This repository is part of the NIEMOpen project. NIEM Code Lists Specification establishes methods for using code list artifacts with NIEM information exchange specifications. It provides for the use of Genericode documents, as well as for CSV code lists. It supports the use of code lists at schema definition time, via annotations for XML Schema documents that bind schema components to code lists. It supports the use of code lists at run time, via XML Schema components for use in XML documents that bind XML data to code lists. It also includes identifiers for well-known columns that have semantics needed across the NIEM community.
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- NBAC Technical Steering Committee mailing list. This is the discussion list for use by the members of the NIEM Business Architecture Committee TSC. To subscribe, send an empty email message to [email protected]. Anyone interested is welcome to subscribe read-only. The list maintains an archive.
- NTAC Technical Steering Committee mailing list. This is the discussion list for use by the members of the NIEM Technical Architecture Committee TSC. To subscribe, send an empty email message to [email protected]. Anyone interested is welcome to subscribe read-only. The list maintains an archive.
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