Anime Reminder is a web application for recording the season and episode of anime you had watched. Register your own account and create your own anime list and keep track of your progress.
Besides the web application itself, Anime Reminder provide the Ansible playbook to build the Kubernetes cluster and deploy the required infrastrature on it.
Prepare at least two target machines with Ubuntu 20.04 operating system under ARM64 architecture
We also provide the Vagrantfile to install 3 virtual machine in VMWare on M1 MacOS.
The target machines need to enable SSH connection.
The target machines need to have 2 CPU cores and 4 Gi memory.
To install Anime Reminder, follow the below steps:
Clone the Anime Reminder repository
git clone
Install Ansible
Please follow the step in Ansible documentation to install Ansible on the node that is able to connect with target machines.
Configure the anime-reminder/automated-deploy-tool/anisble/inventory file
Setup the IP address and username and password of the target machines.
IMPORTANT: Only modify the ansible_host, ansible_user, and ansible_password these three field. Do not change other parts.
[master] k8s-master ansible_host= ansible_user=vagrant ansible_password=vagrant [worker] k8s-worker1 ansible_host= ansible_user=vagrant ansible_password=vagrant k8s-worker2 ansible_host= ansible_user=vagrant ansible_password=vagrant
Configure load balancer IP Address for MetalLB in anime-reminder/infra-service/metallb/config.ini
As we are bare metal cluster, we have to setup the load balancer by ourselves. Set LB_EXTERNEL_IP to the IP Address that you want to used it as external IP.
Deploy Anime Reminder
Run the
in Anime Reminder repository. This would create Kubernetes cluster on target machines, deploy required infrastatrue services for exampleMetalLB
,ingress controller
, etc., and deploy Anime Reminder application.bash anime-reminder/automated-deploy-tool/ansible/
After all the services is running, access to see your Anime Reminder.
Note: Remember to add the mapping of to LB_EXTERNEL_IP in /etc/hosts
before access the web application.
The components in the Kubernetes cluster that would be deployed by Ansible are briefly shown as below:
In this repository, you can find there are four directories: app-service, infra-service, monitor-service, and automated-deploy-tool which are corresponding to the picture.
The Anime Reminder application is composed of four components which is Keycloak, PostgreSQL, UI, and API.
The helm chart of our application which contains these 4 components can be found here. To deploy this anime-reminder helm chart manually not by Ansible, you can execute below command in k8s master node:
bash anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/
If you would like to change the username and password of PostgreSQL and Keycloak, change the value of [POSTGRESQL-CONFIG] and [KEYCLOAK-CONFIG] section in anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/config.ini before you run
The helm chart of Keycloak is based on codecentric/keycloak. We add some our own configuration and then merge it in to our anime-reminder helm chart.
If you would like to visit the Keycloak, access The default keycloak admin username/password is admin/admin.
The helm chart of PostgreSQL is based on cetic/postgresql. We add some our own configuration and then merge it in to our anime-reminder helm chart.
The UI of anime-reminder is developed in Python Flask framework. The source code can be found in anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/app/ui.
The API of anime-reminder is developed in Python Flask framework. The source code can be found in anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/app/api.
There are several infrastature services underlay Anime Reminder application which is Calico, MetalLB, Ingress Nginx, Longhorn, and Cert Manager.
To deploy those services manually not by Ansible, run the
in the directory of the service that you want to install:
bash anime-reminder/infra-service/<SERVICE NAME>/
The helm chart of Calico is from here.
The helm chart of MetalLB is from here.
The yaml file of Ingress Nginx is from here.
The helm chart of Longhorn is from here.
The helm chart of Cert Manager is from here.
There are two monitor tools would be installed in the cluster which is K9s and Kubernetes Dashboard
To deploy those services manually not by Ansible, run the
in the directory of the service that you want to install in k8s master node:
bash anime-reminder/monitor-service/<SERVICE NAME>/
For convenience, we have already compiled the source code to the executable file in here.
The helm chart of Kubernetes Dashboard is from here.
If you would like to visit the Kubernetes Dashboard, access
There are two service account for Kuberenets Dashboard, which is app-developer and infra-developer. The app-developer can only access the anime-reminder namespace. The infra-developer can access all namespaces.
To get the token of these service accounts, run the below command in master node:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token <SERVICE ACCOUNT>
There are two parts in these folder: Vagrant and Ansible.
This Vagrantfile would create three virtual machines on VMWare. Each of them would have 2 CPU cores and 4 Gi Memory. Those machine would get the IP Address by DHCP, so you would have to go check the IP Address by yourself after the VM created.
As we introduce in Install section, executing bash anime-reminder/automated-deploy-tool/ansible/
would trigger the Ansible playbook to setup Kubernetes cluster on target machines and deploy app-service, infra-service, and monitor-service.
If you don't want the Ansible deploy everything, you can only tick the box you want to deploy in anime-reminder/automated-deploy-tool/ansible/taglist.
For example, this would deploy all the components.
[v] k8s
[v] monitor-service
[v] infra-service
[v] app-service
and this would only deploy monitor-service.
[x] k8s
[v] monitor-service
[x] infra-service
[x] app-service
k8s: Install and setup Kubernetes cluster on target machines
monitor-service: K9s and Kubernetes Dashboard
infra-service: Calico, Cert Manager, Ingress Nginx, Longhorn, and MetalLB
app-service: Anime Reminder application including PostgreSQL, Keycloak, UI, and API.
Here we provide some scenario and command to test the ability of our application and its underly infrastruture.
When we modify the source code in UI or API, we will have to rebuild the docker image and do helm upgrade.
After modified the code, follow below steps to rebuild and update.
Configure Docker username, password, image name, and image tag in anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/app/ui/config.ini or anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/app/api/config.ini
Configure the image name and image tag in anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/helm/anime-reminder/values.yaml
ui: replicaCount: 2 image: repository: nightmare224/anime-reminder-ui pullPolicy: Always tag: "1.0.1" ... api: replicaCount: 2 image: repository: nightmare224/anime-reminder-api pullPolicy: Always tag: "1.0.0" ...
Build and update the application
Through Ansilbe:
bash anime-reminder/automated-deploy-tool/ansible/
Manually in k8s master node:
bash anime-reminder/app-service/anime-reminder/
We only allow Keycloak and API connection to PostgreSQL. We can verify this network policy by connecting to PostgreSQL through psql command in Keycloak, API, and UI pods.
After getting into a shell of a container, execute below command:
apt-get install postgresql-client -y
psql postgres://<PG USERNAME>:<PG PASSWORD>@ar-postgresql.anime-reminder.svc.cluster.local/animereminder
If you didn't configure the username and password of PostgreSQL, the default username is postgres and the password is pganimereminder
In the pod of Keycloak and API, the connection with database would succeed. But in the pod of UI, it would timeout and failed.
Visit Kuberenetes Dashboard at
First login as app-developer, the token can be generate by running below command in master node:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token app-developer
The app-developer can only access anime-reminder namesapce.
And then login as infra-developer, the token can be generate by running below command in master node:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token infra-developer
The infra-developer can only access all namesapces.