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Run post-reconciliation requeue in the reconciler context
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This fixes kube-rs#926, since we already run multiple reconcilers in parallel.

Signed-off-by: Teo Klestrup Röijezon <[email protected]>
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nightkr committed Jun 8, 2022
1 parent da80f15 commit c25bd48
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Showing 3 changed files with 154 additions and 52 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kube-derive/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -599,6 +599,6 @@ mod tests {
struct FooSpec { foo: String }
let input = syn::parse2(input).unwrap();
let kube_attrs = KubeAttrs::from_derive_input(&input).unwrap();
let _kube_attrs = KubeAttrs::from_derive_input(&input).unwrap();
171 changes: 120 additions & 51 deletions kube-runtime/src/controller/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ use derivative::Derivative;
use futures::{
future::{self, BoxFuture},
stream, Future, FutureExt, SinkExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryFuture, TryFutureExt, TryStream, TryStreamExt,
ready, stream, Future, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryFuture, TryFutureExt, TryStream, TryStreamExt,
use kube_client::api::{Api, DynamicObject, ListParams, Resource};
use pin_project::pin_project;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use std::{
fmt::{Debug, Display},
use stream::BoxStream;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ const APPLIER_REQUEUE_BUF_SIZE: usize = 100;
/// (such as triggering from arbitrary [`Stream`]s), at the cost of being a bit more verbose.
pub fn applier<K, QueueStream, ReconcilerFut, Ctx>(
mut reconciler: impl FnMut(Arc<K>, Arc<Ctx>) -> ReconcilerFut,
mut error_policy: impl FnMut(&ReconcilerFut::Error, Arc<Ctx>) -> Action,
error_policy: impl Fn(&ReconcilerFut::Error, Arc<Ctx>) -> Action,
context: Arc<Ctx>,
store: Store<K>,
queue: QueueStream,
Expand All @@ -232,23 +234,25 @@ where
QueueStream::Error: std::error::Error + 'static,
let (scheduler_shutdown_tx, scheduler_shutdown_rx) = channel::oneshot::channel();
let err_context = context.clone();
let (scheduler_tx, scheduler_rx) =
let error_policy = Arc::new(error_policy);
// Create a stream of ObjectRefs that need to be reconciled
// input: stream combining scheduled tasks and user specified inputs event
// 1. inputs from users queue stream
queue.map_err(Error::QueueError).map_ok(|request| ScheduleRequest {
message: request.into(),
run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1),
.on_complete(async move {
// On error: scheduler has already been shut down and there is nothing for us to do
let _ = scheduler_shutdown_tx.send(());
tracing::debug!("applier queue terminated, starting graceful shutdown")
.map_ok(|request| ScheduleRequest {
message: request.into(),
run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1),
.on_complete(async move {
// On error: scheduler has already been shut down and there is nothing for us to do
let _ = scheduler_shutdown_tx.send(());
tracing::debug!("applier queue terminated, starting graceful shutdown")
// 2. requests sent to scheduler_tx
Expand All @@ -261,56 +265,121 @@ where
let request = request.clone();
match store.get(&request.obj_ref) {
Some(obj) => {
let reconciler_span = info_span!("reconciling object", "object.ref" = %request.obj_ref, object.reason = %request.reason);
reconciler_span.in_scope(|| reconciler(obj, context.clone()))
// Reconciler errors are OK from the applier's PoV, we need to apply the error policy
// to them separately
.map(|res| Ok((request.obj_ref, res, reconciler_span)))
None => future::err(
let scheduler_tx = scheduler_tx.clone();
let error_policy_ctx = context.clone();
let error_policy = error_policy.clone();
let reconciler_span = info_span!(
"reconciling object",
"object.ref" = %request.obj_ref,
object.reason = %request.reason
.in_scope(|| reconciler(obj, context.clone()))
.then(move |res| {
let error_policy = error_policy;
|err| error_policy(err, error_policy_ctx),
// Reconciler errors are OK from the applier's PoV, we need to apply the error policy
// to them separately
.map(|res| Ok((request.obj_ref, res)))
None => future::err(Error::ObjectNotFound(request.obj_ref.erase())).right_future(),
.on_complete(async { tracing::debug!("applier runner terminated") })
.on_complete(async { tracing::debug!("applier runner-merge terminated") })
// finally, for each completed reconcile call:
.and_then(move |(obj_ref, reconciler_result, reconciler_span)| {
let (Action { requeue_after }, requeue_reason) = match &reconciler_result {
Ok(action) =>
// do what user told us
(action.clone(), ReconcileReason::ReconcilerRequestedRetry),
Err(err) =>
// reconciler fn call failed
(reconciler_span.in_scope(|| error_policy(err, err_context.clone())), ReconcileReason::ErrorPolicyRequestedRetry),
let mut scheduler_tx = scheduler_tx.clone();
async move {
// Transmit the requeue request to the scheduler (picked up again at top)
if let Some(delay) = requeue_after {
// Failure to schedule item = in graceful shutdown mode, ignore
let _ = scheduler_tx
.send(ScheduleRequest {
message: ReconcileRequest {obj_ref: obj_ref.clone(), reason: requeue_reason},
run_at: Instant::now() + delay,
match reconciler_result {
Ok(action) => Ok((obj_ref, action)),
Err(err) => Err(Error::ReconcilerFailed(err, obj_ref.erase()))
.and_then(move |(obj_ref, reconciler_result)| async move {
match reconciler_result {
Ok(action) => Ok((obj_ref, action)),
Err(err) => Err(Error::ReconcilerFailed(err, obj_ref.erase())),
.on_complete(async { tracing::debug!("applier terminated") })

