This exercise can be used to demonstrate techniques in Functional Reactive Programming
There are two simple User Interfaces provided - a weather publisher, and a weather subscriber
The existing code provides observable streams of events (as RXJava Observable) within the subscriber
These events relate to changes in weather conditions such as temperature, wind strength.
Your job is to hook up these event streams to drive various aspects of the subscriber UI
There are various forms of transport pictured and your job is to enable them when weather conditions are suitable
You should only need to modify the class com.od.weatherkata.subscriber.WeatherSubscriber
- Run com.od.weatherkata.subscriber.WeatherSubscriberUI to start the subscriber UI
- Run com.od.weatherkata.publisher.WeatherPublisherUI to start the publisher UI
- Run com.od.weatherkata.RunChorusTests to run the tests - try to make them all pass
From the controller you can change various aspects of the weather.
The subscriber receives push notifications of these changes via a ZeroMQ sockets connection
The rx-java framework has been chosen as the reactive programming library.
You need jdk 1.8+ with maven to build the project (or add the maven dependencies manually)