- only setHeader if lng has value
- Remove Express alias of res.setHeader to support non-Express use with connect 199
- typescript: fix: TypeScript i18next import 192
- typescript: update LanguageDetector (fix type error since i18next v17.0.8) 190
- Add optional "lookupHeader" to replace default header 180
- typescript: Update typings to allow req.i18n and req.t without Typescript error. 177
- typescript: Update typings to allow req.language and req.languages 176
- Insensitive checking language-locale 172
- add typings 170
- Handle spaces in Accept-Language header 169
- ignoreRoute can now be a function #57
- Update locals on languageChanged PR163
- Set Content-Language response header PR159
- npm ignore example folder
- check if cookie secure already set PR155
- allow setting of cookie secure PR154
- add language detector to default export PR153
- fixes cookie set crash on newer versions of express (v4) PR151
- fixes 1.1.0 detection should return a string not an array
- support returning fallback language when is set as Object PR146
- check if the headers are sent before cookies set PR145
- Use a named function for the middleware over an anonymous PR144
- Guard against non-string detections PR141
- Fix path detection can crash app (if req.originalUrl is not set) #137
- update cookie dependency adding overwrite flag #127
- fixes persisting lng on calling changeLanguage #918
- fixes rare issue in race condition of init call in cloned instance
- Fix path lookup logic where query was being included in path PR125
- call next without loading languages if there is no lng
- fixes call to loadLanguages
- use an i18next instance clone instead of a pseudo/mock object, keep clone lng and req.lng in sync
- adds localized routes
- adds default export for es6 users not want to use named exports.default