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An ERC20 Utility Smart Contract / Token.

That enables people to meet on chain, converse and decide whether to date in real life, in the metaverse or continue looking for a match. The core idea is based around a dating mechanism that encourages people to get to know each other, rather than swipe left/right before they get to know matches.

Setup (React, Truffle, Ganache)

  • inside the root folder
  • install dependancies npm i
  • run react dapp npm run start
  • open ganache app
  • truffle compile --network development to build contracts (copy the output into /src/build/contracts)
  • deploy smart contract inside local development env truffle migrate --network development
  • when making contract changes run: truffle compile then truffle migrate --reset --network development (move root/contracts folder into REACT src/build/contracts each time)
  • Once the Dapp is running on localhost 3000, select create mock profile
  • Change your wallet address and create another
  • With 2 addresses, select 'date' which will create a date between the two addresses

Network React

See App.js line 43: const networkId = 3; // ropsten or for localhost use 5777;


run truffle test

Project Demo walk through

Github Pages

Deployed to Ropsten

Notes / status of project

During the final stage of development, it became clear that some of the methods worked inside Remix, but not in test deployment (localhost) including; updating and deactiation of profiles.

The messages in a real world product would be encrypted and stored on a service such as IPFS to reduce costs. At this time, these can all be read onchain.

I would have liked to have dug deeper into creating a DAO with this concept, allowing people to vote on if a message is offensive and giving tokens for their time to assist. Have a means build governance around roles, benefits and a multi-sig implementation to ensure eth stored in the contract can be used wisely to improve the Dapp.

A reveal methodology to the platform was intended, revealing more about their date as they progress. With supporting Tokenomics to encourage the users to engage with their date - getting to know the other person before the date is over.

Please answer the following questions. Does your project:

  1. Follow this naming format: YES

  2. Contain a file which describes the project, describes the directory structure, and where the frontend project can be accessed? And has your public Ethereum address if you'd like your certification as an NFT (optional)? YES

  3. Contain smart contract(s) which: --Are commented to the specs described by NatSpec Solidity documentation --Use at least two design patterns from the "Smart Contracts" section --Protect against two attack vectors from the "Smart Contracts" section with its the SWC number --Inherits from at least one library or interface --Can be easily compiled, migrated and tested? YES

  4. Contain a Markdown file named and YES

  5. Have at least five smart contract unit tests that pass? YES

  6. Contain a deployed_address.txt file which contains the testnet address and network where your contract(s) have been deployed? YES

  7. Have a frontend interface built with a framework like React or HTML/CSS/JS that: --Detects the presence of MetaMask --Connects to the current account --Displays information from your smart contract --Allows a user to submit a transaction to update smart contract state --Updates the frontend if the transaction is successful or not? YES

  8. Hosted on Github Pages, Heroku, Netlify, Fleek, or some other free frontend service that gives users a public interface to your decentralized application? (That address should be in your document) YES

  9. Have clear instructions for:

  1. Installing dependencies for your project
  2. Accessing or—if your project needs a server (not required)—running your project
  3. Running your smart contract unit tests and which port a local testnet should be running on. YES
  1. A screencast of you walking through your project? YES

Congratulations on finishing your final project!

Starting migrations...

Network name: 'ropsten' Network id: 3 Block gas limit: 8000000 (0x7a1200) 1_initial_migration.js ====================== Deploying 'Migrations'

transaction hash: 0x60d151a04f89108b12db3f2701a51ff948538bff58896891b94b99fe3eef1ea9 Blocks: 1 Seconds: 13 contract address: 0x7f23805437CA7195DBa6B14342488844a3c2fFBA block number: 11526531 block timestamp: 1638283817 account: 0x16280eeE823Ba628E9Ef5e2036c253B253fE31Fe balance: 0.885213288000420409 gas used: 245600 (0x3bf60) gas price: 2.643494829 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0006492423300024 ETH

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.0006492423300024 ETH


Deploying 'BlindDate'

transaction hash: 0x34a6b71258479b169cd36cce9eef18581cd0a9dc366399a092cc9c6bad3389dd Blocks: 0 Seconds: 21 contract address: 0xa62985EB8538270F25426962234bb8A0eCA8e0F3 block number: 11526533 block timestamp: 1638283855 account: 0x16280eeE823Ba628E9Ef5e2036c253B253fE31Fe balance: 0.871527263539371216 gas used: 5116200 (0x4e1128) gas price: 2.651272956 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0135644426974872 ETH

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.0135644426974872 ETH


Total deployments: 2 Final cost: 0.0142136850274896 ETH










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