Command line dialogs made easy.
From github:
git clone
cd pydialog
sudo python2.7 install
First things first, import Dialog
from pydialog import Dialog
This is used to make a variety of different dialogs for collecting user input.
For example, asking user for a string:
d = Dialog("What's your name?")
d.input() # This blocks until user answers
print "Hello %s" % d.result
You can also ask the user to choose from a selection:
d = Dialog("Which do you prefer?")
d.choose(['cake', 'chocolate'])
print "I like %s too!" % d.result
Or maybe you just want the answer to a yes/no question?:
d = Dialog("Do you want to quit?")
if d.result:
Finally, you can also ask users for passwords. This is like the Dialog.input()
method shown above but it doesn't display what the user is typing:
d = Dialog("Please enter your password")
sign_in(username, d.result)
Name: Nic Roland
Twitter: @nicr9_
email: [email protected]