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Inference engine written in Elixir


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Infer is an inference engine that allows to declare logic based on data schemas (such as Ecto) in a central and concise way.

Why Infer?

Infer offers a declarative approach to application logic that especially shines in apps with:

  • Complex data schemas, especially when rules need to look at data in many multiple or deeply nested associated types/modules
  • Complex application logic, especially with many "edge cases" and other conditional logic
  • Large parts of the data being loaded (e.g. from the database) is only needed to compute final results

Infer helps in these cases, because:

  • Application logic is declared in a concise and clean way that's readable even to non-developers (with a short introduction)
  • Application logic can be laid out into modules as it makes sense for the application domain, not the code
  • No execution code needs to be written, just call Infer with a single or list of records and the desired results, and it will compute them
  • Infer loads required data as needed (e.g. from the database), in an optimized way that applies filtering, batching and concurrency, and avoids overfetching


Infer is sponsored by Team Engine, where we've been developing it internally since January 2021. We've been using it in production since March 2021, and increasingly port our business logic to it. To make it an easy-to-adopt open-source library, the next steps are to:

  • extract the code into this repo
  • re-add tests (because they were domain-specific)
  • write guides, a reference and an announcement
  • resolve absinthe-graphql/dataloader#129 and re-add dataloader as a hex dependency
  • release on


Add infer to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:infer, github: "infer-beam/infer"}

Configure your repo in config.exs:

config :infer, repo: MyApp.Repo

Import the formatter rules in .formatter.exs:

  import_deps: [:infer]


use Infer.Ecto.Schema enables a module to specify inferences, such as

use Infer.Ecto.Schema

infer has_children?: true, when: %{relatives: %{relation: "parent_of"}}
infer has_children?: false

Unlike full-fledged inference engines (such as calypte or retex), all rules in Infer are bound to an individual record type as their subject. This, in turn, allows to utilize Ecto schemas and queries to their full extent.


  • infer ... defines a rule in a module. It applies to an instance of that module: A struct, Ecto record, Ash resource, ...
  • This instance of a module, on which rules are evaluated, is the subject.
  • A rule can have a condition, or :when part, that must be met in order for it to apply, e.g. %{relatives: %{relation: "parent_of"}}.
  • When the condition is met, a given predicate is assigned a given value, e.g. has_children?: true. This is also called the result of the rule.
  • All rules are evaluated from top to bottom until the first one for each predicate matches, similar to a cond statement.
  • A condition can make use of other predicates as well as fields defined on the schema or struct of the underlying type.
  • An executed rule results in a (derived) fact: subject, predicate, value.

API overview

  • Infer.get/3 evaluates the given predicate(s) using only the (pre)loaded data available, and returns the result(s)
  • Infer.load/3 is like get, but loads any additional data as needed
  • Infer.put/3 is like load, but puts the results into the :inferred field (or virtual schema field) of the subject(s) as a map, and returns the subject(s)

These functions return a tuple, either {:ok, result}, {:error, error}, or {:not_loaded, data_reqs} (only get).

The corresponding Infer.get!/3, Infer.load!/3 and Infer.put!/3 functions return result directly, or otherwise raise an exception.


  • subjects can either be an individual subject (with the given predicates defined on it), or a list of subjects. Passing an individual subject will return the predicates for the subject, passing a list will return a list of them.
  • predicates can either be a single predicate, or a list of predicates. Passing a single predicate will return the resulting value, passing a list will return a map of the predicates and their resulting values.
  • options (optional) See below.


  • args (list or map) can be used to pass in data from the caller's context that can be used in rules (see Arguments below). A classic example is the current_user, e.g.
    Infer.put!(project, :can_edit?, args: [user: current_user])
  • extra_rules (module or list of modules) can be used to add context-specific rules that are not defined directly on the subject. This can be used to structure rules into their own modules and use them only where needed.
  • debug? (boolean) makes Infer print additional information to the console as rules are evaluated. Should only be used while debugging.


In a rule condition, the part after when: ...,

  • Maps represent multiple conditions, of which all need to be satisfied (logical AND).
  • Lists represent multiple conditions, of which at least one needs to be satisfied (logical OR).
  • Values can be negated using {:not, "value"}.


# :role must be "admin"
infer role: :admin, when: %{role: "admin"}

# :role must be either "admin" or "superadmin"
infer role: :admin, when: %{role: ["admin", "superadmin"]}

# :role must be "admin" and :verified? must be true
infer role: :admin, when: %{role: "admin", verified?: true}

# :role must be "admin" and :verified_at must not be nil
infer role: :admin, when: %{role: "admin", verified_at: {:not, nil}}

Boolean shorthand form

A single atom is a shorthand for %{atom: true}.

