The Blogging Platform API utilizes a microservices architecture with NodeJS, Express.js, Postgres, and Redis, facilitating CRUD operations, authentication, keyword search, and recommendation features. It emphasizes performance optimization, security measures, and scalability via Docker orchestration and thorough unit testing.
A microservices architecture leveraging Docker containers orchestrates PostgreSQL
, Node.js API
, and Redis
instances for scalable and modular application development.
- Token-based authentication and authorization for users.
- CRUD operation on blogs.
- Endpoint to retrieve the latest N blog posts, with N being a configurable parameter.
- A search functionality that allows users to search for blog posts based on keywords in the title or content.
- A feature to track and return the most popular blog posts based on the number of views.
- Implemented a feature that recommends related blog posts based on the content of the currently viewed post based on the
cosine similarity
concept. - Added middleware to compress API responses for improved performance.
- Optimized database queries for efficiency and considered asynchronous processing where applicable.
- Wrote comprehensive unit tests covering the new features and algorithms
- Implemented advanced security measures such as rate limiting, request validation, and protection against common web vulnerabilities.
Add a .env
and add values mentioned in .env.template
Start up the services
docker-compose up
Stop and remove the containers created
docker-compose down --rmi all
You can now access the server on
Install dependencies
npm i
Migrate schema to database using prisma
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
Note - Make sure the DB and Redis are running properly, and make changes in the
file properly. -
Run test This command will run and test all the API endpoints. Will clear and reset the database
npm run test
Run the server
npm run dev
A simplified approach using TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) for content analysis and cosine similarity for finding related posts. This approach is a common and relatively straightforward method for content-based recommendation.
A glimpse into code used to generate content-based recommendations.
// Function to calculate cosine similarity between two vectors
const cosineSimilarity = (vectorA, vectorB) => {
// Calculate dot product
const dotProduct = Object.keys(vectorA).reduce((acc, term) => {
if (vectorB[term]) {
acc += vectorA[term] * vectorB[term];
return acc;
}, 0);
// Calculate Euclidean norms
const normA = Math.sqrt(
Object.values(vectorA).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val ** 2, 0)
const normB = Math.sqrt(
Object.values(vectorB).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val ** 2, 0)
// Calculate cosine similarity
const similarity = dotProduct / (normA * normB);
return similarity;
const blogsRecommendation = async (blogid) => {
// Fetch content of current blogs
const blogData = await{
where: {
bid: blogid,
// Get content of the blog
const blogContent = blogData.content.toLowerCase();
// Current post vector data
tfidf.addDocument(blogContent, -1);
const cuurentBlogVector = tfidf.documents[0];
// Get content of all existing blogs except current blog
const existingBLogsData = await{
where: {
bid: {
not: blogid,
// List to store recommended blogs based on cosine similarity calculation
const recommendedBLogs = [];
existingBLogsData.forEach((blog, index) => {
tfidf.addDocument(blog.content, index);
const currentDocumentVector = tfidf.documents[index + 1];
// Calculate cosine similarity
const cosineSimilarityValue = cosineSimilarity(
// Add blog in recommendation blog in this list if cosine score is > 0.2
if (cosineSimilarityValue >= 0.2) {
return recommendedBLogs;