THIS PACKAGE IS DEPRECATED. Please use this instead
Interact with a 7 Days to Die web API
$ npm install machinepack-7daystodiewebapi
For the latest usage documentation, version information of this module, see The generated manpages for each machine contain a complete reference of all expected inputs, possible exit states, and example return values.
This is a machinepack, an NPM module which exposes a set of related Node.js machines according to the machinepack specification. Documentation pages for the machines contained in this module (as well as all other NPM-hosted machines for Node.js) are automatically generated and kept up-to-date on the public registry. Learn more at
To run the tests, set up a 7DTD server to test on. Then create a file ".env" in the root folder and add these env variables:
TEST_PORT <- Allocs webserver port
TEST_AUTHNAME <- Set in webpermission.xml or with the telnet command
TEST_STEAMID <- SteamID of a player that has been on the server
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