Conditions on list data

When conditions are tested against list data, e.g. a person's list of roles, the condition is satisfied if at least one element of the list matches the given conditions (like Enum.any?/2).

Although they might look similar, it's important to differentiate between lists that appear in conditions, and lists that appear in the data, which are checked against a condition.

When both occur together, i.e. a list in a condition is checked against a list of values, the condition is met if at least one of the condition list elements applies to at least one element of the value list.

For example:

infer :can_edit?, when: %{roles: ["project_manager", "admin"]}

iex> %Person{roles: ["worker", "assistant"]} |> Infer.get!(:can_edit?)

iex> %Person{roles: ["assistant", "project_manager"]} |> Infer.get!(:can_edit?)

iex> %Person{roles: ["admin"]} |> Infer.get!(:can_edit?)

The same applies to complex conditions.

Rule results

The assigned value of a predicate is generally assigned as is.

A few special tuples, however, will be replaced by Infer (see Features below)


infer d: 4
infer nested: %{a: 1, b: 2, c: {:ref, :d}}  # => %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 4}




  • {:ref, path} (in conditions and result values)


  • path is a list of fields or predicates, starting from the subject. The brackets can be omitted (i.a. an atom passed), if the path consists of one element. The last element can be a map or list (see Branching below)


infer ot_fields: %{editable: true},
    when: %{
      construction_bectu?: true,
      roles: %{
        user: {:ref, [:args, :user]},
        type: ["project_manager", "admin"]


Any part of the path that represents an underlying list of subjects, such as referencing a has_many association, will cause the result of the :ref to be a list as well. It basically behaves similar to

A map as last element of a path will branch the returned result out into this map. The keys are returned as is, the values must be a list (or atom) continuing that path. This is particularly powerful when used on a list of subjects (see above), because it will return the given map with the values at the given paths for each underlying subject:

A list as last element of a path behaves like a map where each value equals its key.


infer list: [%{a: 1, b: 2, c: %{d: 4}}, %{a: 9, b: 8, c: %{d: 6}}]

infer result1: {:ref, [:list, :a]}  # => [1, 9]
infer result2: {:ref, [:list, %{x: :a, y: [:c, :d]}]}  # => [%{x: 1, y: 4}, %{x: 9, y: 6}]
infer result3: {:ref, [:list, [:a, :b]]}  # => [%{a: 1, b: 2}, %{a: 9, b: 8}]


Passing :args as an option to any of the Infer API functions enables referencing the passed data in conditions and values using {:ref, [:args, ...]}.

Overriding existing fields

It's possible to give predicates the same name as existing fields in the schema. This represents the fact that these fields are derived from other data, using rules.

Rules on these fields can even take into account the existing value of the underlying field. In order to reference it, use :fields in between a path or condition, for example:

schema "blog_posts" do
  field :state
  field :published_at

# nilify published_at when deleted, or when it's an old archived post
infer published_at: nil, when: %{state: "deleted"}
infer published_at: nil, when: %{state: "archived", fields: %{published_at: {:before, ~D[2020-02-20]}}}
infer published_at: {:ref, [:fields, :published_at]}

While it's always possible to achieve a similar behavior by giving the predicate a different name than the field, and then mapping the predicate to the field somewhere else, using the field name in conjunction with :fields makes explicit that it's a conditional override.

Binding subject parts


  • {:bind, key} (in conditions)
  • {:bind, key, subcondition} (in conditions)
  • {:bound, key} (in result values)
  • {:bound, key, default} (in result values)

When a condition is evaluated on a list of values, the first value satisfying the condition can be bound to a variable using {:bind, variable}.

These bound values can be referenced using {:bound, key} with an optional default: {:bound, key, default}.

infer project_manager: {:bound, :person},
    when: %{roles: %{type: "project_manager", person: {:bind, :person}}}

Local aliases


  • infer_alias key: ... (in modules before using key in infer ...)

