This is very simplistic monitor for your Nucypher Node that sends updates using a Telegram bot.
I borrowed the Telegram Bot code from Sinequanonh: and the Nucypher specific code from cryptoseal86: with some minor adaptations to run it in Node.js
The monitor gets the Staker information from the NuCypher contract using Infura. It also gets the balances of the worker and staker addresses and the gas cost of the last activity confirmation transaction. This could help estimating if the funds for the worker are enough for next period.
You need to set some scheduler, e.g. Cron, to launch the monitor once a day, e.g. at 8 a.m., and if everything is correct the Telegram Bot will send you a message with a summary of the Node info. The monitor will check in every run that the last confirmed period is greater than the current period and in case it is not, it will notify that something is wrong and schedule another check after one hour recurrently until you either kill the process of resolve the situation, e.g. restart the worker.
You need to create first a Telegram Bot and get the corresponding TOKEN. Just follow this guide: Bots: An introduction for developers
You also need to get the ChatID of your Bot. In order to get it, start a conversation with your bot and look for the "chat" object and ID property in the list of updates of your bot using the following URL:<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates
- You need to register to Infura and get the Infura endpoint.
In order to run the monitor you need to first install Node.js. I am assuming you are using Cron to run the monitor periodically.
- Open a Terminal and go to some folder where you want to install the monitor
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Move to the project folder
cd nucypher-telegram-bot
- Install all dependencies
npm i
- Edit
and add your Infura Token, you staker address, your Telegram Bot token and the corresponding Chat ID. - Add the monitor to the Cron scheduling by running
crontab -e
. Select you favourite editor and add the following line
00 8 * * * node /YOUR/INSTALATION/PATH/monitor.js