPM packages.
$ git clone <githubURL>
$ npm install
Run it locally.
$ npm run start
Things you need to have in your system for development & running this project locally.
NodeJs, Npm. [ This project built with NodeJs <12.14.0> & Npm <6.13.4> ]
ReactJs, CRA [ This project built with ReactJS <16.13+> ]
VS Code - or any editor you like.
This project do not offer self user signup, so the user should exists in system & database, for using this app. For this activity, user should be added in database, it can be done by running a script, which marks an entry for that user in the database and sends an email, with a temporory password and signup link. By clicking the signup link user can start the onboarding journey.
├───AcceptInviteLogin #(First screen for user to provide first time login pin)
│ AcceptInviteLogin.js
│ index.js
│ ChangePassword.css
│ ChangePassword.js
│ index.js
│ EditProfile.js
│ EditProfile.scss
│ index.js
├───FirstTimeResetPassword #(Screen to set a new password, mendatory at for first time user)
│ FirstTimeResetPassword.js
│ index.js
├───InitialUserInfo #(Initial screen to get user introduction & skills information, after setting up the password)
│ index.js
│ InitialUserInfo.css
│ InitialUserInfo.js
├───InquireAccount #(Manually login request)
│ index.js
│ InquireAccount.css
│ InquireAccount.js
│ index.js
│ Login.js
│ Login.scss
│ index.js
│ NotFound.css
│ NotFound.js
├───PeopleDirectoryHome #(Initial screen after login, home page for search employees)
│ index.js
│ PeopleDirectoryHome.css
│ PeopleDirectoryHome.js
├───ProfileDetails #(Profile details)
│ index.js
│ ProfileDetails.css
│ ProfileDetails.js
│ ProfileDetails.scss
├───ResetPassword #(For resetting password)
│ index.js
│ ResetPassword.css
│ ResetPassword.js
│ index.js
│ Settings.css
│ Settings.js
└───SetupProfile #(For setting up user profile, this is the initial user profile setup container)
│ AuthenticatedRoute.js
│ index.js
│ Container.js
│ Container.scss
│ index.js
│ EmployeeCard.js
│ EmployeeCard.scss
│ index.js
│ ErrorBoundary.css
│ ErrorBoundary.js
│ index.js
│ GSLoader.js
│ index.js
│ index.js
│ LoaderButton.css
│ LoaderButton.js
│ index.js
│ Paginator.js
│ Paginator.scss
│ index.js
│ Profile.js
│ Profile.scss
│ index.js
│ ProfileCard.js
│ ProfileCard.scss
│ index.js
│ ProfileContacts.js
│ ProfileContacts.scss
│ index.js
│ ProfileContainer.js
│ ProfileContainer.scss
│ index.js
│ ProjectHistory.js
│ ProjectHistory.scss
│ index.js
│ SearchBar.js
│ SearchBar.scss
│ index.js
│ Text.js
│ Text.scss
│ index.js
│ TextLabel.js
CI / CD steps.
Copyright (C) 2020. GS Holdings & Favorite Medium.
This project is the confidential & proprietary information of GS Holdings & Favorite Medium. You shall not disclose such confidential information and shall use it only in the accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into the GS Holdings.