In order to create shorthands and avoid repetition, aliases can be defined. These apply only to subsequent rules within the same module and are not exposed in any other way.

infer_alias pm?: %{roles: %{type: ["project_manager", admin]}}

infer ot_fields: %{editable: true}, when: [:pm?, %{construction_bectu?: true}]

Calling functions


  • {&, [arg_1, ..., arg_n]} (in result values)
  • {&, arg_1} (in result values)

Any function can be called to map the given arguments to other values. The function arguments must be passed as a list, except if it's only one. Arguments can be fixed values or other Infer features (passed as is), such as references.

infer day_of_week: {&Date.day_of_week/1, {:ref, :date}}

infer duration: {&Timex.diff/3, [{:ref, :start_datetime}, {:ref, :end_datetime}, :hours]}

Only pure functions with low overhead should be used. Infer might call them very often during evaluation (once after each loading of data).



  • {:query_one, type, conditions}
  • {:query_one, type, conditions, options}
  • {:query_first, type, conditions}
  • {:query_first, type, conditions, options}
  • {:query_all, type, conditions}
  • {:query_all, type, conditions, options}


  • type is a module name (or Ecto queryable), e.g. an Ecto schema
  • conditions is a keyword list of fields and their respective values, or lists of values, they must match
  • options is a subset of the options that Ecto queries support:
    • order_by
    • limit


The first key-value pair has a special behavior: It is used as the main condition for Dataloader, and thus should have the highest cardinality. It must be a single value, not a list of values.

Rule of thumb: Put a single field that has the most unique values as first condition.

Transforming lists


  • {:filter, source, condition} (in result values)
  • {:map, source, mapper} (in result values)
  • {:map, source, bind_key/condition, mapper} (in result values)


  • source can either be a list literal, a field or predicate that evaluates to a list, or another feature such as a query.
  • condition has the same form and functionality as any other rule condition.
  • mapper can either be a field or predicate (atom), or is otherwise treated as any other rule value.

There are 3 variants:

  • {:filter, source, condition} keeps only elements from source, for which the condition is met.
  • {:map, source, mapper} returns the result of mapper for each element in source.
  • {:map, source, bind_key/condition, mapper} is a special form of :map, where the mapper is based on the subject of the rule, not the list element. The list element is referenced using the middle arg, which can be either:
    • a bind_key (atom) - the current list element is referenced via {:bound, bind_key} in the mapper
    • a condition - any values bound in the condition via {:bind, key, ...} can be accessed via {:bound, key} in the mapper

Use the special form of :map only when you need to reference both the list element (via :bound), and the subject of the rule (via :ref). Using a combination of :filter and basic :map instead is always preferred, if possible.

Any nil elements in the list are mapped to nil, when using :map without condition.


infer accepted_offers: {:filter, :offers, %{state: "accepted"}}

infer offer_ids: {:map, :offers, :id}

infer first_offer_of_same_user:
        {:map, :offers, %{state: "accepted", user_id: {:bind, :uid, {:not, nil}}},
         {:query_first, Offer, user_id: {:bound, :uid}, project_id: {:ref, :project_id}}}



  • {:count, source, condition/predicate} (in result values)
  • {:count_while, source, condition/predicate} (in result values)


  • source can either be a list literal, a field or predicate that evaluates to a list, or another feature such as a query.
  • condition has the same form and functionality as any other rule condition.
  • predicate can either be a predicate (atom) that returns either true, false, or :skip (only for :count_while)

Takes the given list and counts the elements that evaluate to true. :count_while stops after the first element that returns false. To not count an element, but not stop counting either, the given predicate may return :skip. Any nil elements in the list are treated as false.

Predicate groups (not implemented yet)

Groups with multiple predicates can be defined and used as shorthands in assigns and preloads. See predicate_group/1 for examples.

By default, Infer defines :all_fields as a group of all fields defined, e.g. Struct fields, Ecto schema fields, ...


  • In API: A group name can be passed to the Infer API to infer all predicates in that group.
  • In rule results: Instead of a simple key, a list of keys can be given as a key as a short hand to setting the same value for all listed keys, e.g. %{[:admin?, :senior?] => true}. This also enables using predicate groups as keys.

Rule checks at compile-time (not implemented yet)

Problems that can be detected at compile-time:

  • Invalid rule: "Rule X uses non-existing predicate :has_child?. Did you mean :has_children?"
  • Invalid function call: "Infer.get!(%Person{}, :has_child?) uses non-existing predicate :has_child?. Did you mean :has_children?"
  • Cycles in rule definitions: "Cycle detected: Rule X on Person references Rule Y on Role. Rule Y on Role references Rule X on Person."
  • Unreachable rules: "Rule Y can never be reached, as Rule X always matches."


Inference engine written in Elixir







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