The panda planner tools (parser, grounder, engine) ported to windows via cygwin.
Pre-compiled distributions of the parser, grounder and engine can be found in the releases.
For Building you will need an installation of cygwin with the following packages:
- cmake
- make
- gcc
- g++
To compile everything follow these steps in a cygwin terminal:
cd pandaPIengine
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src
cd ..
cd ..
cd pandaPIparser
cd ..
cd pandaPIgrounder
cd cpddl
make boruvka opts bliss lpsolve
cd ../src
cd ..
cd ..
After compiling everything, for a binary distribution you will need:
- pandaPIengine/build/pandaPIengine.exe
- pandaPIgrounder/pandaPIgrounder.exe
- pandaPIparser/pandaPIparser.exe
- cygwin-1.dll
- cygwinsdtc++-6.dll
- cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll
Put all of the above into one directory.