Command line utility for maintaining a changelog in the Keep a Changelog format
go install -v
$ kacl
Command line utility for maintaining a changelog in the
Keep a Changelog format
kacl [command]
Available Commands:
added Add a change to the list of Unreleased additions
changed Add a change to the list of Unreleased changes
deprecated Add a change to the list of Unreleased deprecations
fixed Add a change to the list of Unreleased fixes
help Help about any command
info List information in a change log
init Initialize a file
mail Create a email from changelog
release Create a new release
removed Add a change to the list of Unreleased removals
security Add a change to the list of Unreleased security updates
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kacl.yaml)
-h, --help help for kacl
Use "kacl [command] --help" for more information about a command.