/// Internal helper that runs post-reconciliation (such as requesting rescheduling) tasks in the scheduled context of the reconciler
/// This could be an `async fn`, but isn't because we want it to be [`Unpin`]
struct PostReconciler<K: Resource, ReconcilerErr> {
reschedule_tx: channel::mpsc::Sender<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>,

reschedule_request: Option<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>,
result: Option<Result<Action, ReconcilerErr>>,

impl<K, ReconcilerErr> PostReconciler<K, ReconcilerErr>
K: Resource,
fn new(
result: Result<Action, ReconcilerErr>,
error_policy: impl FnOnce(&ReconcilerErr) -> Action,
obj_ref: ObjectRef<K>,
reschedule_tx: channel::mpsc::Sender<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>,
) -> Self {
let reconciler_finished_at = Instant::now();

let (action, reschedule_reason) = result.as_ref().map_or_else(
|err| (error_policy(err), ReconcileReason::ErrorPolicyRequestedRetry),
|action| (action.clone(), ReconcileReason::ReconcilerRequestedRetry),

Self {
reschedule_request:|requeue_after| ScheduleRequest {
message: ReconcileRequest {
reason: reschedule_reason,
run_at: reconciler_finished_at + requeue_after,
result: Some(result),

impl<K, ReconcilerErr> Future for PostReconciler<K, ReconcilerErr>
K: Resource,
type Output = Result<Action, ReconcilerErr>;

fn poll(self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.get_mut();

if this.reschedule_request.is_some() {
let rescheduler_ready = ready!(this.reschedule_tx.poll_ready(cx));
let reschedule_request = this
.expect("PostReconciler::reschedule_request was taken during processing");
// Failure to schedule item = in graceful shutdown mode, ignore
if let Ok(()) = rescheduler_ready {
let _ = this.reschedule_tx.start_send(reschedule_request);

.expect("PostReconciler::result was already taken"),

/// Controller
/// A controller is made up of:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,7 +808,7 @@ where
pub fn run<ReconcilerFut, Ctx>(
mut reconciler: impl FnMut(Arc<K>, Arc<Ctx>) -> ReconcilerFut,
error_policy: impl FnMut(&ReconcilerFut::Error, Arc<Ctx>) -> Action,
error_policy: impl Fn(&ReconcilerFut::Error, Arc<Ctx>) -> Action,
context: Arc<Ctx>,
) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(ObjectRef<K>, Action), Error<ReconcilerFut::Error, watcher::Error>>>
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions kube-runtime/src/utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -228,3 +228,36 @@ pub(crate) trait KubeRuntimeStreamExt: Stream + Sized {

impl<S: Stream> KubeRuntimeStreamExt for S {}

mod tests {
use std::convert::Infallible;

use futures::stream::{self, StreamExt};

use super::trystream_try_via;

// Type-level test does not need to be executed
fn trystream_try_via_should_be_able_to_borrow() {
struct WeirdComplexObject {}
impl Drop for WeirdComplexObject {
fn drop(&mut self) {}

let mut x = WeirdComplexObject {};
let y = WeirdComplexObject {};
Box::pin(stream::once(async {
let _ = &mut x;
Result::<_, Infallible>::Ok(())
|s| {|_| {
let _ = &y;

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