My personal Neovim config, Lua-only, from scratch where "scratch" means a bunch of plugins supplemented with personal quirks.
Assumes macOS and Neovim 0.9+.
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install neovim ripgrep fzf bat git-delta gnu-sed fd rg lazygit
You'll also need node, golang, zig and zstd to auto-install language servers (zstd is used to compress the Zig language server):
brew install node golang zig zstd
mkdir ~/.config && cd ~/.config
git clone nvim
Optionally set the theme for bat to match Neovim, so that preview colours match:
mkdir -p "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
cd "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
curl -O
bat cache --build
bat --list-themes | grep tokyo # should output "tokyonight_night"
echo '--theme="tokyonight_night"' > "$(bat --config-dir)/config"
├── -> You are here.
├── init.lua -> ASCII art and includes.
├── lazy-lock.json -> Plugin lockfile updated by Lazy.
├── local-plugins/ -> Personal plugins not yet released publicly.
└── lua
└── config
├── autocommands.lua -> Auto-strip whitespace, file picker on load.
├── keymaps.lua -> Do things when you press things.
├── lazy.lua -> Bootstrap the Lazy plugin manager.
├── options.lua -> General settings.
└── plugins -> Plugin configs, loaded automatically by Lazy.
├── [plugin1].lua
├── [plugin2].lua
└── [...].lua
<space> f p
to find files in current project.<space> f f
to find lines in current file (similar to swiper in Emacs).<space> f g
to search text in current project (backed by ripgrep).<space> e
to toggle the file tree. (Thena
to create,e
to edit,d
to delete,?
for help,Ctrl-e
to close.)<space> m
for mini file browser: create, edit, or move files by editing the nav buffer then press = in normal mode to commit changes. Browse with hjkl.<space> f j
for the project switcher.<space> f b
for buffer list, then Ctrl-x to close buffer.<space> f y
for LSP symbols list.<space> f s
for git status, left to stage, right to unstage.<space> j
for word jump targets.<space> t
for tab jump targets.Ctrl-h
to go back in jump list (also reopens closed buffers).Ctrl-l
to go forward, :FzfLua jumps for a visual view.Ctrl-w
to close the buffer.Ctrl-q
to save all and quit.Ctrl-r
to find-replace across project (uses Grug Find and Replace).Ctrl-j
to navigate tabs.
I use these in normal mode in place of the default Ctrl-w window commands, since I map Ctrl-w to close buffer:
<space> w v
to split vertically.<space> w s
to split horizontally.<space> w h
to move cursor left.<space> w l
to move cursor right.<space> w r
to rotate buffers between window.<space> w d|x
to close the window.<space> b d|x
to close the buffer.
<space> g h
to display a GitHub CLI UI.<space> h p
to preview a git hunk.<space> h r
to reset a git hunk.<space> h R
to reset the current buffer.<space> h s
to stage the hunk.<space> h S
to stage the buffer.
to show LSP
to show LSP
to go to definition and Ctrl-o to
to show references and :q to exit.F2
to rename current cursor position.F4
for code actions on the current cursor position.Ctrl-;
to format the current buffer or selection if the LSP server provides formatting support.
to update/install plugins.:FzfLua
for all FzfLua pickers.:Mason
to manage LSP servers.:LspInfo
is sometimes useful, as is:LspInstall
Managed with Lazy, which gives us a lockfile, automatic caching and bytecode compilation, a smart upgrade/install UI with load time reports, and easy plugin config split across files.
Configs in ./lua/config/plugins/
are automatically loaded.
summons the plugin UI.
Things to explore:
- Format pasted code when it's pasted.
- Hex editor backed by xxd:
- Disable or adjust swap file handling?
- Check how file handling works if open buffers are deleted outside of nvim, such as when when switching git branch.
- Explore writing modes, perhaps or
- Look at neural and similar? or or
- Task runner for cargo run etc. with jump-to-line for compiler errors, via quickfix lists or other.
- Play with replacer:
- Try tabout:
- Crates and package.json version number helpers:
- Explore
I use panes or tabs instead of Neovim's terminal emulation. Long-running terminal processes in Neovim itself reduce editor performance for me. (If I open a toggleterm, then run yes
and toggle the terminal closed, Neovim movements and edits lag for me.)
I use git and GitHub CLI in the terminal, as well as lazygit in a separate long-running terminal tab.
- Plugin ideas:
- More plugin ideas:
- New stuff every week:
- The semi-official starter config. A little scrappy but worth reading:
- Opinionated starter distribution using custom plugins:
- Less opinionated starter distributions using off-the-shelf plugins: and
- An overview of Neovim's LSP configuration spaghetti: